9 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 4-25-24

  1. Waiting for port commission meeting to start, they’re meeting earlier than usual so I had to be ‘up and at ’em’ early today.

    Friend told me yesterday her brother was good at killing crane flies when they came onto their porch due to the porch light. I told her, no need to kill them, they’re harmless (I’m now a crane fly defender).

    Just turn the porch light off, right? 🙂

    I haven’t seen one in a while now, their “season” may be drawing to an end.

    • dj

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  2. It is a Spring like day here! And we have seen our first hummingbird scout! Time to stock up on sugar!!

    I am spying tiny green shoots bursting through the dirt…just in time for the next round of snow. Hopefully the temperature will not dip below freezing and we will see an insulating slush!

    I read a post by Tullian that has caused quite not so kind responses. He supports Christians cussing…because he does…no bars hold. Some who support even encourage “being yourself” assert those who disagree do not know Christ. Is this what we have become?😢 Nj

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  3. Cranach (Gene Veith) — who now charges for his pieces so I rarely see them anymore, unless one pops out from behind the paywall — argues for a return to denominations:

    … Evangelicalism began as a parachurch movement.  That is, it existed alongside of, and in support, of actual churches.  Christianity Today, Billy Graham,  various campus ministries, Christian charities, Christian publishing houses, Christian media, Christian schools, and other organizations embodied a conservative Protestantism that could serve a wide range of conservative Protestant denominations.  These served and still serve a good purpose.  But actual churches–not parachurches–are where Christians live out their faith.

    Yet there arose “evangelical churches.”  This happened when denominations, seeking to emulate the success of the burgeoning evangelical movement, traded their confessional distinctives for the purposefully more generic theology of Christian bookstores and Christian media.  The denominations also changed their distinctive approaches to worship to emulate the seemingly more popular styles of evangelical evangelism crusades and contemporary Christian music.  The result was a hollowing out of denominations.  They all began to look the same on Sunday mornings.  Without their own theology and their own way of worshipping, the institutional bureaucracy was about all that was left, and denominations did indeed seem superfluous.

    He goes on to say “American Christianity became homogenized.  And in losing its confessional identities, it lost a great deal of its substance.  It became less able to deal effectively with an increasingly secularized culture.  Into the void rushed politics, worldliness, and the “prosperity gospel.”

    Here’s the link if you can get into it:


    * dj

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  4. Cat story. Not a happy ending, skip this tale.

    Our old cat, maybe seventeen, maybe more, probably not less, has been on hospice the last week plus. He was discovered not using his hind legs. We decided to give him a day in the sunshine before putting him down. To our astonishment, he was getting around without his hind legs in use. He went out mousing and bird watching, coming back in the evening to be fed and watered, then climbed into his house where he stayed for the night. He purred happily whenever people stopped to visit. No indication of any pain. We suspected a tumor had outgrown his system. This went on for several days until this morning when he appeared unable to get around any more. He is now returning to the soil.


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  5. From the Prison Alliance program last night, we watched this video:

    After watching the video, the former inmate got up from the table where he dined with the other presenters and spoke for a few minutes. Very touching.

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  6. Bittersweet cat story, Mumsee. So glad there was not too much suffering and the cat lived a good long life in a loving environment provided by his Maker. I know you will miss ‘that’ cat for they each have endearing qualities.

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  7. I may finally have a reason to go to Lewiston! Hobby Lobby is taking the old J C Penny store. I don’t believe I have ever been in a Hobby Lobby but it always sounded interesting.


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