35 thoughts on “News/Politics 3-29-17

  1. After reading late night posts from some of you and rewatching Tychicus’ video, all of my suspicions were confirmed. The boy handled the search just fine. I’m certain the search was more thorough than it would have been had the mother not thrown a fit, acted like a very suspicious moron and delayed things for an hour. If you don’t want to be searched, drive a car or take a train.

    The whole SPD thing was a complete red herring. Maybe the boy is sick. Probably he is not. The disease, if he actually has it, did not in any way prevent the boy from acting appropriately during the search. The mother simply did not want her child to follow the rules. This is the type of parental behavior that is ruining America:
    1. ‘My child talked back to the teacher because he has ABC.’
    2. ‘You can’t yell at my child because he has XYZ.’
    3. ‘My child needs more time to take the test than everyone else because he has RST’

    Legal immigrants don’t raise their children this way. That is why their children are succeeding while the children of native born Americans are often failing.

    When I said my wife said the boy had “Sorry Parent Syndrome”, I cleaned it up. She actually said he had “Stupid Parent Syndrome”. She was right.


  2. It’s to be hoped that American parents will raise their children to be law abiding productive citizens. But it has become more and more difficult to raise families when good jobs are so scarce that both parents must work. Sometimes help is needed.

    In fact immigrants in general, and hispanic immigrants in particular, often need government help raising their children. A study found that “[i]n 2012, 51 percent of immigrant households with one or more workers accessed one or more welfare programs, as did 28 percent of working native households. And again, ” [w]elfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established immigrants. Of households headed by immigrants who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare.


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  3. Someone yesterday mentioned spanking in schools. We think my wife was the last public school teacher in Texas to spank a child. It was 1988. It took her 6 months to go through the bureaucratic hoops, but that boy needed to be spanked and she spanked him. He was a very good eighth grade running back in football but disrupted her science class each day. Later when he was playing football in high school, I used to tell her whenever the paper would report that he had fumbled.

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  4. I do not oppose giving people help when they need it, Ricky–regardless of their country of origin. I just oppose your persistent categorization of immigrant good/ white American bad. It’s tiresome, bigoted, and false.

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  5. I’m afraid that era is largely an idyllic fantasy. There has never been a time when help wasn’t needed and provided—it’s just that in times past the help would be more localized in the form of extended families and neighbors rather than government. The migratory requirements of a globalized industrial economy is costly in a way that is increasingly borne by families and communities. Something has been gained, but something of significant (perhaps fundamental) value has been lost in the transaction.

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  6. Debra, For centuries, my people were always moving to be able to support themselves: Virginia to North Carolina, South Carolina to Alabama, Kentucky to Missouri, Everywhere to East Texas, East Texas to West Texas, West Texas to Texas cities.

    Unfortunately, the idea that an extended family can stay in one spot and maintain their economic health is an idyllic fantasy.

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  7. Ha. As I’ve said before, to each his own delusions, or in this case idyllic fantasies. The migration your family went through in several centuries, I experienced before I graduated High School, with a foreign country thrown in for good measure. Some individuals thrive in that environment, but those are the exceptions, not the rule. A society can make great advances based on its exceptions, but it is only sustained by the rule. Both are desirable.


  8. As someone who has moved (13 times) around the country, I share your head shaking about why people don’t move. And then I realize that with this recession, people can’t afford to leave their financially underwater houses behind. They went out too far and will destroy their finances if they abandon a house.

    It’s hard to take a loss on a house, it’s hard to leave behind your entire life. Some people really need to do that, however, to get on with their lives.

    It’s also hard to live apart from your spouse, especially if there are kids. We’ve obviously done that but life for all was better when he took the 1/3 pay cut and left going-to-sea on submarines for staying home and fixing them.

    Even with all our Navy moves, however, once we got past the first one, we always either moved with a group of friends or to friends. Every move was an adventure. As a Christian, I knew once I found a church, I’d have friends.

    If you don’t have that confidence that God is in control of your life and that you can make a new life in a new place with new friends, you’re going to be stuck. Even the best job in the world can leave you lonely and isolated.

    It’s a conundrum, but sometimes what folks need to do is jump.

    We’ve told our kids if they find a great spot to live outside of California, we’ll move with them. So far, they’ve stayed put here.

    We, of course, reward them for not taking away our Adorables. 🙂

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  9. I have a couple of comments.
    1. I left for college and was never, ever coming back to this god-forsaken state. I came home and stayed. I have been mostly happy with my decision and now at my age am not inclined to move.
    2. I will encourage my child to move if that is what she decides to do when she is able (medically and educationally)
    3. I rarely come to the new and politics thread anymore because is is the same song and same verses over and over. To quote Debra,” Ricky–regardless of their country of origin. I just oppose your persistent categorization of immigrant good/ white American bad. It’s tiresome, bigoted, and false.”
    Ricky, you have become tiresome.

