46 thoughts on “News/Politics 4-22-24

  1. Rep McCauley from Texas, House Committee for Foreign Affairs has high praise for Speaker Johnson. I can’t make the story appear here from this iPad.


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  2. The real problem is a complete lack of integrity in congress and being a Christian is practically meaningless in terms of solving that fundamental problem. Deception is the way to power apparently. How can we say we have a representative government when they say one thing and do another. And I’m not talking about this particular congress—it’s been this way most of my life. 

    I understand compromise and not getting everything you want, as if anyone ever does. Johnson’s articulation of his positions before he was elected Speaker was, to me, a big compromise because I don’t want funding for Ukraine at all. Zero dollars. And I’m tepid about funding Israel. I’m more concerned about taking care of problems at home before focusing abroad. It is the governments primary duty.

    Furthermore, and to me this is the worst of all, Johnson carries impeccable Christian credentials There is not hint of him being a Christian in name only or a ‘baby’ immature Christian. So there is no excuse for such a blatant lie. He’s a full-grown, mature representative of Christ in Congress. He served on the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for 8 years among a number of other religious affiliations. I thought he was solid, and was happy to see such a man elected to that high position of trust even if I didn’t agree with him entirely. I was deceived in him, but that is a small thing. I can only imagine how disappointed and betrayed his colleagues who trusted him feel. They publicly vouched and voted for him. They risked their own standing and careers for this Christian. And he’s not even repentant. 

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  3. We don’t actually need any more funding at the border, we need laws enforced so it is not taking money from one to fund the other (it is not real money anyway). In fact, enforcing our laws at the border would save us a great deal of money.

    Again, we need to pray for him, not to do our will but God’s. If God wants him out to accomplish His will, He has ways and does not need us losing sight of the Truth in our wrath and vindictiveness.


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  4. Trump continues to remind me of a middle school child – the absolute refusal to take responsibility for his actions. Biden did not force him to sleep with a porn star, Biden did not force him to pay the porn star.

    Last week a student called my colleague “a fu…….. liar”. My colleague heard it, I heard it, and the girl’s best friend heard it. She denied it and then didn’t understand the issue. Of course it was a colleague’s fault for being offended and her best friend’s fault for confirming what the teacher reported. No acceptance of responsibility, blame or even acknowledging such behaviour is wrong. Trump is this child.



  5. Do the Republicans have an agenda? In the last election, did they have an actual agenda to campaign on — a policy book, a set of promises, etc. Genuinely curious since all I see is working with Trump’s agenda. And his agenda is that of a petulant child full of personal grievances.

    Did voters elect the Johnson version of the party or the Greene version? She’s always struck me as the tail that wags the dog. The lack of discipline is one of the problems Republicans have. Whereas the Democrats are actually united for a change, Greene and others make it difficult for Johnson to resist Democratic demands in a compromise.

    Meanwhile the border issue is also tearing the party up. While most Republicans see the OK Senator’s bill as an ideal solution, Greene and others are holding it up for Trump. If there is a border crisis, why not implement the Senate bill — it’s almost an entire Republican wish list? Again we go back to what is the Republican agenda – to govern in the nation’s interests or to keep a petulant man-child happy?


  6. Debra – We’ll agree to disagree on Ukraine. I see it as an existential crisis of western values. Meanwhile like you my support for Israel is in decline. My leftist friends were always frustrated with my support for Israel to defend itself and its existence. However, Bibi whom I never liked has made it extremely difficult to support Israel.

    His current Iranian adventurism is beyond the necessity of self defence. In the Ukraine, aid is contingent on it not being used on Russia proper only on self-defence. Similar restraints need to be put on Bibi – Western military aid should only be used in defence, any adventurism in Lebanon, Syria, or Iran should result in a cut off of aid.



  7. I’ve not followed the congressional drama as closely as some of you. But from what I have read, this is my question:

    Did Johnson intentionally lie to manipulate?

