12 thoughts on “News/Politics 5-24-24

  1. https://x.com/hodgetwins/status/1793855235607429388?t=KW8CgNlma6_ueBmpcISRSg&s=19


    “So Donald Trump held a huge, wildly successful rally in the Bronx today. That itself is in many ways remarkable, but what I find quite noteworthy is not what happened, but what DID NOT happen. Let me explain.

    The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs. With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally:

    1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez (See: Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts.

    2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves.

    3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast.

    4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education. He promised empowerment, not victimhood.

    Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning.

    What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans.

    The times, they are a-changin’.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸”

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  2. Nikki is begging to be relevant. Some may think she’s just being a good R by saying she’ll vote for Trump. But she wants in. She initiated this, and Trump seems willing. Also, she does need a job….


    “Donald Trump after his campaign rally in the Bronx:”[Nikki Haley] is gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts. We had a nasty campaign.

    But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Once again, you cannot trust the media to be fair, or accurate.

    “DISINFORMATION ALERT: Numerous left leaning accounts on @X are sharing this image of Trump’s Bronx rally. This image was taken at 11: 09 AM EST, and the rally officially started 6:00PM. with Trump taking the stage at 6:30 PM. EST. NYC marshall’s estimated that there were roughly 156,000 people at the peak of the event.”


    Liked by 1 person

  4. @11:15 mumsee: thanks, good reminder for praying for all of those folks. I wasn’t sure what to make of Johnson at first and I still have no overly strong opinions about him (I’m really too busy to follow these things that closely right now), but he does not have an easy job.

    Conservatives seem to have turned on their own and I’m not sure that changes any time soon.

    It makes for a lot of ill will, ugly discourse and overall. government malfunction until it does change.

    But God …

    • dj

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  5. We were specifically not set up to be an authoritarian form of government, where one side only rules and lords it over the other side; but it seems that’s what many want now. If that is true (?), we’ll be in this pit for a while.

    • dj

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  6. AJ – re: your comment last night. The first piece I read that mentioned that the FBI’s actions during the raid on Mar-a-Lago were standard operating procedure included a link to the actual order (or whatever you call it). It bore out what the piece I shared yesterday claimed it would.

    Unfortunately, I chose not to share that particular piece because the writer’s style was quite snarky, so I chose another piece that was more succinct. And now I do not remember where I found the first piece.

    However, here is a link to the Justice Dept.’s Use of Force policy:


    And here is a Fox News person tweeting that the Use of Force policy was also in effect when Biden’s place was searched:



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