59 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 5-25-18

  1. Good Morning. We are in for some bad weather this weekend. A tropical storm is going to stall in the Gulf and it should rain all weekend.
    In other news, guess who is having a spend the night at Grandpa and Mimi’s house tonight?

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  2. Peter – Last night you wrote that this year your age will be your wife’s birth year (61) and her age will be your birth year (57). That’s what I pointed out to Hubby a couple years ago when he turned 61 and I turned 55. Thought that was pretty neat.

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  3. Our senior editor must be consuming a lot of coffee this week, he’s trying to hold down the fort at the emptied-out newspaper across the harbor and oversee us as well. I had an email from him before 7 this morning asking if he could post one of my stories that was still in draft form as I have yet to add another quote to it today from a returned phone call I see came in after I left yesterday. He’s like a spinning top.

    Today will be busy, I have another story to write on top of getting the other one finished.

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  4. I wish we’d get rain, though a tropical storm might be a tad much. We are still entrenched in May Gray, it’s been cloudy and drizzly all week and it’s expected to go on for quite a while according to the forecast. OK by me! I find May Gray to be very soothing.


  5. Sigh… it never rains but it pours. Discovered a tick burrowed into me this morning. Unfortunately, my attempt to remove it smashed it, so I cannot send it for testing. Lyme’s disease has become a problem here, but how that tick got on me is slightly worrying, as I’ve only once been outside since I got home (due to my asthma) and I didn’t spend very long out or go very far into the forest.

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  6. AAAAAaaaaagh! Eeeeek! I hate ticks! They seriously creep me out, even without the Lyme’s connection.

    I had one as a kid after we went to the mountains and one of my dogs had one a few years ago after we’d walked on some horse trails on the Peninsula. Someone at the dog park said they’d gotten them in their house once and found an entire wall of their basement was covered with them!

    Am I helping you feel better?

    I’m sure it’s just one …

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  7. DJ, one of your dogs had one once?! Misten largely lost walk privileges in Indiana when we took her on a walk and afterward I removed 12 ticks from her fur over the course of the afternoon–none had burrowed in. (There was no way to walk her on our road and keep her out of the grass, and she had a huge backyard in which to run and rarely got ticks there, so after that she got to stay home.)


  8. Rain. We had plans today to squeeze in a trip to Lewiston to get the passports for the children so they can go truck driving into Canada. It is required that both parents go, so I was on board. We were to leave as soon as daughter’s tax payer supplied ride arrived to take her to her morning activities and get home before they returned her. Unfortunately, due to heavy rain, mud slides have closed many of the local roads including the one to us from her destination. So husband will take her in the long way, he and son will wait for her and then bring her home after counseling. Sadly, I will be forced to transfer my peppers from the greenhouse to the garden beds. Yesterday was tomatoes and marigolds and other things, today is peppers. I say sadly, but I am not. Maybe I will collect some spinach and lettuces and beets while I am out there.


  9. Guinea fowl do a good job on ticks. At least it has cut way down on the number of ticks I find on my children the past few years. We are now out of guineas. Time to restock.


  10. Opossums also eat ticks.

    More on the Southern Baptist issues:



    (RNS) — One day after the removal of a prominent seminary president following a series of contentious remarks about women, Southern Baptists have begun a public reckoning.

    The forced retirement of Paige Patterson, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, has broken a dam of anger, resentment and recrimination both for his comments about abused women as well as apparent efforts by the seminary’s trustees to protect his reputation even as they eased him out.

    While not discussing Patterson by name, Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., sounded an alarm.

    “I have to see it as the judgment of God upon a denomination and the larger evangelical movement for decades of failure in dealing rightly with questions of sexual abuse and misbehavior,” Mohler said in an interview with RNS.

    Mohler warned that the impact of the #MeToo movement on the denomination was just beginning and that “we’re going to discover this problem is far more widespread.” …


  11. During a little discussion on yesterday’s prayer thread last night, 6 Arrows encouraged me to keep sharing about my feelings of grief. (I had said that I was holding back lately on sharing too much.) So here goes. . .

