7 thoughts on “Rants! and Raves! 1-30-21

  1. 😦 This was a challenging week for me, on several levels and I’m exhausted in a lot of ways.

    🙂 Free day–sort of.

    🙂 Pastoral call going out tomorrow.

    🙂 New pastor and family want to come ASAP

    🙂 I’m so thankful and hopeful.

    🙂 I’m married to and loved by a really good man.

    🙂 God is even better. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. 😊 fresh air, blue skies, another day blessed of Him
    😊 Staying in today with no errands to run…cleaning out the pantry
    😳 in laws coming for a visit this week…with their dog…who peed on the guest room carpet last time he was here…several times….
    😜 will be ripping out carpet and putting hardwoods in the guest bedrooms next month
    😡 Biden…….

    Liked by 3 people

  3. 🙂 The beauty of the snow.

    🙂 Being able to go out in the snow to take pictures but otherwise stay inside. (We had our third snowfall of the month today, making this the snowiest month of our three winters here.)

    🙂 Not getting the five to ten inches predicted in our former hometown for tonight and tomorrow.

    😦 We had to get a new battery for the car.

    🙂 We were safely at home and my husband figured out a way to get the car taken care of without us coming in contact with anyone . . . and that also solved his question about how to get the car in for an oil change, since he went ahead and got that done at the same time. (He figured the battery was five years old, and for the last three years the car hasn’t had a garage, so it was simply its time.)

    😦 This is a hard season for so many, for so many reasons.

    🙂 God’s in His heaven, all’s right with the world.

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  4. 🙂 Vaccination appointment for tomorrow morning; a friend in town called tonight to say he went to the Forum yesterday for his first vaccine shot, said all went smoothly, didn’t take long at all. Sounds like the process is getting a bit more efficient.

    😦 The thought that this pandemic (with newer varieties apparently beginning to spread in the US) could linger up to another year is discouraging. I have no desire to spend another year (mostly) in my house. After getting the vaccines (2 shots) I will intentionally start to get back to some kind of a routine, starting with in-person church and visits with my friend in the Valley, who’s also getting vaccinated this month & next. My cousins also are getting vaccinated, so that should help us be more clear to get together as 2021 goes forward.

    🙂 We had a long-overdue rainfall this past week, the flowers, plants and trees are happy and our mountains are a beautiful site again, covered in snow. Possibly more rain coming next week.

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