6 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 5-24-24

  1. Please remember to pray for all those in travel status this long weekend. Son is traveling to see a friend several states away. Safety to there, while there, back to here, and back to his home. Thank you for praying.

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  2. I like how God does things. Husband was well on his way when son noticed husband’s keys hanging from the garage door. I texted husband that son noticed his keys and was surprised he had a spare. When husband made his usual stop a bit over halfway to Boise, he checked my text before turning off his car. He has one of those push button starters where the key fob needs to be near. He had started the car, realized he had forgotten something in the garage, unlocked it, leaving the keys there. Oops. He could come home and start over tomorrow, or carry on, drop off some things, say hi to the grandchildren, and drive home, never turning off the car (even when stopping for fuel). So we popped grandpa into the car and the children, and took a road trip. Maxed out my dad for traveling but we did it. He came back an hour, we drove out an hour. Husband got a wake up call, my dad got an excursion, we got to provide a service for a guy who is always serving others.


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