    It seems to be getting worse. (I think I have mentioned that, though.) The reality of it continues to settle in. I’ve probably written a few times through the past seven (almost eight) months that the reality is settling in. I’ve found that there are degrees and levels.

    The reality is settling in.

    The reality is settling in.

    The reality is settling in.

    And then it screams, “The REALITY IS SETTLING IN.

    The grief seems to seep deeper into the bones. The missing him becomes more acute.

    Often, I cry out, “I don’t want to do this anymore!” But there is no way out.

    Now, as depressing as this sounds, there are still the moments of enjoying my family, enjoying my life, my reading, my TV shows, and taking care of my responsibilities around here. The two kinds of moments – moments of enjoyment and moments of grief – are each sprinkled throughout any given day, often entangled together.

    In general, I would say I am doing well, but it is an odd thing – I am both doing fine and grieving more all at the same time, in the same day, in the same hour.

    As I said to 6 last night, I pray that God will use this pain of mine to help someone in some way. I was thankful for the opportunity to offer some words to my cousin-in-law Debbie, whose husband died earlier this month.

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  12. Since I started writing here about this journey after Hubby died, I’ve been copying-and-pasting my comments (only about the grief or family stuff) to emails to myself, to re-read some day.


  13. Kizzie, everybody experiences grief differently but generally it seems the reality does take some time and will continue to take time. and the grief continues but it does lessen over time. My closest experience with it was my mom and my sister and they were not daily in my life anymore. It has been thirty five years and nearing twenty and I still miss them but it no longer hurts. We do not know how to pray for you if you don’t tell us, thought the Spirit prays continually.

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  14. Some interesting thoughts on Bishop Curry’s theology. (And I couldn’t resist reading it because of the coyote picture. Or the KY-ot(e) picture.)

    The Social Gospel Is Unkind



    … You are just not that awesome.

    And this is why the Michael Curry gospel of, “Change the world with your awesome love,” is so devastating. It places you in the eternally precarious position of having to bring about the work of God on earth by the power of your feelings and emotions which are, in themselves, deceptive, weak, and guaranteed to lead you astray. Love God, love yourself, and while you’re at it love your neighbor is an unkindness to you and to the world because you can’t. Even if you wanted to, which is a dubious proposition, you can’t.

    But someone else can. …

    … this other person who can see from one corner of the cosmos to the other, who has brought you into existence by his Word, who is powerful enough to keep you alive forever, he himself is love. His love gathers up your failures, sin, deception, blindness, insecurity, and weakness and puts it as far away from you as the east is from the west. He takes your death onto himself and dies instead of you, when you should have. When you trust him, he gives you himself. He gives you his True Self, which is better and stronger and more far seeing and truthful than your true self which fails a lot more often than you could possibly bear to see.

    You are not good and you are not love. But God is Good and He is Love. This is the kindness, deepest, richest, most beautiful thing any of us can say, one unto another. If you find yourself faced with your own ruination of yourself and your life, you can still turn to Jesus and be saved. You can say you are sorry. You can admit that you didn’t know. You can accept that you were wrong. And God, being merciful and kind, desiring that none should perish, will accept you and apply the blood of his Son to cover all your unrighteousness. Turn from yourself and live. That single pivot, toward the love and mercy of a Good and Kind God, will change the world. It will overturn every measure of who you are, it will restore your broken and crumbling corner of the cosmos, and it will reverberate all the way out to eternity. If love is all you need, this is the only love that will do it.


  15. Kizzie. Think you are right on schedule for your grief. You are still in the year of firsts. Fathers Day is coming. The first you and your children will have without him.
    It I almost 10 years since my father died. A year or so ago a song came on the radio. I started crying
    It is a journey. Not a destination.

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  16. Another piece on the royal wedding sermon:

    When Preaching at the Royal Wedding – Go Hard or Go Home



    On the 19th of May 2018, the Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan was broadcast and watched around the world. Yet it was not the dress that I saw spoken about so much, nor the new look of the royal wedding service. Instead it was the sermon of Rev. Michael Curry. Upon hearing the sermon that afternoon I posted a status to my personal Facebook page saying,

    ‘Man, that sermon.

    So close and yet so far.


    Talented guy though.


