16 thoughts on “News/Politics 5-22-24

  1. TheDemocrats. Invasion continues. Thank Joe, democrats, and #USELESS GOP.


  2. I would add DHS. But who are we kidding, #USELESS GOP doesn’t use the only power they have, the power of the purse. Useless.


  3. This is what propagandists do. They are mouthpieces for the regime.


  4. Once again, the FBI and DoJ caught lying and fabricating evidence.


  5. She said the quiet part out loud.


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  8. Sadly, no. Most won’t accept the reality here.

    “Trump lawyer Christina Bobb says when she switched to being counsel for Trump as it relates to election integrity she has had US Marshalls show up at her house, the FBI, she was interrogated by Biden’s DOJ twice and now she is facing up to 50 years in prison for helping to bring election challenges in Arizona.

    By a DA that “won” her race by 207 votes with 9,000 votes left they refuse to count.

    This is what the gestapo look like. The best way to show people just how “legitimate” the 2020 election was is to intimidate, harass and try to imprison lawyers who filed legal challenges about its legitimacy.

    This is America. This is happening in America. Are people getting where we are?”


  9. Truth.


  10. That’s not a prediction folks, it’s a spoiler. The #USELESS GOP will do nothing, as usual.


  11. After watching the two sides opposing views of what is happening in the ny court, I am convinced that we are done as anything like a free country. Yes, God can turn it around but why would He. Hold on to God.


    Liked by 1 person

  12. Watching the hearings on Fauci’s bunch and their emails exposing their lies.

    But all Dems wanna talk about is one of his assistant’s sexist and misogynistic comments about the failure Welensky that Biden installed at the CDC. Nothing at all about the Covid lies. Dems still wanna hide the truth.

    Another farce.


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