45 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 2-17-17

  1. HI Karen.
    Good evening Jo, Sweet Dreams.
    Good morning everyone else.
    You know what that means?

    I won’t let Elvera see this picture, it brings bad memories.
    Every time she sees a cotton field, she says, “I’m just glad I don’t have to chop that cotton.”
    There is no easy way to pick cotton.
    I ‘ve never picked cotton, but she has.
    She says, “It makes your fingers bleed and you can’t wear gloves. You can’t stand up to pick because the bush it too low. You can’t kneel down to pick because the bush is too high.
    You have to bend over and your back hurts”
    “And it’s always either too hot or too cold. There is never a nice day to pick cotton.”

    After I wrote that, I wondered if that is really cotton. So I called her in and asked, “What is that?” She said, “Looks like cotton to me.”
    And she knows what cotton looks like.

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  2. Good Morning….oh the lovely birthday tree!! ❤
    A work day for me…husband is off on his morning run and I need to get the dogs up and at 'em….have a most blessed day!


  3. Good Morning Everyone. I am late to the party today because:
    I am too old to stay out until 1:30 in the morning and get up at my regular time. I did wake up before 8 so I was able to keep my “regular” work hours. I sat next to a lovely gentleman whose wife belonged to this Mardi Gras organization. He currently lives in Las Vegas but “drove over” for Mardi Gras. They were married 51 years and she has been gone 10 years now (you do the math) and he sure does miss her. I love to meet strangers and hear their stories.

    There are photos of me from last night but I don’t like them, so I won’t be sharing.

    Chas, you probably have never smelled what is left over after cotton has been processed. Some years back a lot of cotton was grown in this county. One of the best fertilizers you can get, especially for roses, is cotton seed meal. They grind up the seeds and sell it. If you drop any on your grass it will be a darker, more vivid shade of green than any of the other grass for at least a year. But does it stink? Yes. To high heavens.


  4. Kizzie, on yesterday’s prayer thread, you asked aren’t private hospital rooms expensive. That prompts a question from me: in your state (“you” meaning everyone), do hospitals have private rooms as a matter of course? To me, double rooms seem foolish. When my mom was in the hospital in Phoenix, slowly coming out from anesthesia (too slowly), the lady in the next bed had a TV show in which someone was weeping and saying, “Tell me she won’t die, doctor!” I was rather horrified, knowing that in Mom could hear it an in her semi-alertness think it was one of her children crying and that she was dying.

    In Nashville, as far as I know hospitals all had private rooms. My father-in-law has been in several hospitals here (Indiana), two different cities, in private rooms, and our daughter has been in one in a different city, private room. It would seem that that is all that is available, which to me is a very good idea. Do regions with older hospitals have semi-private but regions with newer have only private?


  5. If I were in the hospital with a roommate who wanted the TV on, it would hurt my recovery. The TV, or any constant noise, stresses me out unless I’m actively watching it, and about two hours a day is my maximum. I was in the hospital for four days a few years ago, and I took books with me. I expected to sleep a lot, but instead in those days plus the week at a friend’s house afterward, I read all the books I took plus one someone gave me, about two thousand pages worth, and I never turned on the TV. TV in my room would have been a real hardship. A sick person should have that much authority over his own environment, if possible.


  6. Hospitals: around here, the big city of Cottonwood hospital has shared rooms. Husband shared when he was in for pneumonia. In Boise, with more citified ideas, he had single rooms, some much larger than the one he shared, for his knee surgeries. Daughter had a single room for her and her daughter but it was tiny!


  7. In BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan there are private and shared rooms. If you have private insurance (over the provincial coverage) then you can have a private room IF one is available. I shared a room when I had my son, but did not need to share when I had my daughter. Even our new hospitals have shared rooms.


  8. I think most hospitals are now or are going to private rooms. There is too much of a risk for cross infection.
    I have only been in a hospital once and I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to share with anyone. I am a very private person when it comes to more personal issues —yes, I realize many of you are laughing at that statement.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ours still have shared rooms for most situations. Only curtains divide the area.

    There was a study out not long ago that said you are often safer in a shared room. Someone to call out for help if needed, I think, was the reason.


  10. Kim, you mean you’ve already forgotten the time you got drunk and e-mailed all of us your naked selfie? You have no secrets from us, my friend. (JK, anyone who didn’t get it.)

    Actually, I get it. Our younger daughter, who can talk on and on in telling us every detail of her opinion on some things, is easily our more private daughter. Took me quite a while to realize that, because she’s so gregarious and open.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. It’s true, now that you mention it, newer hospitals are going for all private rooms. I toured the remodeled Kaiser Medical Center a year ago or so for a story and was told that, their new wing was entirely private rooms. I thought, ‘Well what a good idea.’

    I had an aunt who wound up in the big (this would have been maybe 20 years ago or so) county hospital and I was horrified when I went to see her — she was in a room with at least 6 other people, , maybe 8, mixed sexes. It was so depressing to see people warehoused like that, dormitory style with no privacy, when they weren’t feeling good. 😦

    Our palm trees, including the one across the street that was in the header a few days back, are all blowing in the wind this morning as what’s anticipated to be a major storm heads onshore. We’re supposed to get more than 4 inches of rain in the coastal area before mid-day Saturday.


