3 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 5-25-24

  1. In agreement, Mumsee🙏

    Especially praying for the families of the young missiionary couple gunned down by gangs in Haiti. So very sad. They were helping the children there.

    Praying pre-emptively for safety at the Atlanta CNN presidential debate in June. At least one is walking into very hostile territory, but maybe both given the Hamas supporters.

    Prayers for Speaker Johnson and all in high level positions in our government. May they be infused with wisdom from God and be able and willing to follow God’s leading even when it seems so hard to do. May He strengthen them with resolve to do what is right in His sight and not be people pleasers.

    May God’s peace prevail here, in Jerusalem, and all around the world.

    I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen

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