    My status, surprisingly to me, garnered a mass of controversy and even to this moment as I write, it is still being commented on by various, professing Christians. I have replied to many on there, and now after much thought and reflection in the last few days since the royal wedding sermon, here are my lasting thoughts.

    I’m shocked this sermon has been discussed so much and so fervently by Christians. I honestly believe it shows where we are as a Western church when we would be so celebratory of a self-proclaimed Christian preacher not preaching the Christian message.

    Don’t get me mistaken, I want love preached. Love is the essence of the Gospel, God is love. Yet without Christ, his person and work, and the reason and purpose of that work, there can be no true understanding of real love, especially real soul-saving, life-transforming love.

    Many Christians shy away from speaking about sin and repentance, and even hell, but if we just look to Christ as our example – he never shied away from these things. Without these he had no message to preach. Just take, for example, his first sermon on earth as recorded in Mark 1:14-15, “Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”’

    Without a clear proclamation and understanding of the bad news, such as the darkness of sin and evil in our world that mankind is reveling in, there is no good news of love. …

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  17. The Boy was picked up at the school bus stop by his dad for his weekly overnight visit. A little while before X would arrive at the top of the lane, I took The Boy’s Lacrosse gear (for Saturday practice) up to leave by my mailbox.

    Coming back in, I took off my sandals. Then I got a text from Nightingale. Tomorrow’s practice has been cancelled.

    Put sandals back on. Walked back up the lane. Brought Lacrosse gear back. 😀

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  18. About this age and year-of-birth “coincidence” that Peter brought up yesterday…

    My KJ observed this phenomenon last year when she turned 25 and her grandmother would have turned 92. Grandma was born in ’25 and KJ in ’92. We worked out that this will happen for any two people in the year that’s the sum of their two birth years, considering only the last two digits. For KJ and grandma that’s 92+25=117, so it happened for them in 2017.

    For Peter and Mrs L, 57+61=118, thus 2018. For Kizzie and Hubby, 55+61=116, thus 2016.

    The funny thing was that KJ hated math when she was growing up because it didn’t come as easily for her as most subjects. But she enjoyed playing with these age numbers, turning them into variables, and showing algebraically that it works for any two people. I enjoyed teasing her, telling her to stop it, she’s not supposed to enjoy math.

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  19. Kizzie, be patient with yourself. As others have said, what you are experiencing is completely understandable. My closest losses have been my grandparents and aunt and uncle, and sometimes still, for those of my family who died years ago, a wave of grief will wash up, bringing both sweet memories of the person and a renewed sense of their loss.

    When my father returned home from his mother’s funeral, he brought back some items of his mother’s that either my grandmother had left instructions to be given to us or that our aunt thought we could use. I happen to be the same size and build as my paternal grandmother, and her clothes, some of which I had seen her wearing, fit me perfectly (I know a few of you on FB thought I looked like her, too, but my head and face are not the same shape as hers and her hat was the one item that did not fit me). It hurts a little to be wearing her clothes as it reminds me of my loss; yet knowing my grandmother, she would have been pleased that her things were useful to me.

    As for that mingled joy and sorrow, the mingling of those two emotions has long seemed to me to be woven into the fabric of life, especially for the Christian (I Peter 1:6-8). There has been a lot of laughter as well as tears at the funerals I have attended in my family. When my uncle was buried, his children, instead of having us all put a flower on his coffin as had been done for our grandparents, had printed off enlarged facsimiles of those stickers that are found on bunches of bananas. My uncle, when he ate a banana for his work lunch, would take the sticker off the peel and put it on his lunchbox (my father did the same thing) so that the box was always covered with the stickers. At my cousins’ request, we all stuck the banana stickers on his coffin, laughing through our tears. As we all agreed, my uncle would have thoroughly enjoyed the joke. So we rejoiced over the memory of his gift of laughter and wept for the loss of that gift.

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  20. DJ, I didn’t watch the royal wedding and thus missed the sermon, but when I saw the excerpts that secular media outlets were quoting, I knew what kind of sermon it had been. I have heard more than one such watery sermon from a minister of a more liberal denomination, the most recent being the United Church minister who took my grandmother’s funeral, and I really wouldn’t have expected anything more substantial from an Episcopalian. I don’t, however, recall seeing this much of a kerfuffle over the Archbishop of Canterbury’s similarly watery sermon for Prince William and his bride, which I did watch. I guess it was the fact that the minister was an American that really got American commentators sitting up and taking notice.

