Our Daily Thread 5-22-24

Good Morning!

My apologies to Peter and his wife. I missed their anniversary yesterday. So happy belated anniversary.


Anyone have a QoD?


17 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 5-22-24

  1. Thank you, AJ. But the anniversary is today, so you’re not late.

    This is celebration week here. My step-mom turned 84 Monday. D2 had an anniversary yesterday (has it really been 8 years?). Today is #42 for Mrs L and me. And Friday I’ll be a year older.

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  2. Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Peter L! That’s a whole lot of happy going on this week! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy each special occasion. Y’all could do a double date anniversary week celebration.

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  3. Happy anniversary, Peter. You guys are about a month and a decade behind us. Long marriage is a blessing! Many blessings prayed for you both.

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  4. Happy anniversaries and birthdays, much older and maybe but not likely wiser, older brother!

    My dad has no memory of thirty two years of marriage to my mom before she died though he remembers she was his girlfriend (or having any of their four children). Nor does he remember thirty six years of marriage to step mom.


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  5. Morning! It is cold but sunny here. Hit down to 28 last night and I had to bring in my newly purchased flowers! 🌺

    Happy Anniversary Peter and Mrs. ❣️

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  6. Husband is off to coffee with daughter. He is taking along a cribbage board in case she is in a good mood. She hasn’t been but it could happen!


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  7. Getting ready to go to my regular doctors office where I haven’t been for two years. But I need a referral to go to the new orthopedist.

    Our pool is open so I went and exercised last night.

    I didn’t get too tired but was a little achy in the night.

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  8. okay, my trip to Denver. Thanks to those who prayed. Standby is always an adventure. Since I am a mom I don’t have much priority so they put me at the end of the line. Both times I was the very last one on the plane, waiting all alone to see what God would do. Also both times I did not get a boarding pass, they just said go to 38 bravo or 28 alpha. Alpha is a window seat so that was fun.

    The delight was being with my friend. We both had busy schedules but visited in between. Stories and stories of how God has cared for each of us. She is a widow. We formed such a strong bond. I actually gave her a baby shower many years ago. And sharing about how our children are doing.

    One of her children was staying with her on a visit. She is now called Mav. I called her by that name but just treated her normally. My daughter said that I should have asked for her preferred pronouns. No that is not something I would ever do.


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  9. The hard part was being with my family. My ex and his wife were there, actually for over a week. So nice that I had somewhere else to stay.

    My son, my ex, and my daughters were all helping this daughter get her shed turned into a nice office. They really all worked together.

    But it made me realize that none of them had done that for me. That was what I was expecting when I came home but none of my kids even showed any interest in me or what I was doing. The girls here didn’t even come to see my house, nothing.

    I feel like I am not a part of this family or a very peripheral part. It was good that two of the younger grands were there and are very friendly. The older girls barely spoke to me. I took both families pickle ball paddles and balls which I think they will enjoy.


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  10. Sorry, Jo, you can only reach out. Sounds like they have moved on without you. Were there hurt feelings because you “abandoned” them for the mission field?

    We kind of ran into that when we adopted (our version of going to the mission field). Not really hurt feelings and the bios tried to be understanding and supportive but it changed the dynamics as we could not do the normal visiting them all over and such. My daughter and I made a real effort to develop our adult relationship. The boys have always been there but their wives were confused. Things are improving.


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  11. Oh good. I already prepped my posts for the rest of the week and I did not forget your birthday Peter.

    At least this year….


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  12. You are doing great, AJ! Actually, amazing, thanks be to God. When I think of how He has brought you through so much . . . It makes md think . . . miracles. I praise Him again when thinking back.

    Speaking of amazing, son took me to see my 93 y/o friend. She is making sourhdough bread that she learned how to make from YouTube videos. She fed us some mulberry scones (mulberries picked in her yard). She offrred that her grandson can dig up a small mulberry ttee if we want one for our yard. She also is making insect repellent balm and spray from essential oils (learned from YouTube videos). She is so alert but looks more fragile now.

    She has a tremendous old tulip poplar by her back deck i wanted son to see it. It is on a city registry because of its size.

    We saw one of the two cats she keeps for her granddaughter. A very nice mannered cat compared to Miss Bosley, the sweet cat in my lap at the moment, but also the one that Art trained through play to nip and swat with her claws.

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  13. Kizzie, not usually, though he knows we tell him I am. I blew it one day when he said he thought I had turned out well. I said thank you but should have said the Hand of God works miracles. Praying for a second opportunity.


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  14. Thanks for the well-wishes.

    We made a trip to Quincy, IL (25 miles away) to have lunch at a restaurant that serves locally grown foods. Then we went to the Aldi there since ours is closed for remodeling. On returning to Hannibal we stopped at a new ice cream shop and had Mississippi mud (chocolate and other flavors mixed together).

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