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  10. I come to this thread as often as I can because I learn things. And I understand and have seen some of what RW is talking about. However, why are most of my children Hispanic? I do see a lot of love and good discipline in families and most of my children have a built in respect for the elderly (that’s me), but a lot of children in foster care are Hispanic. It is not all sunshine and roses.

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  11. As to the boy being searched, perhaps he said something to warrant concern, perhaps it was just a random selection. But he handled himself as I would hope all of my children would. He listened attentively as the man gave instructions on what the boy should do and presumably, what the man was about to do. He followed them and did not squirm or make an ordeal out of it. Well done, young man, and well done parents who have taught him to do so.

    If we don’t like the searches and want to fly, go through the necessary channels to get it done. My understanding is that the Israelis do not do these searches, perhaps follow their example?

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  12. Just read yesterday’s posts on this. Who would take a job like this? Perhaps somebody who cares about people and needs a job. Perhaps they believe they are doing something to make life a bit safer for their grandchildren. I doubt very much it is a personal thrill to them. They are probably generally being as kind as possible, as they would want their wives and children treated. I appreciate what they do, I have had some of the treatment and it was not the end of the world but I choose not to put myself through it again if possible.


  13. Told ya. It’s all playing out as planned.


    “As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.”

    “This information is likely to become a primary focus of the Russia counterintelligence probe of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.

    Circa confirmed the unmasking procedures through interviews with intelligence professionals and by reviewing previously classified documents it obtained that described the loosening of privacy requirements.

    To intelligence professionals, the public revelations affirm an undeniable reality.

    Over the last decade, the assumption of civil liberty and privacy protections for Americans incidentally intercepted by the NSA overseas has been eroded in the name of national security.

    Today, the power to unmask an American’s name inside an NSA intercept — once considered a rare event in the intelligence and civil liberty communities — now resides with about 20 different officials inside the NSA alone. The FBI also has the ability to unmask Americans’ names to other intelligence professionals and policymakers.

    And the justification for requesting such unmasking can be as simple as claiming “the identity of the United States person is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance,” according to a once-classified document that the Obama administration submitted in October 2011 for approval by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It laid out specifically how and when the NSA could unmask an American’s identity.”

    Why it’s so easy any political hack holdover can leak it, as was the plan all along. I hope this is thoroughly investigated..


  14. Prosecution or persecution?

    Talk about shooting the messenger. But about what I’d expect from a liberal Cali. prosecutor looking to make a name for himself among the baby killing crowd. Never mind the laws broken by PP when selling body parts, go after the people who exposed it instead.


    “This investigation was launched by pro-abortion left-wing hack Kamala Harris, then attorney general of California and longtime recipient of Planned Parenthood lucre, who parlayed her persecution of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress — replete with a police raid of Daleiden’s home in search of undercover footage — into a U.S. Senate seat last November. Not satisfied with merely persecuting Daleiden under existing law, Harris even took the extra step of collaborating with Planned Parenthood to draft new legislation that would make secretly recording medical-care providers a distinct crime. The Daleiden investigation that she began has now been picked up by the new attorney general, Xavier Becerra (himself a Democratic former member of Congress), who decided yesterday to drop a cool 15 felony counts on Daleiden and his partner, Sandra Merritt, for exposing Planned Parenthood’s possible sales of fetal body parts because they recorded the conversations without the subjects’ consent. Unlike most of the 50 states, California requires both parties to a conversation to agree in order for it to be recorded lawfully.

    Fifteen felony counts. How many felonies were the Manson family charged with?

    The charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress come eight months after similar charges were dropped in Texas.

    State Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a longtime Congressional Democrat who took over the investigation in January, said in a statement that the state “will not tolerate the criminal recording of conversations.”

    “Jacob Sullum has a nice run-through of California law on wiretapping. It’s true, you can’t record a confidential communication without the other party’s consent — but is a conversation “confidential” if it’s happening at a restaurant, or some public event? California Penal Code 632(c) specifically “excludes a communication made in a public gathering … or in any other circumstance in which the parties to the communication may reasonably expect that the communication may be overheard or recorded.” Many of the Daleiden recordings were made in exactly those circumstances; the most famous, a chat with PP bigwig Deborah Nucatola, was recorded in a restaurant. In fact, none other than Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, acknowledged in congressional testimony about the Daleiden tapes that she had admonished Nucatola for discussing PP’s medical practices “in a nonconfidential area.” (Daleiden posted the video of Richards’s testimony this morning.) But wait, says Sullum, it may not be that simple. Some experts on California wiretapping law argue that you can have a reasonable expectation of privacy in your communications even in a public place. It depends on the circumstances. For instance, if you’re at a “private” event with lots of media, like, say, a celebrity Oscars party, it may be that the definition of “confidential” there differs from what it would be in a quiet restaurant.”


