22 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 4-30-18

  1. At first glance, it looked like a bug.
    Good morning everyone but Jo.
    Good evening Jo, your Monday is over.
    tomorrow is May. I hope it is better than April.

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  2. Morning, Chas. I changed the calendar at school. I did my running today and then went out for another walk because I was setting a new record for steps for me. Oh, the things we do, but it is all healthy.
    Good night.


  3. oh, my flatmate next door, but the same outside door, returned home today. She was medevaced at least two months ago and we are glad to have her back again. Still needs some recovery time, but her healing has been remarkable.

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  4. Morning! Today is the husband’s birthday and I will take him to lunch later….his childhood friend will call him later on today…like clockwork those two never forget the day their best buddy was born….
    The deer are all over the place this morning and so are the hummingbirds….it must be Spring. The nectar is in the hummingbird feeders and the deer are enjoying the taste of fresh greens! 😳

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  5. Today is my Uncle’s funeral. I was at a party a week ago and mentioned to one of the guests. Turns out she is something with the Coast Guard so she got on the phone abd the Master Chief’s Something or other will be there as well. Uncle was a retired Master Chief. Before he retired he something important in the Port of New Orleans. It was so long ago and I was a child so it didn’t matter to me and like Mr P once he retired that chapter of his life was over. He will get his military honors today as he should. The only thing I ever heard him say about Vietnam was that for his first meal home his wife made something with rice. He had had all the rice he ever cared to eat.

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  6. My grandmother died early this morning. She never regained consciousness. I was hoping to go and visit her once I had gotten through school, as I had not seen her since I visited her the year after I came home from West Africa. I had the opportunity to play the piano and violin for her on that occasion. As we were leaving, she turned to me with a beautiful smile and said, “[My name], that was lovely.” Since I have not been able to see her since that visit, I am grateful that should be one of my last memories of her.

    The date has not yet been set for the funeral, and I do not think I will be able to attend, as I have to resume clinical next week. But attending the service would be only for the sake of the family. I will not see her again, and I have no desire to substitute my last memories for the sight of her in her coffin. I do not know for certain the state of her faith, but I am leaving that in the hands of the One Who did know. There is some comfort in the fact that she did profess a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, no matter how perfunctory it was, for faith the size of a mustard seed was enough for our Lord.

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  7. Roscuro – May God comfort you and your family as you grieve the loss of your grandmother. I’m glad you have that sweet memory to hold on to.

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  8. My Uncle had two children from his long first marriage. My Aunt Carol was a loony tune and spent months at a time in the psych ward when they used to do that sort of thing. She was never very nice to me anyway and taught her children to be the same. I had not seen my cousin C in about 20 years. The first thing she said to me was that I was an irritating child. I looked at her innocently and replied, “Really? I thought I was quite charming”. Two of my aunts were sitting in on this conversation. One said she thought so too. Oh well. After today I shall probably never see that cousin or her brother again.

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  9. It was quite the lovely funeral. The minister made sure we knew that Uncle was right with God before he died. A violinist played It is Well with My Soul. She also played Amazing Grace. Then there were Taps and the gun salute. How could you not be moved.

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  10. A slow Monday Dj…sllllooooowwwww 🙃
    Husband decided to go for a run…we are just hanging out at home today…had to make one errand into town…eldest misplaced his birth certificate and needed it for his passport….I had the original and FedExed it off to him…he loses this one he is on his own…he will have to contact Horry County SC vital statistics to obtain his next misplaced one! What in the world would they do without their mothers!!???

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  11. Today was the first day of spring staff training – so nice to have all the young adults back. Quite an amazing crew we have this year. And, as a bonus, I don’t have to bring lunch for the next 4 months!

    Roscuro, I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother. I was not able to attend either of my step-grandmothers’ funerals, but there was really no need for me to attend. (My step grandmothers were really the only grandmothers I knew)

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  12. Today was the last day for my Monday night class. In two weeks the community college class ends, and in three weeks I’m done at the high school. Where has the year gone!

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  13. The “robot baby” adventure has ended, and “Andrew” was returned to the school. Our son got some strange looks carrying around a baby carrier in church yesterday. I’m not sure whether some people thought he was carrying a real baby or thought he was carrying a doll and wondered why, but didn’t want to ask. But other people expressed interest and asked how it all worked. One woman, whom my son thinks of as an adopted grandmother (since his grandparents had all died by the time he started kindergarten), picked up Andrew and held and talked to him (though this made my son somewhat nervous, as he was responsible for Andrew being handled properly).

    He doesn’t know his grade yet for the project but it seems he did pretty well. There was apparently one time he didn’t wake up when Andrew cried, which surprised me – they use recordings of real babies so the cries are very realistic, and it goes on for two minutes before concluding no one is coming and stopping. And a couple of times he met some but not all the baby’s needs, which also surprises me, since I would have thought the crying would continue if he hadn’t tried the right thing (changing the diaper, feeding, burping, rocking). I pointed out that in some ways a real baby would be easier, for instance you can generally tell whether the diaper needs changing before you actually change it.

    But he certainly got an idea what it would be like to take care of a baby, as well as how difficult it would be to be a single parent. He is very much looking forward to an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

    The concert on Saturday (singing Haydn’s The Creation) went pretty well, though I was very tired by the time we got home Saturday night, and I still had to finish getting things ready for the graduation luncheon/party for our son after church. It went pretty well, though at one point he did have to go off by himself for a while, but by then people were starting to leave anyway. He is busy opening cards now (and occasionally needing interpretation of a signature he can’t make out) and making a list of who he needs to send thank-you cards to.

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  14. I hate those baby substitutions. Unless, they can look in your eyes and respond to YOU, they are a very poor substitute for learning responsibility, IMO. Children learn responsibility by being held responsible in numerous ways as they grow. They learn by being given more and more responsibility the older they get. They learn by having pets or siblings, cousins, etc. (when that is possible) and in a myriad of ways. Other than how irritating it can be to have a baby, I do not think it is a wonderful lesson. It is a good way to help babies be disliked. That doesn’t usually lead to much good.

    I am not against teaching basic things about child care or setting up a household. That is another thing entirely.

    I would love to hear what the young man felt he actually learned from this–not what he was supposed to learn, but really did and how it would affect his future actions.

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  15. My condolences, as well, Roscuro. What a joy to know how great our Lord’s love is for our loved ones, so that we can trust him with their future even into eternity!


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