27 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-25-22

  1. A chipper good morning, Y’all!

    It’s time for me to go fry some eggs.

    I hope everyone has a pleasant Saturday. My day is beginning with a cat attacking my feet. Those claws are sharp! This is not typical, but makes me want to move my feet to the safety of the floor, out through the door, and on into the kitchen where an empty food bowl awaits.

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  2. Good Morning Everyone. Papa and Little Miss are still asleep. She is sick and on medication. Last night she explained to me how the humidifier Mommy sent works and told me I would have to sleep in the middle by Papa so she could be closer to it. Yes. She sleeps with us. Don’t judge. I slept in a double bed with my grandparents too. My little grandfather weighed about 130 pounds and my grandmother around 200. They were Jack Sprat and his wife. 🤣. At least this is a king size bed. You already know Amos takes up half of it and he’s only 14 pounds.
    Last night was pizza night so BG picked up her Nana and brought her. I love that she joins us. We had a great time and when we left she hugged Mr P and thanked him for dinner. We told BG and Nana about our plans to move. As we were standing in the parking lot Nana told me she was proud of me and thought I had a good life plan going forward. I hugged both her and BG and told them I love them. You have to know I met Nana when I was 21. She’s the closest thing I have left as a parent.

    I am showing property today. Wish me luck. Luckily they are looking at new construction and the builder is offering a great incentive package — there’s your proof that the market is “transitioning”. They’ve even increased what they are willing to pay a buyers agent. They have an excellent program for VA buyers which these people are.

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  3. Good morning. We are off to a funeral for husband’s cousin’s wife. There is a Christian bands festival all day long, too. That was supposed to be in a park but will be at an event center because of rain. Our church praise team opens, and our pastor’s band closes. We have never heard his band but have heard him sing. We will probably wander over at some point.

    I have decided I have become very bad with using commas or all the rules have changed in some way. I am, therefore, thankful for the grammar police online. Maybe good thing we have spellcheck these days, too. 🙂

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  4. Morning! It was clear skies and sun peeking through at 6 am when I let the dogs out but now it is cloudy and raining! Yay!

    It is amazing how much better behaved Pip is when husband is not here! I am the disciplinarian and he is a total pushover.
    Husband and our neighbor are in Lake City running a 50 miler this weekend and having a grand time of it.

    That chipmunk seems to have his cheeks full…Cheerios for breakfast?! 🐿

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  5. To go or not to go. I have a day off, and Mrs L is with the grandchildren 90 miles away. I could go see them for the day, or I could stay here and get some minor things done. Hmm…

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  6. Kim suggested I add the Grammarly extension to my computer, Kathleena.

    It’s better than spellcheck (which doesn’t recognize me half the time and wants to fight–usually over how a word is spelled in a different language dictionary), and it gives me a score at the end of each week.

    (It’s very flattering).


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  7. I have a belated wedding gift to wrap today — do I even remember how to nicely wrap something?? My first “job” was in the gift-wrapping section of Sears one Christmas. No one could open my very-securely-wrapped gifts that year without major effort.

    But I learned so much more by covering a “best” gift-wrapping techniques workshop for an extra-shift/Saturday assignment as a reporter some years ago.

    I’ll finally (2 weeks late) deliver the gift to the new bride whom I’ll see tonight at a birthday party for her mom. Long drive to the north-LA restaurant, but looking forward to it.

    I spotted some pro-life demonstrators yesterday on a couple street corners holding up signs when I was out running some errands.

    It sounds like demonstrations on the other side, however, will be going strong this weekend. Praying for no violence and safety for all — and for acceptance of our constitutional process and system, ultimately. But that may not be coming in this case.

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  8. almost noon here. I am planning to go shopping almost an hour away. Most things I can get here, but I need to do something about a phone.
    I went online, but you can do nothing unless you give them your address. I would rather be somewhere that I can ask questions.
    It is a little scary thinking of the busy roads and the heat.

