Prayer Requests 2-27-20

It’s Thursday, so don’t forget to pray for Jo, her students, and the people of PNG.

Anyone else?

Psalm 25:1-7

Of David.

In you, Lord my God,
    I put my trust.

I trust in you;
    do not let me be put to shame,
    nor let my enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in you
    will ever be put to shame,
   but shame will come on those
    who are treacherous without cause.

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love,
    for they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth
    and my rebellious ways;
   according to your love remember me,
    for you, Lord, are good.

36 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 2-27-20

  1. One of my outlaws gave birth last night to a boy: 10 pounds, 15.3 ounces, 22 inches long. They’re too exhausted to have named him yet.

    I forgot to have you pray for Melody yesterday, but maybe you can today? She’s 6’3” and her husband is 6’ 7”, so this may not have been as bad as you can imagine. 4th child.

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  2. Wow! And nurses thought my piddling 9lb. 6oz. baby was like a month old. Of course, I was less than 5′ 2″. 😀 Many blessings and good healing prayed for Melody.

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  3. I left some comments on the prayer thread last night (if you haven’t seen them already).

    As I thought, not only did I get to bed late, but I did not get to sleep for quite a while. But at least I was praying and crying out to God during that time, so it wasn’t wasted time.

    This morning I would like to ask prayer for the man (let’s call him CD) I mentioned last night. The article I had mentioned, that he had deleted when I shared it on one of his threads, is also posted on my Facebook page (the Bernie Sanders article). This morning, he commented on that and said something about people not being able to “critically think”. (This was after a couple people had commented, who were in agreement with the article, so it certainly sounded like he was referring to them as well as to me.)

    I calmly replied, and pointed out (with an “Excuse me for saying this, but. . .”) that he tends to accuse people who disagree with him of lacking critical thinking skills. In fact, he said that to me a while ago. I pointed out that even very intelligent people can have have wildly differing views.

    Anyway, I say all that to ask for prayer that God will open his eyes to see how he treats people, all the while seeming to think that he is the intelligent and informed one. (Quite similar to a young lady I have mentioned too many times. 🙂 )

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  4. As for my dear Nightingale, as I mentioned the other day, she worked a double on Tuesday, leaving home at around 6:40am and returning a little before midnight. Yesterday, there was a CPR refresher class, and then she had to finish a bunch of paperwork. She finally got home a little before 7pm, exhausted (which is probably why she allowed herself to cry in front of me).

    She won’t have a chance to sleep in until next Tuesday, and even then she will have to get up to get Boy off to school. Then two more days of work, and then finally her bi-weekly long weekend. Please pray for her. Thank you.

    Going along with the motto we recently discussed (“Do the next thing” or “Do the next right thing”), this morning I went upstairs with a couple re-usable grocery bags and filled them up with the several glasses, a few plates, and a bunch of silverware that were filling both sides of her sink and spreading out on her counter. Then I cleaned her sink, wiped down the counter, and brought the glasses and such down to put in my dishwasher to get them thoroughly cleaned.

    I also threw her much-loved, very soft-and-fluffy-and-warm bathrobe in with my laundry. She had worn it the whole weekend when she was sick, and hasn’t had time for laundry, so I figured she must be missing it.

    Later, when she is home from work, I am going to ask her to gather together her laundry so I can do that for her tomorrow.

    Doing these things won’t solve any of our problems, but it will take a few things off her shoulders for now.

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  5. Rejoicing. My daughter has another med school interview–this one at UC Riverside–60 miles east of where she lives and in the heart of my Sicilian family. Or did I tell you this yesterday?

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  6. What does the phrase “cut a fine point” mean? I don’t know that I’ve heard that, at least not recently enough to remember what it means. CD, whom I mentioned above and last night, commented further today:

    “By all means, let’s cut a fine point on my assessment that the majority of people commenting on the Sanders hit piece lack critical thinking skills (first two comments???) . . . because they are absolutely doing the bidding of the establishment war hawks . . .” etc.

    (As you can see, he also specified the two comments by other FB friends, doubling down on the rudeness. 😦 )

    So what is he trying to say with that phrase? (Sorry about continuing this on the prayer thread, but I am still far behind on the daily thread.)

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  7. Okay, I know that I am posting too many things on the prayer thread yesterday and today. As I typed the last one, I told myself that I was not going to comment here for a bit, to give you all a break. But then Nightingale came home.

