44 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 1-26-22

  1. A closer than an acquaintance and less than a friend lost her husband sometime in the night. She found him about 2:30 this morning. My friend M has been over there since 3. He had been/was(who really knows) an alcoholic. She is going to be somewhat lost without him. They had married later in life and he was the primary caregiver of her mother.

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  2. Morning! That is a sweet birdie up there.
    Sun hasn’t made an appearance yet here in the forest and it is cold.
    Husband just left for Bible Study and I need one more cup of coffee…at the very least!

    Kim that is so sad to hear about your friend’s husband. Praying the Lord will bring comfort to her ♥️

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  3. My prayers for her, as well, Kim.

    I am not sure how husband’s jam will go today when only two of the group should be there, plus a couple of others who join quite regularly. It is very cold again, so not sure one of them will make it either. The one, who recently caught Covid said he is better today, so we are grateful for that. Another had it and is still testing positive. That could go on for a while. I would prefer staying in myself but will not if it goes on as decided.

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  4. Good morning all. It was another early shopping trip to Publix. They were better stocked today. That, along with the sunny day, made me happy.

    So sorry to hear of that loss for the woman who will feel the great pain of losing her spouse, Kim. I am saying a prayer for her right now.
    I hope she at the least has the support of a church family.

    Kathaleena, y’all amaze me with your persistence to keep the music flowing for people. I was listening to the Spiritual Disciplines book last night about service. What y’all do fits right in as an example for that book. It is not what you particularily want to do but you do it anyway because the need is there and it will bring glory to God.

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  5. That was my first thought about parachuting pianos Janice! That would be fascinating for children while learning of WW2 history! And thanks for sharing your discovery Kathaleena…I had no idea.

    I need to scoot to the grocery but husband said road is just now starting to clear of ice…I shall wait a bit. Hoping our shelves to be stocked like yours Janice…lately they have been quite sparse

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  6. Kim, how sad. I’m glad your friend is with her. One of our copy editors years ago woke up to find that her husband had died during the night, she was devastated and just really shaken up that she’d slept “through it,” if you will. It was completely out of the blue. And they were especially close, it was a second marriage for both of them but they’d been together for many years.

    Yesterday was the 32nd (!?) anniversary of my mom’s unexpected death. I still miss her.

    Losing people unexpectedly is always so hard, though likely easier on the person in many ways. I’ve been through both kinds of losses. The sudden deaths are always especially hard on those left behind, though, just the shock of it all.

    Well, on that cheerful note — I have a busy day, 3 stories to write, though one may just have to be put off as we also have an extra staff meeting mid-day to talk about story plans and ideas for advance coverage of the Super Bowl which is in our immediate area this year.

    And Slack seems to have migrated out of my dock and I can’t get it back down there. Do I sound like I’m speaking in a foreign language?

    Maybe I should take a cue from Nancyjill and try some coffee this morning!

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  7. Yes…go for the coffee Dj!!

    I am receiving texts from friends again today on Facebook saying they are getting messages and chat requests from me! I deleted my FB page so anyone here who happens to be my friend there…I am no longer on FB and am not planning to going back.

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  8. Speaking of World. We get the magazine and it gets thoroughly read by all of us. We tried The World and Everything in It for a while. Nice but did not fit my time constraints. Does anybody use any of the other platforms they are now offering? What about this Opinions thing? What is it that it caused such a Barnabas and Paul discord in the body?

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  9. The concern was the conservative slant and tone to the political end of Opinions. I’m watching it, not seeing much, but I appreciated that the recent edition addressed the topic. We’ll see.

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  10. I haven’t seen much either (12:53), I look at their opinion emails, sometimes will click on one to read but not always; but the subject matter doesn’t seem out of whack particularly. Then again, I’m not watching it closely.

    I think the concern was that, like virtually everything in our culture right now, it would start becoming more politically partisan which the church needs to be wary about, I believe, especially in this age we’re in now — where everything is “political” in an extreme way.

    This is impacting the church, I’m afraid.

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  11. Agreed. And to remember we belong to Christ first, not to a candidate or a political party or political movement or protest movement.

    These are times that are especially divided and filled with strife. It’s having a harmful impact.