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  21. My parents are two years apart in age, and always enjoy the pun that comes from their ages in the year when my mother turns a new decade, so they can tell people, “[Mother] is seventy and [Father] is seventy two.”

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  22. Question for those with taste in dressing/jewelry combinations. Many years ago, I was classified as a ‘winter’ when it came to colour combinations that suited my natural complexion. I always remember the list of things that I ‘couldn’t’ wear (some of which were quite accurate, since green, for example, turns me green), and among the no wear list was gold tinted jewelry, so ever after, I have worn silver tinted jewelry, when I do wear jewelry. Many years ago, I had a small gold pendant given to me that I never had a chain for, but I kept it because it was a special gift. My grandmother left me a chain which perfectly matches the pendant, and I was wondering if there was really any reason I could not wear them, despite my ‘winter’ colouring.


  23. They are doing repair work today so internet will be down all day. Guess I will have to work instead of play. Actually we do our report cards online so this will be difficult as that is what I need to work on.

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  24. Loved the banana story 😄

    I missed the sermon, too, but heard excerpts — I think it was the black / American preaching style (at a proper royal wedding no less) that garnered the heavy coverage — and the inoffensive content of course. Not saying it was a time and place to preach the full gospel, but the message seemed to be more universalist in nature. At any rate ‘everyone’ seemed to have loved it (your first clue that the gospel wasn’t preached? 😏)

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  25. Kizzie, I think of you whenever I see a certain lady in our church who was widowed a little after you were. (Her husband died last November.)

    I don’t know her very well (we’re in a congregation with over 1,000 members, so it’s pretty common for even long-time members to not know a number of fellow congregants all that well), but occasionally we end up at the same service.

    Anyway, I noticed at first, after her husband’s death, that she appeared pretty much as she usually did — smiling, chatting with people she knew well. She seemed to be doing quite well. Her kids, too. (I think all three of them are teenagers, but the oldest one may be twenty.)

    As time goes on, though, her smile has faded, and there’s something in her face that is altered that I can’t put a finger on. Something deeper, maybe once-hidden, that appears to be coming to the surface.

    She doesn’t necessarily look older, and I can’t see what might be worry lines etched in her face, but there’s…something. A deeper contemplation, perhaps, of what is. (I’m sure you could describe it better than I could, Kizzie.)

    I’ve found myself praying for her and her children more now than I did at first after her husband’s death, or during his brief fight with cancer (he died the year after he was diagnosed).

    I often think of something a friend (B) told me years ago. B’s best friend had lost a daughter to suicide, and B walked steadfastly beside her friend to help her through her grief. One thing B learned in the journey is that there were a lot of people who came alongside her friend in the early days and weeks following her daughter’s death.

    But after the initial shock of losing her daughter and the whirlwind of arrangements that needed to be made gave way to a quieter reality, everyone who had previously helped out in some way at first just slowly dwindled away, and resumed their previous lives.

    The loneliness deepened, and she had few confidantes who stayed through the difficult months ahead.

    Kizzie, this is why I encouraged you to not hold back. You have a community here who will listen to you. Share your heart. God gave you the people in your life whom He did for a reason. We can learn much from you, and God can and will use it in His own way to give whatever He has in mind for you, as well.

    I’d encourage you to be unafraid of showing the messy, heart-wrenching emotions that go with grief to your friends, and to your adult daughters, if I may be so bold as to suggest that. It may help encourage them to release emotions that they are holding in.

    I’m truly hoping I haven’t overstepped my bounds in saying that last part. You certainly know your daughters better than I know them.

    Bottom line, Kizzie, we care for you. Let us know how we can help.

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  26. Roscuro, I’m an “autumn,” so gold, in clothing and jewelry and other accessories is part of the recommendation for me. There were also “no-no”s for certain colors that aren’t apparently fitting for my natural color scheme.