    I was excited to tell her what I had done for her, thinking she would be happy, or at least exhibit some relief. But she was distracted with something, and only managed a quick “Thank you” when I mentioned washing her robe, but no smile. Feeling bummed at her lackluster response (I was hoping it would have cheered her up or at least elicit a smile), I came into the living room and started typing the above.

    Then Nightingale asked where the bacon was. She had texted me earlier today that she wanted bacon with dinner. Somehow, I had missed the first part of that text, that asked me to take the bacon out of the freezer. 😦 So she is disappointed about that, and I think she is mad at me. 😦

    I want to cry. 😦

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  8. Now I am crying. As Nightingale came out of the shower, I started to say, “I don’t know how I missed that. . .” and she abruptly said, “I heard you,” sounding quite irritated with me.

    And I’m feeling that I can’t do anything right. My mind is not working right. It hasn’t for a while, but is getting worse.

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  9. I and my 3 immediate co-workers were expecting a letter from our employer in May, and were surprised when it came today.

    Our jobs are moving to NYC and we have the opportunity to move there. The letter tells us all the reasons this is a good thing.

    We work for a very large global company (100,000s of employees). Within that we are part of a corporate organization of 1000s spread all over the world. They want to consolidate those 1000s into fewer locations. That’s why we have this opportunity.

    We have 30 days to accept or decline the opportunity.

    To me this is not an opportunity and it’s very unlikely I would decide to move to NYC.

    There is a possible restructuring that would transfer my group of 4 into a locally-based organization that would keep us here. This is what I’d really like to see happen. There are all kinds of people and budgets involved in such a decision and it’s not moving very quickly.

    Failing that, I’ll be looking for a new job, either within my company or elsewhere.

    I’ve survived 25 years in this job through several mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, working under 4 different company names. I like what I’m doing and the people I’m doing it with. At age 62 I don’t relish a job search.

    Now I’m going home to tell Mrs. B. She knew this was probably coming, but will be as surprised as I that it came so soon.

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  10. Thank you, Kevin.

    So sorry about this change that is coming. Looking for a new job at any age is difficult and scary, but especially the older we get. Praying something very good will come along.

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  11. Kizzie-the nature of texting leaves room for things not being seen. I see it often. Sometimes we don’t realize for days or weeks that something has been missed. She could have asked if you saw it or taken the bacon out of the freezer the night before. So many possibilities. Impossible to live with anyone and not have those things happen. She may find it tiring to have to put on a happy face, too. It is difficult, as a mother, to see our children not happy. I suspect if she did not have enough stress, she would find something to add to it. You are both perfectionists to some extent and that is hard on both of you. It is a challenging situation for you both. You know you have our prayers.

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  12. Kizzie–

    It is time for you to call a local church and ask for a ride to a weekly women’s Bible study. You need to get out of your house and into the company of women who can be your friends and support.

    Your daughters cannot be your only emotional relationships. It won’t work. You’ll drive them away by requiring them to be something they are not equipped to be.

    Contact BSF for a list. Contact a church where you know people. Go to a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church–they’ll feed you the word of God AND food.

    Consider volunteering with an organization–something to get you into relationships outside of your family. It’s too much pressure on all of you.

    For three years, I did not call my son. I realized that I could not speak to him without lecturing him or asking him about getting a job. I realized I was driving him further and further away from our family. God was at work in his life. But, I needed to draw a line. Nothing good was coming from me adding more pressure onto his life. He knew. He did not need me to badger him.

    As a result, I knew that when he called he wanted to talk with me. He wasn’t flinching before that phone call. I made our home a place where he could relax and where he would want to come.

    Eventually, he got a job, he got his act together. Our relationship is secure and I have no compunction about calling him now. But for a period of time, I was adding too much tension and pressure on him and it was destroying my family.

    Be very careful here. Your daughter is at the end of her rope.

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  13. Lord, so many of our lives are full of unexpected twists and knots that make us feel momentarily like the air has been punched out of our lungs. Please help my friends here, Kevin, Kizzie, and others who are trying to process what to do next. Help them to persevere through unsettling waiting on You for Your best plans to work out. Please help Kevin B. and his wife to consider all their options thoroughly and to walk firmly into the future with solid faith in Your good plans. I pray that Kizzie will be blessed with new found stamina and courage as she tries to work through misunderstandings with her loved ones. I lift up Nightingale for relief from burdensome work that sets her on edge. Please, I pray that Kizzie will find ways to feel appreciated and loved for the good person she is and for kindnesses she does for others. I lift up other friends here who are going through trying times, especially Chas and Elvera as they navigate each new stage of life. None of us have been given suitable practice time for what we go through. But knowing You go through it with us, Lord, and carry us when we can’t do it ourselves gives us opportunity to see Your love in action. Thank You that You are with us 24/7 and You go before us making ways where we see no ways. Thank You for using our weaknesses to show Yourself strong. Bless You Lord with glory, honor, and love forever. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

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  14. Kathaleena – The worst part of it was that I had seen the text right after it. The first part was asking me to take the bacon out of the freezer and check to see if the chicken we have in the fridge is still okay.