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  12. Rainy and foggy here this morning.

    Friends who went to the resort with us recently had a home invasion last night. Armed men walking in the back door. They only live a block away. My outside door is always locked, the instant I come through it locks. And then I have another door that is also locked. Good news is that husband and son were home, but wife and daughter were at an art class. Very distressing for all of them.

    Nothing like that has happened here for quite a long while.

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  13. M, have you seen the movie Redeeming Love? I got a comment today on my blog review from someone who was not pleased with the content being so adult or R themed. I think it must have been so difficult to choose between making it gritty and accurate or making it more easily viewed by general Christian audiences.


  14. Jo that sounds very scary. I had always been of the understanding you all lived on a secured compound? Is that right? Praying for your and your co workers safety ♥️

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  15. I don’t think I’m going to see Redeeming Love, Janice. I didn’t like the book because of its subject–I know it’s the book of Hosea, but I see no reason to watch that on the screen.

    Francine Rivers lives in our community and we have many mutual friends. I even sat next to her one night at a Pregnancy Counseling Center dinner and we had a fun conversation. She’s a wise Believer and all the royalties from Redeeming Love support Christian ministries in our town.

    It’s important to remember that Redeeming Love was the first novel Rivers wrote after becoming a Believer. She had been a very successful bodice-ripper romance novelist in the secular world.

    She’s been very careful with the legacy of the book and refused countless offers from others to make it into a movie. She wanted to control the story and her characters–so they would honor God.

    A long-time BSF leader, she’s never written anything close to that novel since.

    I trust her–but, again, I don’t want to watch something like that.

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  16. Thank you, Michelle. One thing that I did not mention in my review is that it makes a pretty clear connection between the slavery issue of the African slaves and the issue of sex traffiking. I don’t recall that being in the book, but it made it so relevant to these times and how people continue to be so angry about the past issues yet refuse to address current issues.


  17. Got through most of the day with a few minor frustrations (png formatted photos sent by a source rather than jpeg) and I was late to the Super Bowl staff call but I don’t think I’ll be affected too much by that, at least I’m not down for any stories so far.

    Watered the hanging flower baskets which were quite dry, watered Charlie Brown 1 and 2.

    The dogs slept almost all day, I checked on them a couple times and they were snoozing away on their dog beds in the bedroom.

    Called my neighbor who’s recovering from the stroke, they had a bit of a scare yesterday when her husband started having chest pains but it passed; one of their adult sons came over to sit with them a while to make sure everything seemed ok. He’s had an aorta aneurism in the past so that’s always a concern for recurrence.

    But all’s well today, she said. They’re off to another dr visit first thing in the morning, she said if she didn’t have all these dr and rehab appointments she wouldn’t go anywhere.


  18. I took out some apple peels to through out for the bitds and critters and heard something crunching leaves underfoot. I’ve seen a young possum recently so maybe that was what made the noise.

    A For Sale sign has not gone up, cars are overnighting nextdoor, and the patio party lights are turned on each evening, but I hardly ever hear people. I know someone is over there. They get some deliveries along. I have watched too many Hallmark mysteries that keep me intrigued with all sorts of possibilities/speculations. I need to check out the address again online to see if it appears to still be For Sale.

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  19. Re: World Opinions. The email with the links comes to my inbox every day, and I read the brief descriptions. Occasionally I will read one of the pieces. Sone I like, some I don’t.

    I was very disappointed by an early one by Albert Mohler. (I’m pretty sure that he was the one who wrote it. I remember wondering why a theologian/minister was writing something like that.) It was insisting that a self-professed conservative in the media is not being a real conservative. (I wish I could remember who he was writing about.) The piece was not about any particular issue, just putting down this other writer and insisting that he couldn’t really be a conservative because of some of the positions he takes. What was the point of this, I wondered.

    Some or most of those who commented on the piece seemed to take it the way I did.


  20. Thanks, Dj, I had not seen any of the opinions. You took us right to the site where I could, if I am so inclined. Interesting.


