23 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 5-25-24

  1. Good morning, all. A beautiful spring day here. A light rain has fallen and the air smells lovely, the green is incredible.


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  2. Happy Saturday! It will be another warm one here, but not oppresive. I took a long walk late yesterday and it felt pleasant enough. I sweated but was not soaked.

    I shopped at Publix early, and saw a guy who had spilled his container of blueberries. I said I hpped that’d be the worst thing that happened to him today. Then I let him go ahead of me in line.


  3. The twins birthday was a few days ago. The party is today, much later. But they are happy jolly boys, adored especially by their older brother.


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  4. A 3-day weekend.

    LA Fleet Week was packed yesterday, the first day, they had to pause the line (already at 2-hour waits) for the aircraft carrier tour shuttle. Today and tomorrow are expected to be even more crowded with everyone off work.

    Huge cruise ship also in port yesterday when I drove by.

    One of the more popular events is “galley wars” where the on-ship cooks from different branches of the service have a certain amount of ingredients they can work with and have to whip something up as judges look on.

    • dj

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  5. Our little multi-ethnic, hillside fishing seaport town tucked away at the end of the 110 freeway is now rapidly changing. The port is booming with incoming cargo, new development is going up in the quaint and historic downtown, a high-end new “LA Waterfront” development will open shortly with an amphitheater on the water’s edge.

    Good and bad come with all of that, of course.

    • dj

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  6. i saw on the news this morning that finally there are enough apartments in Atlanta that rents can start to get competitive and more reasonable. So thankful to hear that. We have seen building after building going up to meet the demand. Glad to hit saturation.

    It’s fun to hear about all the Fleet Week activities, Dj. I need to ask son if they have that at Charleston, too, but I bet you know.

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  7. Good Sunday morning!

    We are getting ready to go to church. I expect it may be sparse on this holiday weekend. Thankful we can be there to fill some otherwise empty space.

    Have a wonderful Lord’s Day, Y’all!

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  8. Good morning, all. A beautiful day here. I see from my dad’s cookie plate that he was up early for church. He probably asked a dozen times yesterday what he should wear for church. May God open his eyes to Truth.


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  9. DJ’s town was a wonderful place to grow up. I learned to appreciate the differences between cultures, appreciate and celebrate them. I also grew up surrounded by a panoply of languages—both musical and guttural— opening up my mind and heart to the beauty of the world’s differences.

    And of course, I met Jesus there, too.


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  10. Our Sunday school class is serious and fun, too. The teacher said he works a lot with people in India. He said there was recent discussion about our Memorial Day. He said he told them we do a lot of grilling. With many being Hindu in India, he refrained from saying we kill the sacred cow for our grilling.

    We finished up study in Genesis in Sunday school and are still in Acts with the pastor’s sermon.


  11. I got a text before church inviting me to a pool party as my youngest turns 40. So I went to church and the lunch afterwards and then home to do laundry and make a black bean edamame salad for the party. Turns out that they didn’t tell me but Colorado daughter flew in to surprise her sister for her 40th. I didn’t know until I saw her in the pool


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