8 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 5-1-24

  1. From last night to this morning our friend’s son, Travis is doing much better after his stroke. He is in his early 50’s. There has been much prayer. Thanks to the Lord and prayer for continued healing.

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  2. Thanking God for improvement and paying for continued healing for Travis.

    And thanking and praising God for his great care for me and my family, and for answered prayers. How good and kind he is!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Good news, indeed! Praising our Good, Good Father!🙏

    I had a good visit at the Center for the Visually Impaired. I saw a doctor and occupational therapist. I am getting stonger reading glasses and got a better magnifying glass and some bumpy stickers to put on the microwave of other appliances so I can more easily use the buttons and dials. I will get a device through the GA Library of Congress to play books, and I got more info on how to access free books in audio format. I am signed up to start processing for Marta Mobility which is a small bus that comes to the residence and takes a person anywhere in the local metro counties for $4 each way, meaning I could ride it down to Art’s office, about thirty miles away. A lady at my church uses it and loves it. Another person, a couple of houses from us on the street, uses it. Praising the Lord for these benefits.

    I basically am no longer able to even drive to the grocery store (i can do it, but not legally) so I will be looking at alternatives, a horse and cart, golf cart, a bicycle and cart, a tricycle, or a fold up wagon I can pull as I walk. 😅

    Art will basically be carrying me grocery shopping more.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Thank you, Dj.

    I knew the no driving would happen soon so no surprise there. Just so thankful I made it through tax season still able to drive 30 mph for the one mile to get groceries.

    Liked by 3 people

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