  21. Someone moved into a house partially owned by me, Janice. My brother and sister allowed it. I had no idea until I went down to help out and found the people (a cousin’s family) in painting the bedrooms! I quickly took a picture of a mural on the wall in the hallway. I had to remove a door leaning on it to do that. My mom painted the mural, which was a bookshelf holding both books and other items. The books were very personal for each of us in title or author. I was not happy about them moving in and not being asked or told. They lived there for a month or so and then decided not to buy. We were stuck with garish colors in the bedrooms. At any rate the house did sell eventually, but this was a big, big mistake.

    A former classmate and friend of my daughter passed away unexpectantly. Possibly an aneurysm. She was around 39 or 40. She has a husband and two children. I was so sad to hear this and I am so sad for her family and close friends.

    My brother-in-law is being evacuated along with a whole lot of people because there is no longer heat in his and a couple of connected buildings. Not quite sure what will happen there. Right now, they are being set up in a convention center. A niece is a social worker and was going to check up what is happening for now.

    The jam went far better than I thought. One of the players finally got a negative test and had returned for half the jam. He had an appointment and had to leave early. Another guy came who has only been there once before, so five players came in all. I was surprised how many came to listen. It is nice to be appreciated like that.

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  22. DJ – Yes, that was the one.

    Whether someone agrees with Mohler’s assessment or not, it just seems petty (or something like that) to write a whole piece about it.


  23. I did not know about these chickens before tonight. My brother knew that chickens were brought into the town where he said a lot of Yankees had settled after the Civil War. They desired to get rid of all the rattlesnakes. For years they had a Rattlesnake Roundup Festival, but changed it to the Wild Chicken Festival. To think I have missed out all these years and never even known such a thing existed! My brother knows a lot more state history than I do.

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  24. Those are some pretty chickens! And I liked the tiffany-style lamp in the shape of a chicken at “The Chicken House.”

    Our first dog park in town was on a hilltop overlooking the port where homes used to be (they had all been bought out by the port which had plans years ago to use the land for terminal or container use). One family held out, though, and they were still up there — in and out of jail from time to time.

    They kept a bunch of chickens there and one day they were all out, running through the dog park where my friend Ellen’s schnauzer, Asher, nabbed and killed one. Ellen was horrified, mumbling on our way out that now that Asher had the “taste of blood,” who knows what he’d do next.

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  25. Glad the jamming all went well for y’all, Kathaleena. And thanks for sharing the story about the house. That was a really bad situation. I hope it’s not going to be that kind of fall through bad deal next door. That is why I am hesitant in meeting the new ‘neighbors.’

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  26. The Mohler column brought to mind what used to be more of a distinction between “social conservatives” and “fiscal conservatives.”

    Fiscal conservatives weren’t always in line on social or cultural issues with their fellow conservatives. Both were prominent in the Republican party but over time I’d say social conservatism won the day, for the most part, and so those positions define “conservatism” nowadays for most of us.

    I suspect the abortion issue was one of the issues that began to set the tone for today’s social conservatives as it drew a line in the sand. (Although the Republican party has been more tolerant of a range of views on that issue than has the Democrat party which now tolerates virtually no pro-life views.)

    Not sure there’s a point in any of that, just thinking out loud. 🙂

    Cowboy took 2 out of his 4 pills. He’s learned to spit them out on the side of his dog dish, no matter how tastily they’re disguised.

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  27. The 1985 film “To Live and Die in L.A.” features several scenes on top of that hill (one of the characters lived there), back when it was populated with homes that had views of the harbor and bridge.

    Now it’s being used for Little League fields, but the property still belongs to the Port of LA.

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  28. We have a lot of pheasants that join our chickens in the winter. Those chickens would do the same thing. They eat everything. Including mice and snakes. They would be fine. Unless people wanted them for dinner.

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  29. Thank you fof pointing out that difference between social and fiscal conservatives, dj. Years ago I used to really enjoy listening to Brooks. And I realize it was discussions on economics that drew me in. I loved economics when in college and took a number of those classes so I almost had enough for a minor.

    As a Southern Baptist and being in line on the issues to which Mohler speaks, I have a different take on his opinion than you have, Kizzie. It’s certainly not worth an argument. And it really should be on the political thread instead of on this thread. I have not kept up with Brooks for years, and now I know why. We are not in the same circles anymore.


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