21 thoughts on “News/Politics 5-27-24

  1. The farce continues.


    “LAWFARE 2.0: Beyond a reasonable doubt? Trump’s just isn’t requiring the prosecutor to prove Trump broke a specific law. The judge ruled that jurors don’t need to come to a unanimous verdict on any particular crime. As long as they all think he did something wrong he’s guilty.”


    “LAWFARE 2.0: Acting Justice Merchan will reportedly instruct jurors that they can individually pick any one of three ‘predicate’ crimes during their deliberations. Shockingly, they need not ALL agree on which crime they believe Trump committed to find him guilty. This unprecedented move undermines the very foundation of our justice system, highlighting how New York Democrats are using their control of the judiciary to pursue political vendettas. “


    This is BS, and unconstitutional.

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  2. I don’t ever watch this on Fox, but a friend sent this about the Bronx Rally which was interesting from a different perspective. Just good for processing hoe segments of the population are feeling and what is driving them to do what they have never done before.


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  3. Having watched the Bronx rally and the Libertarian speech, I continue to be disgusted with news coverage. BBC mentions Trump was booed at the Lib speech but fail to mention he was also heartily cheered. Why can’t they say both sides and let the people decide?


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  4. Yes, mumsee, I so agree. I listened, recently, to an acquaintance saying that he watches the mainstream channels so that he can hear the truth. He is not like so and so who listens to Fox or CNN. Believe me, once you attend some events yourself, or watch the complete hearings, speeches etc. you do realize how things are twisted on every channel.

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  5. So the Dispatch is a traditional conservative site (which is not one of the preferred sites on this blog, putting it mildly 🙂 ), but I’ve found them to be worth reading (along with other things, of course).

    • dj

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  6. From the piece (it’s a little ‘inside baseball’ when it comes to Libertarian figures currently in that party):


    It’s not clear what Trump’s objective is by showing up at the Libertarian convention, but there’s actually a decent chance it could backfire on him. If Trump’s presence at the convention does help Rectenwald win the nomination, that would likely hurt Trump in the general election because Rectenwald’s anti-woke and anti-abortion stances would almost certainly draw more votes away from Trump than Biden. 

    On the other hand, Oliver, the candidate backed by the Classical Liberal Caucus, would likely draw more votes from Biden than Trump because Oliver is a former Democratic antiwar activist who favors enacting a federal statutory right to abortion. 

    So what does Trump have to gain from showing up at the Libertarian Convention? “I don’t think he cares one way or the other who our presidential nominee is,” Casey of the Classical Liberal Caucus told The Dispatch. “I think his motivation for coming to speak to the Libertarian Party is that he looks at this as a campaign rally where he can go up on a stage that has Libertarian Party branding, Libertarian Party crowd, and he can create an ad for himself, essentially.” That message? “I spoke to the Libertarians, and they loved me,” as Casey put it. ~

    • dj

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  7. With the Libertarian party on 37 state ballots — and (from the looks of things now) this general election could wind up a nail-biter relying on just a handful of swing states — that could make a difference in the final outcome.

    Interesting to me (but it kind of makes sense) that the Libertarian Party encompasses both conservative and liberal “wings.”

    • dj

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  8. I was just watching a clip from the libertarian convention. I thought their slogan was more interesting than anything anyone had to say: BECOME UNGOVERNABLE. Now there’s a catchy sentiment. By the way, it looks like they’ve chosen Chase Oliver as their nominee, I think.

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  9. The Georgia Gang, with two Democrats and two Republicans having a good civil discussion, talked sbput Biden’s Morehouse address.



  10. You know how they say you can mix up the letters in a word and people can still read it? I could not believe Janice said:

    “talked about stupid Biden’s Morehouse address.”

    I could not believe sweet Janice could ever say such a thing!

    Glad to see it was my hasty reading that was awful.


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