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  9. It’s 90° and feels like 92° at 7:45 p.m. here. I am able to enjoy that. We have had some cloud cover. I had a fan on in the upstairs bedroom that gets hot in the late afternoons, but it felt too cold so I turned it off. If I cook something I may need to turn a fan back on.

    I think we finish up the series on the Holy Spirit at church tomorrow. It’s been so good.

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  10. I went, I saw them, I surprised them, especially Mrs L. I had to go to Quincy (half hour away)for something, so I decided I might as well go on over to D1’s house.

    I got back here about half hour ago. It was a hot day but has cooled off to around 80. I was pleasantly surprised ow cool the house was after a hot day without the a/c on. I guess the new attic vents improved our comfort.

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  11. Morning! Those little surprises in life mean more than we could possibly know Peter…blessed family time!

    It is cool with misty rain here this morning. I didn’t mind at all walking the dogs out on the property this morning! Had my coffee in hand, stepping on lovely wet pine needles….and oh the scent of wet pine and hot coffee…how can it get any better?!

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  12. Good afternoon! The smell of wet pine and coffee is a fragrance I have never experienced. Sounds wonderuful! I know it is not the same as having coffee after mopping with Pine Sol😃

    Sunday school was so good this morning with lots of discussion from members who really know the Bible. I am in awe. We were in 1 Samuel about the downfall of King Saul. We have a gifted teacher (actually two gifted teachers who swap off). Art is not attending since he is taking time to carry me to doctor appts. during the week. I wish he could have attended today.

    The teacher brought to mind when we played Simon Says as a child as he taught about Saul not following God’s rules. I need to see if that is in thr Gospel Project curriculum or if the teacher thought that up himself.

    And the pastor’s sermon was really relevant to the news this week even as he finished up the series on the Holy Spirit. We did have two SUV patrol cars with flashing lights sitting outside by the main road which is a six lane at that point.

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  13. One of the discussions this morning on Twitter:

    Roe was overruled on the birthday of the founder of the March for Life,

    and the planets were literally aligned, and

    it was Feast of the Sacred Heart, and

    it was Feast John the Baptist (who leapt in the womb) at 10:10am, and John 10:10 is a verse about having life.

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  14. I was out for a walk in the neighborhood and listening to the book None Greater on Audible. Interesting to hear the author discuss King Saul losing his status with God through his disobedirnce. Always great to hear God’s word repeated twice in the same day! Mumsee recommended this book about the attributes of God and it is excellent.


  15. It’s suppose to be 73° in the morning with 50% chance of rain. Sweet! It was nice out for my walk a bit ago, and I got better photos of flowers here on the street than I got at the community garden. Many varieties of day lilies are in bloom.

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  16. Kizzie is doing pretty well so far. 🙂

    I’ve set somewhat of a loose routine for Janie. For the morning and early afternoon, I decided to keep to the routine we would have on the days when Nightingale is at work and Boy would be in school. That would be having her down here in the morning, and after a while – after she has been outside at least a couple times – putting her in her crate upstairs. Then I let her downstairs in mid-afternoon. She is so used to this routine, that after that last time outside in mid-morning, she will come in and head for the door to go upstairs.

    It is loose because it depends on her behavior. For example, she got to stay downstairs longer than usual this morning because she was settled down, lying on the couch rather than bugging me for this or that.

    So, for having to take care of her, it hasn’t been too bad. But. . . it still involves having to think a lot about Janie and what’s going on with her, so this “vacation” doesn’t feel as relaxing as I had hoped it to be.

    Actually feeling sorry for Janie, too. She was so nervous that first evening when they were not home by the time when one or both usually are. She was nervous and restless, and I felt sorry for her. She is still nervous and a bit restless in the evenings, but not as bad as that first one.

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  17. I am going to ask Nightingale if she has any more plans to go away with Boy this summer, even if only for a weekend, which I suspect she does, and ask that she make arrangements for Janie ASAP.

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