    The second part, right below it, was telling me why – that she wanted bacon for dinner, although she was not sure what she wanted with it.

    The way it looks on my phone are like those two paragraphs above, but with a thin line, with curved corners, around each. One right on top of the other. It makes no sense at all why I did not see the first one. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that I did see it, but while reading the second one, I forgot it.

    Btw, I check my texts fairly often (but not obsessively) during the day, particularly when I’ve been out of the room my phone is in (I don’t always take it with me, unless I will be in another room for a long period of time) to see if she has texted me. She often texts with a question or telling me about something Boy needs to do.

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  15. Michelle – Believe me, I avoid saying anything that will stress her. I have a list in my head (that I really should write down) of things that need to be done, by either her or both of us, that is growing longer because I don’t bother her with it. She knows what much of it is anyway, because they are on her list (which she probably does have written down), too.

    A couple examples:

    Much of our Christmas decor is still up. I have done what I can, but Nightingale’s things are still up. Why haven’t I just put them away myself? Because she has a special way of doing that, and wants to do it herself, just not yet. But I have not asked about it or pressured her in any way.

    The second example is that when our Valentine’s Day visit with Chickadee was coming up, I made a point to do a better-than-usual housecleaning, cleaning a different room each day. I was especially pleased with the result of the kitchen and dining room (which are connected). Nightingale has a habit of leaving stuff at the end of the counter, and her pile starts encroaching further along the counter. It usually stays there until I’ve had enough and take the stuff upstairs, which is something she’d rather do herself, but she accepts it when I do it, because I let a lot of time go by, and a lot of junk build up before I do. And often the table has a bunch of stuff on it, but she tries harder not to clutter it up too much or too often.

    So, after nicely cleaning those two areas, I had that feeling of contentment (almost a peace) at a job well-done and at how nice and tidy everything looked. The next day, Nightingale brought in some wood, tools, and other wood-working paraphernalia to begin preparing for a project for her Cub Scouts den. Since she still has work to do on this, she left the stuff all over the table, and of course, more stuff is on the counter (and not only the usual end). “My heart fell” is maybe an exaggeration, but not far off. I really like it when my kitchen and dining room look nice.

    It has been two weeks since that mess appeared, and it is still there. Have I said anything to Nightingale about it? No, I have not. More than anyone, except herself, I know how busy and stressed she is. There are other examples, too, of things I keep to myself as to not possibly add to her stress or annoy her. These days, I try not to start a conversation with her, leaving her to come to me if she wants to chat. And I try to do nice things for her, such as often finishing her laundry or like what I did today.

    Thank you for your prayers for Nightingale. She certainly needs them.

    Besides the things I have mentioned, now and in the past, I am concerned that she takes on too much. She intends, even when she starts classes in the fall, to continue as either a den leader or assistant den leader, and as the pack secretary. I know she loves doing that, but it can be somewhat time-consuming sometimes.

    And since she knows that it usually takes her a very long time to get to sleep, she very often (unless she’s exhausted) doesn’t even try to get to bed “on time” to give herself at least a chance of getting eight hours of sleep, because she figures she won’t get to sleep anyway. (She has said this herself. It is not my interpretation.) Much of what keeps her awake is her mind trying to solve every problem we have, and being anxious about it all.

    Please pray for wisdom for her on those matters, too. And maybe that she will let her mother give her some advice or wise counsel now and then? (I don’t even try that anymore, as I know she will not listen or want to hear it.)

    At least she has decided not to make any more special cakes for other people, at least for this year. That often took most of a day.

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  16. Kizzie, 10:05, on the contrary, yes you did need to go into the detail you did. You are navigating and processing many difficult things right now. Please stop apologizing and putting yourself down. You are a beloved daughter of the King, and are precious to Him and to us.

    Sending the biggest of virtual hugs — with a little bit of good-natured behind-the-screen fist-shaking — your way. 😉 From one recovering perfectionist to another. 🙂


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  17. Oh, and by the way, I agree with Michelle, Kizzie. Getting out into the community — through Bible study and music involvement — has helped ease some of the stresses of home life I’ve experienced as a stay-at-home wife/mother, and I believe it would do you a world of good, too. You need outlets for face-to-face communication with others besides family.

