15 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 5-21-24

  1. Good morning! Oak leaf hydrangea blooms all around Atlanta currently. Yesterday as we hiked we enjoyed its fragrance.

    Mumsee, maybe contact your Governor’s office to see if they might help in cutting red tape on doing your appeal. We’ve had a good response when reaching out to get help from that level. Tell them the need to expedite and maybe someone will take a call from them on your behalf.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good morning, all. A beautiful day spring day here with everything green and growing. The lilacs are in bloom.

    Janice, that is the next step. You may recall, that is how our first group was adopted. The State had them in a holding pattern until the children wrote the Governor and all red tape evaporated.


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  3. Have you tried emails?

    I find it interesting that I have never gotten a response from any message I have sent to my state representative. In the past, even though they do not agree with my viewpoint, I would get a response of some sort. That is the Democratic rep. The Republican usually responds within hours. The difference is startling.

    We are getting rain, rain and more rain. The yard is getting to look like a field, since it is too wet to mow. I am enjoying all the green, however, on it and the trees. The apple blossoms have are also beginning to bloom. I love spring.

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  4. I have done my civic duty. Took my dad and two assistants. One assistant turns eighteen in about a week and he follows politics and the news carefully so he should be ready to vote in November. He is the only one of my eleven younger who would be able to make a thought out vote, but he will probably never be able to live independently.


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  5. Beautiful flowers Janice. Makes me homesick for southern gardens!

    I just made it back home from running errands before the skies opened up and poured rain! So thankful for the liquid moisture.

    Seems my Amazon order was lost by UPS. Amazon offered a refund. After I had said yes husband received an email from the business that they were sending another one. Then they received a message from Amazon letting them know they refunded me. They halted the shipment and now I got nothin’ but my 70.00 dollars back! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  6. But you got your $70 NJ 🙂

    I’m fine, just underwater with LA Fleet Week prep. Aircraft carrier arrives later today with a new US Navy ‘drone’ vessel (just wrote up a story on that one, which was a late addition we were told about) and one of our home-based coast guard cutters both coming in on Thursday.

    Juggling information back and forth w/Navy contacts to get clearance on who’s covering what, credentials we’ll need; LA mayor will speak tomorrow aboard the carrier (someone else will be going to that as Navy contact told me, “There’s no easy way to get up onto the flight deck — it’s lots of climbing;” Navy was working on all of those boarding preparations yesterday, I can’t imagine the TV folks with all the gear and equipment they’ll need to haul up to the top with them.

    I’m feeling buried by all the moving parts we’re trying to plan and juggle and assign and figure out logistics for. No different from other Fleet Weeks except — the event continues to get bigger and more complex each year.

    • dj

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  7. Glad to know you are okay, Dj. That is such a big project. Daunting to think about. Glad you are able to make all the deadlines. That was what kept the accounting work exciting, being under the gun of a looming deadline. Make it or die trying. I hope you cancretire soon, if you desire to do so. Some people don’t want to retire.


  8. It should read “can retire soon” (a random c showed up in there😄

    So cool to see this article about Trail Life. At a conference I attended several years back, I sat by Mark Hancock at lunch and got to discuss Son’s scouting years and how much BSA had changed. We were blessed that Son got to be an Eagle Scout before the main transition occurred. Trail Life is great if any have grandkids (boys) the right age for it.



  9. I have one grandson in Trail Life. Oldest son was doing his Eagle project when he realized the other boys’ parents were doing theirs and lost all interest because Eagle lost its meaning to him.


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  10. I am thankful that the leaders in son’s troop made sure it was a “boy led” troop so the guys learned all they needed for success in life. When they completed badges or advanced in some way, the boys had interviews with a team of several leaders so they got prepared for job interviews. I can’t even express how wonderful that troop was. We visited several before deciding on it though it was not the closest.

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  11. That was how my dad’s experience went, and my brothers. For my dad, their dad’s and young men were off to wwtwo so they were truly boy led!



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