  12. And I think Kim has a point in mentioning the concerns about infections as part of the reason for private rooms, these staph ‘super’ bugs like MRSA are becoming fairly common, unfortunately.

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  13. The hospital we’ve used since moving to this area (in the late 1980s) only has private rooms, as far as I know. I’ve never shared a hospital room after having my babies, nor did my daughter share a room the time she was hospitalized a little before her first birthday.

    It seems to me the insurance I had through the state teacher’s association back in the early 90s said that, at least with postpartum care (and maybe for any other type of hospitalization — I don’t remember), insurance would only cover the cost of a semi-private room, unless private rooms were the only rooms the hospital had. I’m pretty sure I looked into what type of rooms were available when I was nearing the end of my first pregnancy, and, IIRC, there wasn’t any choice to be made — they were all private. At least in the postpartum wing.

    So it seems to me that the trend toward private rooms only was already beginning thirty years ago or so, at least in some regions, and that insurance companies were recognizing that reality.


  14. the only time I was in the hospital (30 years ago now, wow, time flies) I had a private room. I don’t remember asking why, but I was glad. 🙂 Maybe it was all they had available or maybe we had good work insurance back then.


  15. roscuro, I just remembered, I had the most vivid dream last night about you coming to visit me — we wound up going into downtown LA to see the library and some other sights (Olvera Street was one of them) but along the way we were also trying to make dual hair appointments.

    Kim, good point (again) about HIPPA being a factor.

    The storm is just getting started here, lots of wind (my one bedroom window kept blowing open as I was trying to close up the house before leaving for work). More to come. Definitely boot, scarf and hood weather. I saw one woman whose umbrella was inverted.

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  16. HIPAA, not HIPPA.

    I work for a company that deals in protected healthcare information, so we are required to go through privacy and security training every year. Our Chief Security Officer who does the training always makes a point of being sure we know how to spell HIPAA. It kind of undermines our credibility as a healthcare information company if we don’t know how to spell HIPAA. His slides always include a smiling purple cartoon hippo, crossed out.

    Since I have a proofreader brain, HIPPA always leaps off the page (or screen) at me.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I agree that the trend has been toward private rooms in hospitals. When I was at the old St. Vincent’s Hospital in LA in the 60’s and 70’s I was put in double rooms. The last time, when I was 15, my dad recognized my discomfort and paid the extra to have me moved to a private room.

    I’ve been in two hospitals in the Ann Arbor area, both built in the 80’s I think, and as far as I know all the rooms are private. I’ve never seen or been offered semi-private.


  18. Kevin,

    That makes me think of one of my theology professors, who once went to the board and wrote


    Then he said, “God does not die.” He added a letter:


    “God does not go on a diet.”


    “This is not how to spell ‘deity.'”

    “From here on out, any paper that has that spelling loses a letter grade.”


  19. My Creative Writing teacher in high school had a last name of Libera. On the first day of class, he wrote his name on the board and said something like, “My name is Libera [pronounced LIB-e-rah]. It’s not Libra — that’s a sign of the Zodiac. And it’s also not Liberia — that’s a country in Africa.” I never heard anyone mispronounce his name. Not sure if everyone always spelled it right. 🙂


  20. Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed
    Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed
    Then one day he was shooting for some food,
    And up through the ground come a bubbling crude
    (Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea)

    Well the first thing you know old Jed’s a millionaire
    Kin folk said Jed move away from there
    Said California is the place you oughta be
    So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly
    (Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars)

    Well now it’s time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin
    They would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in
    You’re all invited back again to this locality
    To have a heaping helping of their hospitality
    (Beverly Hillbillies, that’s what they call ’em now,
    Nice folks Y’all come back now, ya hear?)

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Cheryl – Sorry, I only now came to today’s thread & saw your earlier question.

    As others have said, our hospital rooms are shared. It sounds good to me that new hospitals are going to private rooms, but the reason for it is sad.

    I agree with you about having the TV on if I’m not interested in watching it. I’d have to turn my hearing aids off so I could read if that happened to me.


  22. That is such a peaceful look on Miss Bosley’s face 🙂

    Annie Oakley has commandeered the twin bed in the spare bedroom now that it has comfy new bedding w/comforter on it.

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  23. Except for birthing rooms. There has been a switch over the last 25 or so years to birthing rooms rather than the old labor & delivery rooms (starting in one, then being transferred to the other).

    When I was in the hospital having Chickadee, the birthing rooms were under construction, so my roomie & I heard a lot of banging & such.


  24. I had a semi-private room the one time I stayed in a hospital (1981). When the three older children were born, Mrs L had semi-private (1984, ’85, ’87). D1 had private for her children (2009-’16). So I guess private is the new norm.

    And on names: Those of you who have my email or Facebook/Twitter contact info know my name is one word with only the first letter upper case. It is often confused with the two word version and one letter gets capitalized. Even the school where I have taught for 13 years gets it wrong one some documents.


  25. Private rooms are the current model. HIPAA has more to do with it than infections. Best practices keeps infectious people from sharing a room. However, a cardiac patient would not be infecctious. This has been quote an issue lately with all the flu. Our hospital has mostly double rooms. They could not be shared, creating a bed shortage with the recent flu epidemic.


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