26 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 1-28-20

  1. One of my daughter’s colleagues has just returned from China where they did NOT celebrate Chinese New Year as planned. She works, of course, in health care but even though she feels fine, has decided to put herself into 2 weeks of quarantine.

    Interesting. Perhaps it’s just too hard to have to explain.

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  2. The header is from a log in a bit of a retaining wall on the hill below our condo. It’s beginning to rot in places, and I think we should ask them to replace it with brick, as is used in other places around the development. In the meantime, the gaps collect frost and look pretty frosted up, as here.

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  3. Pretty quiet here. Baby is still sleeping. Daughter is off to work. I woke up son at five thirty as he seems to have forgotten to fill the wood box. He was reminded last night and still forgot.

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  4. He is just sitting in the wood shed. Hard to figure what is going on in his mind. For the past two and a half weeks, he has refused to do schoolwork. He just sits in his room. On strike, I believe.

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  5. Good Morning Everyone. We are bringing in a well known trainer today to teach a class on Leverage. Yesterday he had taught in another area and we got a call from someone that he had upset several guests at their event and the guests walked out. We heard he had been somewhat condescending and insulting. We had a moment of damage control panic where we thought we were going to have to eat about $4,000. A phone call seemed to straighten everything out and got a promise of being on best behavior. The class will be from 1-4pm. I will be at the venue at 12 to make sure everything runs smoothly.
    I had to laugh the other day. Years of working with Guy came in handy. The TL(my boss) is a very demanding, intense, matter of fact personality. At the awards banquet a week ago, one of the agents was upset about something. TL asked who it was that night and made a comment of “Oh, I’ll handle her”. She was insulted to be “handled” like he didn’t care about her feelings. I spent an hour one day last week assuring her that wasn’t what he meant. What he meant is that because they have a good relationship, he would talk to her and explain what had really happened. I had to explain to him, even though he has been a real estate agent for years that realtors have egos and fragile feelings and you have to handle them carefully. He told me it was exhausting. I looked at him and laughed. “Ya think?”

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  6. Holes.

    Annie was in one of her wide-awake, pesky moods this morning, getting me up to give her a bit of kibble 20 minutes early (5:40 instead of 6 a.m.). After that, she was sweet and calm, she came back to bed for a morning face rub and some purr time.

    Cowboy, meanwhile, was having quite the dream on the dog bed in the bedroom — little high-pitched, soft barks and “running” feet.

    I have my check-in with the GP this morning, something I’m not as good or regular about as I should be (I usually get a gentle lecture). And today I’ll be seeing one of the new female doctors — my doctor of so many years (we were both in our early 30s when he took over that practice) is in the process of gradually retiring. He has Parkinson’s but is still in the office part-time for the transition, still seeing patients. In February, the office will be moved to another location in town. It still will be close, but not as close as this one which is literally a few blocks away from my house. The new one will still be less than a mile away, though. We’re tucked onto a peninsula so nothing that’s “in town” is ever really that far away.

    My doctor’s son is just getting out of med school, I think — or finishing up his internship? It was speculated that he might take over for the dad, but I’m not sure what the plan is. For now, though, we’re being absorbed by this other practice in town, all female doctors I believe. Sounds like they offer a lot of in-house, one-stop services (testing, gyn, etc.), which seems like it could be more convenient. I’ll miss the old family GP days though, they’re definitely falling by the wayside. I’m grateful to have had the same general practice doctor for all these many years, I know. Today that’s an anomaly. I’m also wondering if my beloved veterinarian might be “thinking” of retiring soon, he’s a bit younger than I am (and he seems and looks way younger than he is), but he’s cutting back his hours (he has two female vets full-time with him in the practice now). He’s extremely popular and now is booked a few weeks in advance.

    Changes. I don’t like them.

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  7. Interesting report from the Daily Mail:

    ~ Kobe Bryant and daughter Gigi attended Catholic mass in Newport Beach early Sunday morning and received Communion just hours before they both died in tragic crash

    The basketball legend and 13-year-old Gigi went to the 7am service at the Our Lady Queen of Angels in Newport Beach on Sunday ~

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  8. Morning all. I am off to another Bible study this morning. Then another one tonight. Keeps me busy studying the word, which is delightful, but time consuming.