    Or did he hold one position but then change that position in the light of more in-depth briefings afforded him as the new speaker (coupled with the hard political realities regarding passage of a what would have to be a bipartisan border measure, which Johnson has always — and still does — support in the current climate)?

    Is our saying, as a fact and as an accusation, that “he lied,” thereby presuming someone’s moral intent based on how all of this ultimately unfolded?

    • dj

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  8. Well HRW, the pornstar says it never happened, that there was no affair, and in legal documents no less.

    And he never paid her. The lawyer, Cohen, who it turns out is a pathological liar and the state’s star witness did. He’s also alleged to be the one who was having an affair with her.

    You need new sources.


  9. Again Dj, since you keep ignoring it….

    What “intelligence” led to him not keeping his word and his promises to close the border? Where’s his promised legislation to do so?

    Oh that’s right, he yanked that, even though he had the votes to pass it and instead made a deal with dems that gave everyone billions except the border patrol.

    That’s lying. No way around it. Semantics don’t change it.


  10. And passing border legislation apparently is no easy task when it must be bipartisan legislation. Bills have already been voted upon and failed.

    • dj

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  11. “How can we be engaged in securing the borders of other countries if we can’t secure our own?”

    How indeed, Speaker Johnson. How can any of us take any of you seriously anymore?

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  12. What is the point of securing our borders when our schools are so infested? Our media? Our courts? Our entertainment? Our phones?

    God, we messed up and need You.


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  13. hrw: The “porn star” has repeatedly denied it over and over (and now her ex-lawyer is prepared to testify against her), yet you say Pres. Trump is a child b/c he’s not taking responsibility for… what exactly?


  14. From a piece in the National Review — stating the obvious.

    ~ The reason that the Republican Party is struggling to advance its agenda at the federal level is that the Republican Party does not have enough elected officials at the federal level, and the reason that the Republican Party does not have enough elected officials at the federal level is that the Republican Party has not won enough elections at the federal level. ~  

    • dj

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  15. From the same National Review piece:

    When applied to specific public policies, the injunction to “do the right thing” is invariably a euphemism for “follow my personal ideological judgment.” When applied to institutions or systems or processes, however, it can actually mean something concrete. So it may here. As he seems to comprehend, Speaker Johnson is responsible for the entire House of Representatives, not solely for the Republican caucus — and certainly not solely for the tiny sliver of the Republican caucus that believes, à la the Squad, that it will be able to get its own way by being obstreperous and absurd. If, in time, Johnson proves as serious in purpose as he has become in tone, he may well have signaled a welcome shift in the operation of our national legislature.


    • dj


  16. Not sure the tiny sliver is that serious about it either, or they would figure out how to work together to accomplish something positive. Grown ups have to learn to work things out.


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  17. Re: whether Johnson is outright lying or something behind the scenes caused him to change his mind –

    The concept of giving someone the benefit of the doubt is in the Bible, even if the exact words are not. It goes along with biblical concepts such as mercy and humility, as well as this famous segment of 1 Corinthians 13:

    “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

    Ironically, accusing someone of lying, which is a serious accusation, without absolute proof is treading on the commandment against bearing false witness.


  18. Well said, thank you for adding those points Kizzie.

    A border bill needs to be a bipartisan bill.

    So yes, that takes some adults of good will in the room to get that done.

    It may not be perfect — or to either side’s complete and total liking — but that’s the only way it gets done. Until then, here we are, stuck with the likes of a few members yelling about it but getting nowhere.

    • dj

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  19. Tax dollars have always been wasted and the waste now is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. It is dangerous to have the debt we have.

    The problem with only giving to foreign countries before all problems are solved at home is that we will never get to that point. (Trump was wise to get other countries to pay up when they should be doing so.)

    Wisdom would use the money sent to foreign governments to actually benefit us. I have no doubt there are plenty of mistakes and plenty of greed, both here and abroad. Not to mention the cronyism that goes on, as it has from the beginning. There will be lots of answering to the Lord.

    I wonder how it will be in heaven when we realize we have maligned our brothers or sisters in Christ when we should not have? That goes for both the political and personal realms. I have no problem speaking the truth when we actually know all the details and need to persuade others. I think there are wise ways of doing that.