    Chatting a little at church before or after Sunday services really doesn’t give much opportunity for deep discussion. That’s mostly small talk; superficial.

    I pray for God to open doors for you out in the community.

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  18. Update: 6th Arrow is recovering much more quickly than 4th Arrow did, and had a far less intense case during it. Thank you for praying.

    I’m feeling stressed tonight from my husband’s having been home more today. He had asked for the day off from his job because we’d planned to go visit 2nd Arrow and granddaughter today. We canceled that trip yesterday, though, as you know, because of the respiratory illness in our home. He decided to not change his day-off request, and spent a lot of time here.

    I wish it were true that having him home is pleasant, but that’s not the reality most of the time. As much as I’m trying to toughen up emotionally, it still bothers me that things are the way they are. (And, no, he doesn’t really like to listen to counsel from third parties when it differs from his mindset.)

    We could use prayers. It isn’t much of a marriage when the apart-times are better than the together-times.

    And while I was typing that, 6th Arrow came and told me she just threw up…

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  19. Kizzie, I don’t go into details of my family life on here for the privacy of my family, but you probably all know I’m home nearly all the time, and my husband (with whom I get along very well) also is. But it wouldn’t be good for either of us (me or my husband) to have him as my sole “community” or my whole life. (Yes, I know, Christian women are often more or less encouraged to let their husbands be their whole world.)

    I’ve purposely looked for ways to develop life interests that get me out and about a bit. For instance, most of my walks out and around to take photos are just me going out. He and I do take walks together several times a week, but shorter ones than the ones I take by myself, and also I don’t want to make him stand around waiting while I get just the right angle on some photo of a leaf, so I take few photos when we’re together. I also am part of a women’s Bible study (which meets every other week) and together we’re in a home Bible study (he doesn’t always go, but usually I go even if he doesn’t). When we lived farther north, we often went to a particular state park together, but there were times he didn’t feel up to going; and eventually I started simply going by myself if he wasn’t up to it. Here I so far haven’t gone to state parks alone, but partly that is because there is so much natural beauty close enough that I can explore locally. I’m also part of a craft group of church ladies, and I’m teaching Sunday school and participating on a church committee. I’m actually working right now not to be TOO busy (I didn’t go to Bible study this evening after a week last week that was too busy), but since I had a season before we moved of not being busy enough, I’m OK with being a little bit too busy. But it’s a lot better for my emotional health, and for me being a good wife to my husband, if I have other things going outside the home.

    And you personally need to have connections with Christian women, not just your daughters.

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  20. Heavenly Father, I lift up 6 Arrows marriage to You for repair of what areas are a bit broken or torn at this time. Please bring a sense of joy in having extra time together when possible. With sickness in the home people tend to not be at their best. Please may they see their way forward with a good future. I pray for relief from any form of pain that creates a lack of enthusiasm for doing fun things together. Please give relief from any financial worries. Thank You for making 6 Arrows into a good teacher for her children and others. I pray that her husband will learn to express positive feelings of gratitude to 6 Arrows and he will dismiss any complaining. Thank You, God, for Your supernatural repair of broken relationships. Only You, God, have the key to eternal marriages sealed by Your heart of love. I pray in Jesus, Amen

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  21. Thank you for your prayer, Janice, and to all of you for mentioning me/my family to the Lord.

    He’s still snarly/grumpy this morning (about not going to 2nd Arrow’s yesterday — I was the one who suggested we shouldn’t go for health reasons and our infant granddaughter’s wellbeing). He announced in a rather angry tone first thing this morning that he couldn’t wait any longer — he would just go on Tuesday, and whoever can go can go, and whoever can’t would just miss it.

    OK, well, he picked my longest piano teaching day, when I start 2 hours earlier than the late days, so that trip is out for me.

    I will simply go when I feel the illnesses/incubation periods are probably over and I have time to make a 4-hour round-trip road trip and have adequate visiting time in between, as long as visiting our granddaughter has turned into an every man for himself.

    Works for me, I guess. I will adjust to this new normal, and I thank you for your prayers in the interim.

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  22. Progress: Husband decided hours later (after our first conversation this morning) to ask me when was a good time to go visit daughter and granddaughter. So there’s some *us* in his later decision to consult with me, instead of a *me* (husband) decision and who cares whether the wife/grandmother, who also wants to see them, can go with.

    There is the power of prayer. Thank you.

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