  15. Nuke ’em. Go all Harry Reid on ’em already. 🙂


    “Mitch McConnell told his leadership team in private this week what’s becoming increasingly obvious on Capitol Hill: Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch probably won’t get 60 votes to avoid a filibuster.

    But the Senate majority leader had an equally pressing message: Republicans should have no compunction about pulling the trigger on the “nuclear option” — with Democrats resisting a high court nominee as well-pedigreed as Gorsuch.

    “Feel no guilt,” McConnell said, according to attendees.

    McConnell’s attempt to buck up his GOP ranks, relayed by three sources in attendance, underscores the high stakes of the Gorsuch battle as the Senate barrels toward a likely nuclear showdown next week: His confirmation is, to put it mildly, a can’t-lose for Republicans.

    That was true after Senate Republicans waged a yearlong blockade of Merrick Garland that positioned the GOP to pick someone else now. But the spectacular collapse of the Obamacare repeal effort last week makes Gorsuch all the more urgent for President Donald Trump and reeling Hill Republicans.

    McConnell is so confident that Republicans will win the Gorsuch fight that the Kentucky Republican predicted he’ll be confirmed by a week from Friday.”


  16. If the mother did act strangely, the question would then be, what about that strange behavior warranted this kind of search? Does *any* strange behavior provoke searching all parties associated with the person acting strangely? Does anyone know of a legitimate, *specific* reason–i.e., what kind of strange behavior, on whose part? what kind of attire being worn? what triggers were set off?–that justified *this boy* being searched this way? I’m asking out of ignorance because I don’t know what the TSA has said about it.


  17. 1. In her post, the mother said she asked that her son get special treatment and not be searched like other people.
    2. In her post she basically admitted that she persisted in this demand for an hour and missed her plane instead of submitting to the search.
    3. The son handled the whole search with great poise, so I am not sure why the mother was requesting the special treatment.
    4. The extra airport police would not have been called in unless the mother had been acting like an idiot.
    5. The agent conducting the search was very calm and helped the boy remain calm during the search, which was like hundreds of searches made every day.
    6. However, Looney Mom not only video recorded the whole thing, but posted it where millions could see it. The poor son’s first day back at school will be fun.


  18. Solar, My son looks like a young Saudi. He gets special attention. My wife has Moroccan eyes and could easily be mistaken for an Arab. She gets special treatment. I am OK with that. If a goofy mom is asking that her son not be subjected to a particular type of search, I am OK with both of them getting special searches.


  19. The TSA says they searched the boy because he had his laptop in his carry on and didn’t tell them. It wasn’t supposed to be in there, so in their mind it warranted further searching. Seems like a stretch to me, but with all those white, 13 yr. old terrorist bombers out there, who knows?

    Yes, that was sarcasm. There have been zero white, 13 yr old terrorist bombers. They won’t profile those they should be looking at, so everyone has to pay, even 90 yr old GrandMa. It’s security theater, and the TSA is always in character.

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  20. Ricky – Your subsequent comments about parents thwarting authority makes your initial comment on the case easier to understand. I wasn’t understanding it from that viewpoint.

    I agree that many parents are disrespectful of authority these days, & pass that on to their children. And I agree that way too many children, boys especially, are labeled with ADHD or some other “alphabet syndrome”.

    BUT . . .I also still say that there are some children who really do have those syndromes. Some children had them in the past, too, but were forced to behave properly (probably being disciplined too often or too harshly), while suffering much inner turmoil & trauma. Or some couldn’t make themselves behave the way they were expected to, & ended up dropping out of school, &/or turning to alcohol or drugs to help them cope.

    In the good old days, moms of autistic kids were blamed for their child’s autism, mentally retarded children, & some otherwise disabled children, were institutionalized, some kids with Tourette’s Syndrome were blamed for their behavior, etc.

    Yes, we’ve let the pendulum swing too far in the other direction, but that doesn’t negate that there are children with these syndromes.

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  21. There are many stories of people being treated poorly by TSA officers. (Not blaming them all.)

    There is a theory that people who have a predilection for abusing people tend to put themselves into jobs that give them some authority, & opportunity – prison guards, police officers, nursing home attendants, teachers, etc. I’m sure they are a minority of those in those positions, but they are there.

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