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  20. The article I shared yesterday made a good case for why helping Ukraine is in our own best interests. I don’t know if anyone else read it, but I found it convincing.


  21. I believe hrw mentioned the money would be spent here to develop weaponry and isn’t the whole thing supposed to be a loan?



  22. A sliver?

    I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

    72% view it as a crisis/major problem.



    Sorry Dj, but it’s you who is out of touch with R voters, just like the liberal RINO/Establishment types.


    “Republican voters say securing the border and preventing illegal immigration should be the GOP’s top priority if it wins control of Congress and the White House in 2024, according to a new NewsNation/DecisionDesk HQ poll released Monday.

    More than half of Republicans surveyed — 52% — said border security is the number one priority, ahead of “decreasing spending to keep inflation in check” at 30% and “cracking down on crime” at 8%.


    “Nearly a quarter of independents surveyed, 23%, said securing the border should be Republicans’ top priority if they take power in 2024. From a list of seven options, only cutting spending to reduce inflation ranked higher with 36% support.”


  23. It’s a few months old, but voters polled are clear, and it’s not just a “sliver” of Rs saying so.


    “American voters across party lines support more funding to bolster security at the southern border, while support for foreign countries embroiled in conflicts exposes stark partisan divides, according to the latest NBC News national poll.

    The survey finds roughly 3 in 4 registered voters — 74% — support more funding for security along the U.S. border with Mexico, including 93% of Republicans, 74% of independents and 58% of Democrats.”


  24. The tiny sliver is only a small portion of who wants the border secured. Mnobody said they were the only ones. The tiny sliver are the ones clamoring liar and kick him out rather than finding a way to work together.


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  25. AJ, we all know what sliver means. Nobody said only a sliver of people want the borders secured, and you’re misrepresenting Kizzie and DJ by implying they think that.

    The article refers to “the tiny sliver of the Republican caucus that believes…it will be able to get its own way by being obstreperous and absurd.” In other words, MTG, Gaetz, etc.

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  26. I believe the porn star gave an intimate description of Trump. As for the money flow; that’s the point of the trial. And you can’t seriously believe Trump is a moral upstanding citizen as opposed to a vindictive trust fund baby whose interest are self centred and have nothing to do with the country.

    The failure of a border policy rests on Trump’s presidential ambitions. There is a bipartisan bill out of the Senate. Even if it’s not perfect (the left thinks the Democrats gave up everything and it’s too authoritarian), it would probably suit Republican voters better than the current policy. So why not bring it to the floor – is Johnson at fault? Is the sliver that demands policy purity at fault? Is Trump sabotaging it? Or is it all three? At this point it looks like all three.



  27. Kevin pointed out what I was going to point out – that the word “sliver” was referring to those in the legislature, not Republican voters in general.


  28. Janice – I am sure – well, at least, I sincerely hope – that most or all of us are praying for our country, and about the rancor in our political discourse.

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  29. I could certainly pray more. Pray for me, that I would remember to bring this to Him day and night, more often than I “solve the problem” in my mind.


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  30. And God doesn’t “need” us to help him know what His own will is in a particular matter — but he does, most definitely, invite us to pour our hearts and our concerns and our pleadings out to him; and I was also going to say many have been and are praying for these and other concerns, especially about the political discourse that seems to be setting brother against brother in these times.

    • dj

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  31. Well go figure. From late Monday:

    ~ Former President Trump reiterated his support for Mike Johnson as the House speaker continues to face a threat to his gavel from GOP hardliners.

    Why it matters: The comments come as vocal Trump ally Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) threatens Johnson’s position despite the former president saying earlier this month he stands by the speaker.

    • “Well, look, we have a majority of one, OK? It’s not like he can go and do whatever he wants to do. I think he’s a very good person. You know, he stood very strongly with me on NATO,” Trump said on Monday, Politico first reported.
    • “I think he’s trying very hard.” ~
    • dj

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