14 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 5-23-24

  1. Good morning from Decatur, GA. I know, I usually say Atlanta, but we are in Decatur, however we are outside the city proper so we don’t pay city taxes on top of county. There are those who want to include this area in a new city, but so far people have voted against it.

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  2. Morning! Hoping the power comes back soon Aj…if you have a gas cooktop or a grill you could make Cowboy coffee 😊☕️desperate times call for desperate measures!!

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  3. Sad about no power, AJ. I wonder about our power grid. We are so reliant on power for everything these days. Hours and days are one thing for most of us, but anything longer would grind our nation to a halt for sure. We have been blessed with very few outages.

    We were blessed to watch our granddaughter get three scholarships online yesterday. We knew she was getting one, so we were all pleasantly surprised. We will be attending her graduation this weekend.

    Say what you will about social media, it is nice to be able to see these types of activities. We also were able to see some of our grandson’s choir concerts. What a blessing!

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  4. sunny here. Exercising in the pool is showing me how much I need it. Had friends to visit with so went longer yesterday

    expecting a gardener but not sure if he will come today or tomorrow


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  5. Ugh! A water leak between the meter and the house. So we’ll have to have the yard dug up to find it.

    Anyway, as I was mowing yesterday around what some would call “weeds”, I made up a poem (which can be sung to the tune of “Jesus Loves the Little Children”:

    My wife loves the little flowers,
    All the flowers in the world;
    Yellow, purple, pink or white.
    They are precious in her sight.
    My wife loves the little flowers of the world!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Sooo busy these days. I’m only getting to devotions at 1:30 in the afternoon? Sigh.

    Anyway, a thoughtful post from Chad Bird, and then I’ll head off to find my Bible in a year . . .

    Wading Through Angels

    One of the dangerous assumptions we modern Christians often make is that we are more advanced than believers who lived before us.

    nd, to be sure, we have advanced beyond them, if we’re talking about technology, health care, and the like.

    But, in other ways, in more substantial ways, we have regressed.

    We suffer from living solely by sight.

    Ours is a visual world full of facts, things, empirical evidence, stuff we can count and measure and touch.

    But our fathers and mothers in the faith, who have gone before us, were more keenly aware of this fact: all around us are realities beyond our visual capacity. Demons waiting to ensnare and woo us into false belief and despair and vice. Angels guarding and directing and serving us.

    We wade through spirits as we go about our daily tasks.

    As the poet, Francis Thompson, says, we disturb an angel’s wing every time we turn a stone. A whole world, unseen, stands and flies all around us.

    When the enemies of Israel surrounded the town where Elisha was staying, his servant was trembling with fear. But the prophet, unperturbed, said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16).

    Then, when Elisha had prayed that God would open the servant’s eyes, he saw “the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” O Lord, open the eyes of our minds and hearts to “see” that we are surrounded by the heavenly host.

    Therefore, we will not fear, for the Lord of Hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our stronghold. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Amen

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  7. Nice song, Peter. I am on the same team with your wife in loving the flowers.

    Son found elephnt ear bulbs on sale at Sam’s (end of season sale) so we will plant those in the yard for something new next year. I assume they will be hardy enough for staying in the ground during winter.

    It’s hot and humid today. We turned on the A/C so indoors feels just right.


  8. Cool and overcast on the coast, in the mid 60s and it should stay that way through Fleet Week weekend.

    I like that song, too, Peter; and the flowers, I love it when the happy little yellow and purple flowers burst forth amid the green weeds/lawn. So pretty.

    We learned through the long drought here to embrace it all.

    • dj

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  9. oh my yard looks so nice. And even the old wood pile is finally gone with all of the sticks and leaves. The next two days are free dumping days to clean off our lots so it is timely


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