35 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 2-18-22

  1. Good morning from the grounds of the Original 13! I think that includes only Kizzie, Chas, and me. Am I leaving out any who live in one of the Original 13 Colony states?

    It’s cold here this morning. We had a short pounding rain last night with one big clap of thunder. Some areas got up to two inches.

    Missing seeing Chas. Wonder how the weather is in his area?

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  2. That is our church office. It used to be a house. I took this from the church steps Sunday morning.

    When we do outside services, we do it under those trees in the shade. 🙂

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  3. Pretty scene above. We will have more snow, cold and high winds today. In other words, pretty normal February weather. This is the time of year many can get cabin fever. I have too many things to do to have that. I am glad when I can stay home and get it done. We have a lot more winter left, at any rate.

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  4. We’re looking at 71 degrees and “mostly sunny.” By Sunday, we’ll be back down into the low 60s.

    Happy Friday, I’m hoping for an easy day here with one story to do.

    February will be gone before we know it, is the year speeding by again? This whole pandemic period has felt like time was in some sort of suspended animation — yet flying by with months passing in what felt like a blink of an eye.

    My wall calendars are always behind. it’s still January in the work room. (I obviously don’t look at that calendar very much, rely on the phone and datebook instead.)

    Spring will be here before we know it, then summer, fall … Christmas.

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  5. Beautiful sunshine day. Husband has the children going through the Truth Project upstairs. Down here, we have been working our way through Revelation with the pastor from Virginia. We have so many resources for schooling! There is no excuse for somebody to get through school illiterate. But here we are.

    Just finished our reading of Kingsblood Royal and Northanger Abby and The Return of the King. Racism covered. Now working through The Boys in the Boat for tying up loose ends. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was finished earlier along with Facing the Mountain. Our study on social justice. Interesting to be able to bring in evolution and how that theory has harmed the race mix as well.

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  6. It’s true, it is Friday. Now I have a second story to write, but it’s super easy, almost done with it (a simple advance on an upcoming candidates’ forum).

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  7. We are bracing ourselves as we look toward Mondays Arctic front moving in . They say it will last all week…snow and sub zero temps. I think Kathaleena and Kare are quite accustomed to those temps 🥶
    For now we will enjoy the 40 and 50 degrees this weekend.
    Aj that is such a special setting for your church to enjoy. Just beautiful

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  8. Charlie is doing ok. He has good and bad days. He is unable to see enough to type and send. He is still praying for each of your daily. Charlie says is it cold in Greensboro but his house is 80 degrees.

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  9. So thankful to be updated on Chas today. He has certainly been on my mind. Glad he’s staying warm at 80°!

    Today I have been going through a lot of junk mail. I need to let the senders all know my eyes can’t read it so they need not waste their money sending it.

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  10. Had a nice visit today with Chickadee. After picking her up, we were going to go to brunch. After Nightingale had filled up her tank with gas, and we were trying to decide where to go – because our first choice would be closing too soon – we spontaneously picked a place we had never been before, which was across the street from the gas station. It turned out to be a great pick. Delicious food!

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  11. Janice – I had a scrambled egg and corned beef hash breakfast quesadilla which came with home fries. I’m not usually too big on home fries (they’re okay, but not a favorite), but these were really good, and the quesadilla was very, very good. To drink, I had hot tea, which came in a cute miniature tea pot to make it in.

    Chickadee had a steak and cheese breakfast quesadilla, and Nightingale had a special Eggs Benedict with chorizo hash and avocado. Their meals each came with home fries, too. Also, Nightingale ordered an order of chocolate chip pancakes for us to share (one each).

    I brought home half of my food (except for the pancake, which I ate there), and had it for dinner. So yummy!

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  12. I got Tess out for a gentle, slow walk at dusk, she sniffed and sniffed. That needs to be a daily thing for us again. Dogs need that mental stimulation even when they’re old.

    As we were getting back to the house, though, I heard the beep of a rescue truck, then noticed Rhyan, my neighbor, out front flagging them down (it’s his wife Shirley who is getting over the stroke from last March).

    He called after they wheeled her out (he was going to follow), seems like a possible hernia problem. Hoping it’s easily addressed and she gets home quickly.

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  13. i am sure Chas loves that heat, but it may be a challenge to everyone else! It would be for me. An act of love to endure. Nice to hear how he is doing.

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  14. Funny about the inside thermostat setting . . . the morning Fox local news said they had an online debate going as to the perfect indoor setting. It was a “hot” topic. Some said 80° and some said lower 70°s. Our thermostat is set on 68° but I think with the thermostat’s midpoint location in this split level house that it must be around 77° in the upstairs bedroom when the heat pump is shut off. That’s when we get the “emergency” full blast heat, when outside temps go in the lower 30°s which is what we have currently. It’s suppose to warm up to 59° later so then the heat pump will kick on with its windchill effect. Then we’ll have jacket wearing weather inside. We have reason to change clothes several times a day.


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