18 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-27-24

  1. Hope the power is back on or will be soon!

    Happy birthday to Cheryl. May she have power!

    Another beautiful flower to enjoy!

    We easily got to both our destinations yesterday. As I figured, I will need a crown on the tooth, so will have to wait until towards the end of July to get in for that. So blessed not to have pain from it in the meantime.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Morning ! Yay for power!!! Knocked out by storms?

    We were hit by a thunderstorm last night! Yay for rain!

    Happy birthday Cheryl

    Thankful for dentists and no pain. Crowns seem to be an easy yet expensive fix. It’s a challenge to keep your tongue from rubbing over the broken tooth until the crown is in!😊

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Happy Birthday, Cheryl! May it be filled with the joy of the Lord.

    We hit the 1914 record of 100° yesterday. My Dad was born in 1914 in S. Georgia before air conditioning. He was born in April so maybe on a pleasant weather day.

    The temp won’t get that high today but humidity is up. We expect a thunderstorm at anytime. Maybe during the debate? It’d be funny if God knocked out the power. Well, funny to some of us who know the ultimate holder of power.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for the birthday greetings!

    We do have power, have had for the last 24 hours, but we were without it for 19 hours before that, and some neighbors were still without it last night and expected not to get it back till midnight tonight. The local grocery store had to toss all meat, dairy, and frozen food–my husband said the store was nearly empty of food when he went to get the cake he had ordered for me.

    I was actually out on the trail when the storm started. It came earlier, and much harder, than predicted. I decided to turn back because I didn’t like the looks of the clouds. I was less than half a mile from my car, and it hadn’t started raining yet when I turned back. As soon as I turned back I realized I was heading into the wind, and the rain started, and soon it was a deluge. A branch fell across the trail 12-15 feet in front of me, and before I reached the parking lot water was flowing across the trail and I was soaked through.

    I called my husband from the parking lot to tell him I was safely back in the car but not leaving yet since it was raining so hard, and he told me yes, stay in place, that cars were crawling on the road in front of our house and we were without power. It was only two miles home, but I had to do a detour because a tree was down across the road–I saw one desperate driver actually drive on the sidewalk to go around it!–and branches and leaves were strewn across the street everywhere. But I did get home safely, and the storm dropped the temperature 15 degrees (as well as giving us some inches of much-needed rain).

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Adventures with Cheryl!

    Most exciting thing that happened to me last night was, on the way home with Abby at the end of our walk, I somehow stepped in a lot of fresh dog poop, groan (as I was picking up her waste nearby) so my favorite NB shoes are a mess (those waffle soles are horrible to clean). I have them drying in the sun today.

    On the weather front, our spate of heat-and-humidity has left, thankfully.

    Meanwhile, neighbors’ older Honda CRV was hit in the side last night (other driver was coming out of an alley and broadsided him) while he was driving to the doctor’s office to pick up something. Neither passenger side door will open now. 😦

    • dj

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s 86° and feels pleasant out after yesterday’s 100° scorcher. The breeze is back and I don’t notice the humidity. Cloud cover at times is welvome, too.

    The new elephant ear plants have taken off. Growing big way faster than I expected. So pleased with that special deal of 10 bulbs for $10 at Sam’s Club (end of season sale). We planted three and gave the rest to my brother who has a larger property.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My Bible study group is looking to do a study of the book of James. One free study I found is by Jen Wilkins. I listened to the first free audio lesson today and she says that in James there are 54 commands or calls to obedience to Christ. That is really neat since I had originally wanted to do a study of the commands of Christ. Our leader had suggested doing James because she was doing personal study in the book. So we both get what we desired! God works things out like that!

    Here is a link if anyone is interested:


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy birthday, Cheryl.

    Thankfully we haven’t lost power for a long stretch in quite a while, but we can get long stretches without. We’re getting a Generlink collar put on our power pole so that we can plug a generator into it and it will feed into our house so we can run the fridge and freezers, water heater, well pump and furnace (just not all at the same time)

    We got to meet our granddaughter on the weekend. Oh, she is so sweet and content and her three big brothers love her.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Happy birthday, Cheryl!

    We had a break in the heat finally. It only got to the low 80s today after a week or more of mid 90s.


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