    However, I have worn some of those “don’t” colors and have drawn compliments about how nice they look, so my philosophy, while I mostly wear “my” colors, is, wear whatever you want if you like it or want to wear it! 🙂

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  27. The only birth year patterns I can think of for our family is that all our girls were born in odd-numbered years, and the boys in even years.

    Right now our older son is twice the age of our younger son. That sounds like the start of an algebra problem, but I will quit now before I run into trouble. 😉

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  28. My husband and I were born the opposite pattern of the above (I in an even year, like our sons, and he in an odd year, like our daughters).

    An interesting pattern happened with our kids WRT their birth days (days of the week). It continued through our fifth child, but then 6 Arrow was born 3 hours and 11 minutes too late.

    1st Arrow: born on a Sunday
    2nd Arrow: Friday (two days before or five days after Sunday)
    3rd Arrow: Wednesday (same pattern)
    4th: Monday
    5th: Saturday

    6th should have been Thursday. My water broke Wednesday night around 11:00 pm. Labor didn’t start, and didn’t start, and didn’t start…until they told me to come in to the hospital, we will induce.

    7:30 pm Thursday induction; 3:10 am Friday birth.

    She broke the pattern. Ah, well. She also distinguished herself by speaking her first gramatically-complete sentence the week of her first birthday. She’s always been ahead of the game (and she was my only one not born after the due date), except for that hours-late entrance into the world. 🙂

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  29. I’m an ‘autumn’ and I always wear silver jewelry. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to be wearing it! I like it because it’s more casual (which I am) — it’s also cheaper, of course. I love earrings and even genuine sterling silver is often affordable (though I’ve worn the cheaper silver colored earrings, too, just so they’re nickel free as I have a nickel allergy — titanium seems to actually be the “safest” metal for me).

    6 Arrows (6:22), beautifully articulated.


  30. I’m not sure everyone did love it in that royal crowd. I saw some eye rolling and stiff upper lifting in the excerpt I glimpsed. I agree, it was probably the style.


  31. _______________________________
    … The Alabama pastor posted a joke in a private Facebook group conversation earlier this week in a response to the trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s decision to instate a new president and name Paige Patterson president emeritus and a theologian-in-residence.

    Patrick joked that he had once seen a donkey being gang raped by five individuals, among them the current Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore, whom he believed had been behind Patterson’s ouster, in a sarcastic attempt to show how anyone could be accused of anything in today’s culture. Patrick considered the swirl of charges surrounding Patterson a witch hunt against a good man he respects.

    He took down his comments soon after he posted them, but not before they had been screenshotted and republished elsewhere online. …

    Connect 316 is a Southern Baptist ministry that celebrates the Hobbs-Rogers tradition in Southern Baptist life, according to its About Us page. The ministry is resisting the rising tide of Calvinism within the denomination and prefers “the kind of salvation doctrine one might hear at a Billy Graham Crusade,” representing the theological camp in the SBC called “traditionalists.”

    Patrick explained Wednesday that he posted his comment while he was “extremely upset” about Patterson’s firing, reiterating his regret for his words.

    “I do not speak of such things in my daily conversation. It is truly not who I am. After lashing out with sarcasm, I realized how wrong I was and removed the post from the private Facebook group after about 90 seconds. However, someone had already taken a screen shot and posted it publicly. My sin was thus exposed on social media.” …


  32. Don’t worry, dear friends, I am being patient with myself. I know that this is a long-haul journey, not a quick trip down the road.

    Last week, I was begininning (I’m leaving that typo in because it’s funny 🙂
    ) to get annoyed with myself for not being more proactive on certain things that need to be done around here. But I had to admit that I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do those things right now, and they’re not urgent anyway, they can wait. I know myself well enough to know that one day the mood will strike me to get going on those things, and I will get them done. (But prayers for wisdom and motivation at the right time would be appreciated. Thanks.)

    6 Arrows – I do talk to my girls now and then about how I am feeling, and I know that they are still hurting. Nightingale told me her sort-of-boyfriend caught her crying the night of Hubby’s birthday. Chickadee doesn’t say much, but she has indicated that she, too, misses him much.

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  33. I had started a long comment, forget I hadn’t clicked on Post Comment, and then refreshed the page. 😦 This time I’ll break it up into a bunch of smaller comments.

