34 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-18-20

  1. Good morning! I got some good work done on my school yesterday, and most of my weekly tasks done at work. If we don’t get slammed like we were last week, I might be able to make some good progress and actually attain some comprehension.

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  2. That’s hilarious, Chas!

    I knew right away that was DJ’s pic. I so miss the jacarandas I see in the background.

    DJ, is that your Charlie Brown tree by the street?

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  3. That is the view from the front door.
    Mr. P sees the doctor at 11:15 today. I will have Little Miss by myself. That will be a challenge for her. She is a Papa’s girl

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  4. Catching up from yesterday: I got a Betty Crocker Cookbook at my wedding shower and I still use it regularly. I got a Betty Crocker Cooky Book when I was twelve. One of my aunts who used to come and stay with us for a couple of weeks at a time sent it for my birthday. I did not receive gifts for my birthday from any aunts and uncles. Those were days with way too many nieces and nephews, plus children were not so fawned over. It was very nice to receive and I still use it. Both covers are off and some pages are loose. Still, the recipes are as good today as way back then. Classics both.

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  5. In continuing to read in Matthew, I came to the section about the flutes being played in the marketplace and the whining about Jesus not dancing and then about the dirge and he not mourning. It is so true even today. Those who do not want to hear the truth complain about it all. Christians are too this or too that and therefore we won’t listen. It is fruitless to try to make them happy. Yet so many keep trying. So much better to just do and say what is right in God’s eyes.

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  6. Good morning!

    I love the blue sky and white clouds in that photo. And the little tree is thriving. Is the fence in the photo there to protect from a ravine? It seems I recall a nearby ravine in DJs locale.

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  7. This past week a couple stopped by my house and we stood outside talking. The wife heard an animal making a noise she had never heard. One of our yard squirrels was making that sound they do when aggravated. She thought it was a funny dog bark. In a moment we saw the neighborhood scavenger cat walking out from the area. I was surprised that she’d never heard that sound before.

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  8. Lovely view, DJ!

    I just got back from a visit to my pond and part of the trail. I’ve always wanted to see deer down at the pond, though I never have. (I’ve seen them in the surrounding areas, but not at the pond itself.) Well, I still haven’t gotten the “deer drinking water” shot I want to get someday, but three visits in a row now I have seen deer at the pond. A few days ago I saw a doe not very far from me, and she walked down to the water, but she she looked up and saw me and quietly left. I was disappointed for my sake and for hers, since she probably needed water. (I’m guessing she went around the corner and got some.) The next day I walked down again, and a doe and twin fawns came to the back of the pond, quite some distance from me, but I did get photos. None of any of them drinking, though. My first fawns of the year. Today a doe was actually out in the water when I got there, and I stayed a ways back so as not to alarm her. I wondered if she had fawns that might (or might not) come out–and then I realized that she is heavily pregnant. It did look a little tricky for her to get up out of the water and up the slope, so I was glad I gave her her space.

    On my way back by the pond on my return, I heard people talking about a turtle, and one suggested putting it in the water. (No, let it go in if it wants to go on.) I figured it was likely a box turtle, and so I looked and saw it was, and told them it was likely a female looking for a place to lay eggs, that I’d seen three box turtles in the last week and a half or so (plus one snapping turtle, but I didn’t tell them that).

    And yesterday I got some gorgeous views of a red-tailed hawk. Eventually I’ll send photos to AJ, but I already filled up his e-mail box a few days ago with photos taken earlier in June.

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  9. Is it the cookbook with the orange cover? That describes mine, too, from shower gift to missing cover.

    My daughter has already claimed it as her inheritance.

    When our first son left for college, I made a family cookbook with pictures of who made the recipe, etc. Everyone got one.

    My copy is now frayed And the daughters-in-law are asking for addendums. Some of Betty’s recipes made the family favorites. It’s time to update— hey, this year’s Christmas gift!

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  10. Morning! Oh so pretty view you have DJ!! And that little Charlie Brown tree is growing quite nicely I see 🌳
    The temps have cooled this morning. The smoky air has been pushed out of the area and we should see some rain later on…happy day!

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  11. PS I neglected to say today’s doe wasn’t drinking, either. The water level is way down from lack of recent rain, and she was eating plants that might normally be inaccessible.

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  12. Good morning. Almost home alone here. Twenty three took baby and fourteen to visit down in Boise on her two days off. Leaves husband and me and eighteen. We may go visit my dad today if my sinuses are not acting up. I did not enjoy my last long trip which, as you may recall, was to Boise and did not go well with two ER visits.

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  13. I am actually thinking of shopping today. I need some Vitamin D which I get at Trader Joe’s. Haven’t been in that area since early March. Let’s see I have hand sanitizer in the van and I’ve got my mask. I did check and REI is finally open. I have shoes to return there and was waiting for them to open.

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  14. Yes, the view from the porch during jacaranda bloom season as Kevin points out. This is looking toward the harbor/Port of LA, I just can’t see it (boo) from my house.

    I really want to replace the grass in the yard but that’s a future project. It turns brownish in the summer and has already begun to fade as you can see. I also haven’t been out there watering as I usually do because of the knee. But I’ll get back to that soon, that should help. (PT at 4:30 today again.)

    When do you take the support poles away from the trees? Charlie Brown still looks a bit thin to me.

