29 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 9-25-20

  1. If I don’t win the football pool, I may start a protest that will turn into a riot and destroy most of Augusta, Ga.
    Lon’t laugh: That makes as much sense as anything going on in the news today.

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  2. Good morning! How do I follow those two highly significant comments? Just trying to find my rose colored glasses to put on again for today. Then I can drink coffee and split Art’s pills. It is difficult for me to see the little groove in the small tablet that I have to fit exactly so to get the pill split evenly. Everything I do takes twice as long. Pollyanna has twice as much time to pray.


  3. Michelle, that is what I have, and it does work great when I move the pill so the split mark on the pill matches with the razor slicing part. If not aligned then the pill will shatter. Probably not all pills have that groove in them. If they have the groove then they are more fragile if you don’t get it aligned. Then they can shatter.


  4. I can’t “LIKE” Donna’s comment without subscribing to something I don’t think I want. But I agree with her comment.
    America, as we know it. (That is a free country where people select their leaders who rule under a Constitution.) is under attack.
    We’ll see Tuesday night. But I suspect Biden is not mentally capable of being President. That means that it is Trump or some conglomerate we don’t know about.
    These are dangerous times for a Constitutional Democracy.

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  5. Chas, I wish everyone could bring it “down” a notch, but that won’t happen between now and the election. The atmosphere is getting more heated by the hour.

    I’m with Brit Hume who said recently he’d never seen anything like this (and he and I both can harken back to the crazy 1960s and 1970s).

    The outrage, the anger and the careless and rash words — assign those to whomever you wish, but they’re present in spades on both sides — are fueling what I fear will be a train-wreck of an election.

    It all easily could, worse-case-scenario, erupt in chaos and more violence.

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  6. The headline in our paper this morning was exasperating–and totally inaccurate. I can’t remember the exact line but it was just another in a series of irresponsible headlines and stories appearing in the local paper. That paper is expensive, demeaning, irritating and the only one in town. My husband hates writing the check for it, but how else will we know what is happening? 😦

    It would be nice if once in a while they got another reaction from the other side–it’s basically just rewriting press releases or straight “news” from the NYT. So irritating.

    They’re better with fire news–which why desperately need–but have a total blind spot beyond hectoring the residents about why. Also, they’re in bed with the city council and those folks can do no wrong, even as they spout ridiculous things. Exasperating.

    And then my husband laughs and reads me the first OC quote from today’s Utmost Response:

    “Jesus Christ demands that His disciple does not allow even the slightest trace of resentment in his heart when faced with tyranny and injustice.”

    Nailed. Have a wonderful time in heaven. Some days I’m not sure I’m going to squeak in. 😦

    Well, okay, I’ll be there.

    But only because of grace!

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Morning all. I have learned on facebook how to hide posts and I do it all the time. I do not want to read the lies.

    My lower back is hurting and I am off to watch the littles. Their mom suggested I take them to Empire Mine state park, where I was walking, but she said to go to the park where you pay where there are lovely gardens, lawns, and a fountain. Wonderful idea.

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  8. My poor non-political friend — who’s literally making a list of pros and cons to figure out who she should vote for (for president) — is among those I see struggling with not knowing where to get unbiased information anymore. And I can see that she’s easily influenced by late-night comics and other entertainment barbs that come through for one side only. She (very) strongly dislikes Trump personally but has a more conservative background and grounding in the issues from the Catholic church.

    But she has never followed politics and is somewhat lost in trying to figure any of this out. Where does she go for truly fair news right now?

    National media falls mostly far left but also, in pockets, far right these days.

    I go with WSJ for national online news I tend to trust the most (but their paywall is strict and online subscription prices not that cheap); FoxNews is more often fair than CNN is, but I was switching between the two channels the other night and, seriously, it was like seeing stark, alternative universes portrayed.

    It’s like watching the breakdown of so many of our once-trusted institutions in the U.S. — from government to the media, the police, the high court — and now, clearly, even our democratic elections.

    It looks like half the country will refuse to accept the outcome in November. And that will be a frightening thing, any way you look at it.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. This seems like a good pandemic church solution in some areas?



    Churches hit home run with services in ballparks and stadiums as COVID-19 cancels sports

    SOUTH BEND, Ind. (RNS) — It was sunny and 73 degrees, the perfect day for a baseball game.

    But that’s not why the crowd filled the stands Sunday (Sept. 20) at Four Winds Field in South Bend, Indiana, home of the South Bend Cubs.

    They were there for a church service, complete with worship leaders on the third-base line and Scriptures on the Jumbotron.

    South Bend City Church — a 4-year-old church that draws on a number of Christian traditions for its music, messages and mantras — has been meeting at the minor league ballpark since the novel coronavirus pandemic threw a curveball into large gatherings like worship services.

    “In March, we shut down gatherings pretty quickly, and we’re really, really grateful to work with the Cubs to have a place that’s safe and spread out and be outdoors,” said Jason Miller, lead pastor of South Bend City Church. …

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  10. From a friend this morning:

    ~ I got a notice this morning that something I posted goes against FB standards. It said: Good night, sweet dreams and had a picture of Snoopy. Wow, that’s so offensive ~

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Wow! Almost prophetic. Years ago we attended a downtown church across from the Georgia state capitol where we had our wedding. It was down the street from the old Atlanta stadium. I was a nominal Christian at the time. Even so, I noticed the small number of people leaving church services compared to the strems of people walking on the sidewalks to go for Sunday afternoon games at the stadium. I felt sad for God who should be the main attraction, but He was so neglected, and sports was idolized. Just Wow to your post, Donna. He makes all things new.


  12. Enjoyed our practice grandchildren session. They arrived Wednesday night and left this morning. Good practice run. Now we are prepared for two weeks of soloing. Really. I am sure Certain.

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  13. Little Miss had a Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Sandwich for dinner last night. Today I let her have another one just before we took her to meet Mommy. I’m a good MiMi like that. “It has milk in it”.

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  14. I was called Diana and Darla on an interview with a port exec today. 🙂 His aide (a former newspaper colleague) who was on the call wiith both of us corrected him. I laughed.

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  15. I figured it was a weird “flag”

    Finished my long new bridge (opening next weekend after 7 years of construction, $1.46 billion) story and it’s in. Whew.

    It’s the 2nd tallest cable-stayed bridge in the nation (tallest is in NC, Ravenel Bridge)

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  16. Kim and I drove past that bridge while it was still being constructed. Remember? Maybe not 🙂

    It was pretty cool seeing it go up for the past few years. But it’ll be nice to have it finished and not have to do all the weird detours surrounded by port container trucks!

    Liked by 1 person

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