    My husband is still feeling some relief from pain in his knee, following last week’s procedure, but not as much as the previous time. Apparently that’s how it’s supposed to work, as they try to pinpoint where/how to do the permanent one. So he’s looking forward to the permanent one.

    He was disappointed to visit the orthopedist and find out there’s nothing he can do. The way he described it, the problem is that “the tread is worn down,” and the orthopedist was surprised he didn’t have as much pain in the other knee as well. We had thought the issue preventing him getting a knee replacement was his age (not even 55 yet) or his weight, but it turns out it’s because of his diabetes, too much risk of infection and things not healing well in his leg. (Before the diabetes was diagnosed, he had an open wound for months in his lower leg.)

    But at least there’s not something new that he did to damage his knee, which was what we wondered about, if the nerve block was keeping him from noticing new damage. The sudden intense pain was most likely his torn meniscus getting caught in a particularly bad way for a while.

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  34. Hubby’s home now. Thanks.

    DJ, 7:37, thank you.

    Kizzie, I’m glad you talk with your girls about your feelings, and always believed you were doing so. (I hope it didn’t sound as if I thought you weren’t sharing your hurts with them.)

    I guess when I wrote above about “showing the messy, heart-wrenching emotions that go with grief” I was (maybe not totally accurately) recalling your saying once or twice that you looked forward to everyone being out of the house, doing various activities, which would give you a chance to weep deeply while crying out to the Lord.

    I sensed (perhaps incorrectly?) that you felt you couldn’t or shouldn’t release your emotions that strongly in front of your family. Please correct me if I’m wrong. Like some forms of crying in front of them would be alright, but not the hard, anguished crying?

    I understand that the release of heart-wrenching emotion in front of your grandson would be a different consideration than the dynamics of deep expression around adults like your daughters. If you felt like some degree of losing control might be scary to a child, for example?

    Are there opportunities, when The Boy is at school, for example, that you might feel more comfortable letting those deep emotions go, uninhibited, in front of each of your daughters, instead of waiting for a time when no one is around?

    Would your intense weeping in their presence give them permission to let go of some of what they might feel they have to hold in? Give them a sense that this is normal and okay to express like this when we’ve lost someone we deeply loved?

    I don’t have the answers, but these are some things I’ve thought about, when contemplating grief, so I thought I’d share it.

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  35. Graduation is Sunday. The ceremony is in the gym, and we’ve been warned it will be very hot. (People with trouble dealing with the heat are advised to watch the live-streaming in the cafeteria.) But heat or not, it will be exciting to see our younger son graduate.

    At the band awards banquet he got an award which goes to “a student who exemplifies what it means to be a band student,” not necessary the best musician or leader, but who has “that certain something.” The students select who gets it, so that makes it more special. We can remember when he couldn’t stand to be near other children when he was little, then learned to tolerate their presence but pretty much stuck to himself or with adults. His social life is still pretty limited but it was great to see him interacting comfortably with his friends in band.

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  36. We got the paperwork today that he is exiting the IEP program, and the IEP team is confident he will be able to live independently. We’re not as sure, but he has two years living at home while attending community college to develop more independence. He could have gotten free tuition by attending the college where I work, but by going to the one close to home he can be with classmates from high school (dozens of them will be going there also), be able to come and go on his own by riding the bus, or getting rides with friends, or maybe learning to drive (not sure whether I want to encourage that or not). And he has some scholarships, so it should work out OK financially, at least for the first year.


  37. Congratulations to your son, Pauline, in achieving those milestones you’ve mentioned.

    My 14-year-old son shares some similarities with your son. He’s made progress over the years, but it’s unclear yet whether he’ll be able to live independently some day, or drive a car. But he’s hit a number of milestones about 3-4 years later than usual, so perhaps…


  38. Kizzie, my questions at 10:39, I’m afraid, may have sounded like statements disguised as questions. If so, let me clarify that I do intend them in the spirit of inquiry, meaning, I want to be educated on whether those are right ways of thinking. I welcome your filling me in, IOW, and don’t want to sound like I’m filling *you* in. 🙂

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