    I have a busy day. One story is so sad, and Kim has a connection to this one — the hip new seafood restaurant we ate at is for sale, building and all, for $2.5 million. A casualty of Covid. His other restaurant, the big mainstay of their operation, is on the Santa Monica Pier and the pier, of course, along with the restaurant was closed down for months. He’s had to resign his position on the SM city council in an all out bid to save the the businesses, continue to pay the staffs salaries and insurance. What a mess, I felt so bad — interviewing him sometime this morning. He put so much into the local one here, did much of the labor himself on rehabbing that 1920s building. Everything was looking up, the waterfront development was to open in 2021 and he was going to be part of that as well. Then, a pandemic, of all things, strikes. No more cruise tourists, waterfront postponed until (at least) 2022, all of our big in-town events canceled for now.

    The vacant lot across the street does have the ravine running through it, we’ve seen a coyote over there and other critters, including a neighborhood stray cat who has managed to survive everything (people next door feed him). And a homeless person or two. Lot is privately owned but “unbuildable,” supposedly. I hate the chain link fence, it didn’t used to be there. But it is, generally, a nice, peaceful view from my spot. That’s Saddleback Mt in the distance also.

    Prayers for Mr. P, let us know when you hear.

    My Better Crocker book has that red-and-white checked cover; thought my mom’s did too but now I’ll have to double check that.

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  15. Every now and then I get homesick for Southern California. Usually when we have a picture like this from DJ. The mountains, the ocean, the jacarandas, the palm trees…

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  16. That Betty Crocker Cookbook was my first. I loved it. Made my first rice pudding from that recipe along with many other things. I also really like the Betty Crocker International Cookbook which has the German Black Forest Cake recipe I made for Art’s birthday for years.

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  17. It sure can get lonesome around here.
    But I don’t have anything worth talking about either.

    🙂 I just got a phone call from a friend from long ago. Dave was minister of music in the church we attended in Falls Church. He was just checking on us.
    I appreciate that.

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  18. We’re back after a lovely five days away with the whole family. The children have all changed in a quarter of a year and were SO HAPPY to see each other. E is walking–in the biggest space she’s been in since learning to walk. J, at 21-months, is a joyous pistol with big blue eyes and righteous golden curls.

    They picked up their new puppy on the way home, beyond excited, exhausted from sun, boating, fun, and laughing for five days. We’ll see them all tomorrow at their house.

    That poor puppy–far from its mother for the first time with three hovering children arguing over it.

    But she’s very cute and no, Mr. Loves His Cat did not, it turns out, want a puppy for Father’s Day.

    Off to the grocery store. Two men are working on their computers and the EMT is lounging, reading and relaxing.

    A good trip.

    I didn’t sleep much, but got lots of people time. Good and bad for me. 🙂

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  19. That is sad DJ. It was a nice space for a restaurant and the food was good.
    I learned to cook from the 1982 El Dorado, AR Women’s League Cookbook. It is currently held together with rubber bands. It was a gift to my mother from a cousin. I also learned some things from the Yellow Calling All Cooks Telephone Pioneers Cookbook

    The Red one is next to worthless. I donated it long ago.

    Mr. P saw the surgeon. They deadened the area, cleaned it up and sent him home with an antibiotic.
    As I suspected Little Miss was a challenge. She did not go down for her nap like she was supposed to. She wanted to know where Papa was. He was not happy with her when he got home. I kissed them both and left.

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  20. Another one of these ‘truth-telling’ messages I’ve received via fb, anyone one to take this one on? Honestly. I’m losing hope here.

    ~ Italy did autopsies. Coronavirus is a Bacteria not a virus that is amplified by G5. We have been lied too! Causes blood clots, so you can’t breathe. ~

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  21. * anyone want

    I’ve spent all morning on the restaurant story, which is finally done. Just had a shower and need to feed the dogs — have to leave here by 4:15 for the PT appt which I’m just so joyfully looking forward to (not). Grateful for them but they aren’t that pleasant.

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  22. I see our mask order is now statewide, here we go. Some people are now going to flip over that.

    I think the Internet has finally come full circle, everyone has become completely untethered.

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  23. It has been lonesome at home without Art at home today. It takes me a couple of days to adjust when I get use to seeing someone all day and then they are gone most of the day. Friends at church are planning two events for my friend who turns 90 this week. One day we will have a drive by her house event. Then on another day we will have a surprise party at church hosted by her Sunday school group. She is in several groups with me. So we all have that to look forward to. She is the one who drove me to church a lot while I could not drive.

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  24. Asthma is getting worse. Went to work today and by mid-afternoon felt terrible. My oxygen saturation was 94%. Normal range is 95-100%, and I am normally 99-100%. Getting afraid to take more days off, as the manager wants to speak to me about it.

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  25. DJ- I heard that trees grow stronger without the support poles. Try to take them off. If it stands on its own, leave them off. If you here of strong winds in the forecast, maybe tie it to one pole just to be sure.

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  26. The Betty Crocker Cookbook has a red/orange cover. I have a Telephone Pioneers cookbook, too. It is from the Minnesota/North Dakota chapter. My mother had several of them (she worked for the telephone company before she married), but they are long gone. I have way too many cookbooks already.

    I also made cookbooks for each of my daughter’s. They still seem to message for recipes. The other day my granddaughter messaged for a recipe I received in a recipe box from my aunt for one of my showers. It is nice to see her becoming such a good cook and baker. It is nice to see my grandsons cooking too. All young people need to learn good basic cooking.

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  27. Pull the,poles. 1 year is all they need.

    An old friend got a degree in landscape architect years ago and came to visit me once in Monterey.

    We took a walk through my neighborhood and she “liberated” countless trees growing in the street side meridian. If the trees remain tethered for too long, the anchor material can become embedded in the growing bark, weakening the tree.

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  28. I once saw a whole row of young trees with several of them bent in a storm . . . and looked closer and realized that actually their stakes had broken and were now pulling them over.


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