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  9. Several years ago I was e-mailing someone about a situation of sexual molestation I had learned about. I told her that I had dealt with several people through the years who had experienced it, but that I didn’t consider myself to have expertise and wanted some advice from her. She got quite angry and said my wording of “dealt with” suggested to her that I didn’t see them as people, but as a problem to “deal with” and get on with life. I said no, not at all; it was simply the past tense of having had dealings with people, or interacting with them. I said “interacted with” was probably too general, since some were quite close to me and “interacted” might suggest a simple transactional contact and not an ongoing relationship. And I couldn’t say I had counseled them, because that had never officially been my relationship. I could say I had “loved them,” but some I hadn’t known well. So I used a generic catch-all term to encompass various relationships of people with whom I had some face-to-face contact.

    The English language is tricky. It has many words in it, but many of our words can be used in multiple ways. Earlier today I referred to someone having had “a bad fall” and realized as soon as I said it that we most often use the term to say someone took a nasty tumble, whereas I meant he had an unpleasant autumn. As long as we understand what someone is saying, it’s better not to micromanage every term someone uses. (And I say that as an editor who regularly tells people “This term could be misinterpreted” or “I don’t know what you’re communicating here.”) We should try to be clear, but it’s best when we don’t interpret every nuance of others’ communication with the worst possible spin!

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  10. I can be obnoxious to my family that way as I want them to say what they mean and mean what they say. Some of my children say some very strange things, when they mean perfectly normal things.


  11. The other day, twenty three year old kept talking about tagging a whale. She knew she was saying something wrong as we all sat perplexed, but could not figure it out. Suddenly, we all realized she meant wagging a tail. She is the one who used to walk sleep every night. And so goes my life….

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  12. I was woken up this morning by my father tapping at the door. Youngest wasn’t feeling well and my parents were going to help her. There was a possibility my father would need to drive her to the hospital, so once I got ready, I drove over to help my mother if needed. Youngest began feeling better, so she didn’t need to get medical attention, but we had a good visit. It was the first time my mother had been anywhere since before Christmas. She has not been feeling well at all lately – Second thinks winters are hard on her. When my parents left, Little Niece asked me to stay longer, noting that they didn’t see me on Sundays very often anymore. So, I did.
    Youngest is expecting her fifth and having a few health struggles. She said when she felt unwell this morning, Little took over getting her siblings’ breakfasts and helping the smallest with his bib. Little is six now, and starting to read and write and do crafts very well – it seems like yesterday when she was a tiny baby.

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  13. I often have the wrong word or phrase come out of my mouth.

    This is a very sad and disturbing development. On one of the local Facebook pages, I came across a post (that someone shared from the state troopers’ page for our area) of photos from a homeowner’s security camera of the man who had tried his doors to try to get in (but couldn’t), and stolen a package and some mail.

    There is also an hour-long video (haven’t seen it but others have described it) showing him checking out the property, including the barn, and petting the chickens and a pig. Sadly, the photos and the video are of X.

    I was so shocked when I saw the photos, and it was clearly him. My heart sank to think he would go this low. Even so, I did not contact the troopers’ office, waiting to show the photos to Nightingale to confirm that it was really him. She confirmed it, and contacted the police, as well as both of their lawyers.

    We are trying to keep it from Boy right now, but I assume he will know about it sooner or later, especially is X goes to jail.

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  14. Roscuro – Thanks for your reply. I had seen that this morning. You sure have had your battles with pneumonia.

    I wonder if the personality changes you mentioned are your inner reactions to what was going on around you, and how you felt when you were sick each time. That’s how it seemed to me from what you described.

    As for me, seeing Nightingale’s concern over my health has me determined to get stronger health-wise, particularly by getting more serious about losing some weight and getting more exercise. I recently ordered a manual treadmill. Didn’t know there was such a thing until Nightingale mentioned looking at one online.

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  15. So today went off with only one minor hitch that I didn’t know about until after it was over, even though I had questioned and questioned the person responsible.
    When it came time to introduce our sponsors TL asked if I wanted to do it. There was a brief back and forth until I told him to go introduce them “while I stand back here and make you look good”. We both laughed.

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