9 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 5-6-24

  1. Asking for continued prayer for friend (turning 90 years old) who fell outside leaving church yesterday and fractured/broke (I’ve heard both, not sure if there’s a practical difference or not) his left femur, which is supposed to be very painful.

    Family has been in discussions w/doctors regarding surgery and a way forward.

    He’s been a special friend to many, including me as we have a mutual interest/background in and love of journalism and US politics (he’s British).

    • dj

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  2. Nightingale needs prayer. (As do Chickadee and Boy, of course.) Although I think I have a pretty good idea of what it is, I don’t really know what is going on with her, but something is. Please pray mostly for her salvation (and the same for her son and sister), and also that God would do in her whatever needs to be done to get her through and over this season she is in.

    And please pray for Him to help me through this season of hers as well, because it is affecting me, too.

    Thank you, and God bless.

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  3. Sounds like a cease fire may finally happen in the Middle East? I just saw a quick headline about an hour ago, know nothing more about it yet. But praises for that and prayers that it actually will come to pass. It’s not a final solution to this age-old conflict, but the average people caught in harm’s way need a break.

    Prayers also for our nation and the upcoming election, that our discourse can be respectful rather than angry.

    Pray for the physical safety of all the candidates and for wisdom for all of us who will be voting. May our choices be wise ones and may God show mercy on our nation which is experiencing such internal distress right now.

    • dj

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  4. Praying alongside. Praying this dear man at your church heals with no complications. It’s always tricky when our elderly break a hip. But nothing is overlooked by our Lord…trusting Him with the care of his own….

    And praying with you for your children Kizzie. It’s always uppermost in our hearts that our children and their children will follow our Lord. He hears our heart cry for them


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  5. Praying alongside on these requests.

    God does pay close attention to His children telling Him what He already knows. I think He wants to know how important things are to us . . . instead of mulling things over in our minds, will we pray and ask Him and trust Him for His best.

    Lord, we ask and praiy for Your best in all these things. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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  6. Thanks, NJ, the age is a big complication and worry.

    He told me not long ago he was determined to make it to 100. (And another time he said he wished he could go another 50 years on this earth if he could, he really has had a wonderful life.)

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  7. So prayer email just came through from church, his daughter says he’s in surgery now — operation expected to take about 2 hours — and something I hadn’t either known or remembered in detail (though I remember he’s been through some hospitalizations here and there), but he’d broken the femur in the other leg before; this break is not nearly as complicated, the doctors said, so that’s good news.

    • dj

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