Our Daily Thread 3-27-15

Good Morning!

It’s Friday!!!


On this day in 1794 Congress authorized the creation of the U.S. Navy.   

In 1866 President Andrew Johnson vetoed the civil rights bill, which later became the 14th amendment.  

In 1899 the first international radio transmission between England and France was achieved by the Italian inventor G. Marconi.

In 1912 the first cherry blossom trees were planted in Washington, DC.

And in 1941 Tokeo Yoshikawa arrived in Oahu, HI, and began spying for Japan on the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor.  


Quote of the Day

The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each to himself. And that is the most complicated thing on earth.”

Edward Steichen


Today is composer Ferde Ferdinand Rudolph von Grofé’s birthday.

Today is also Brendan Hill’s birthday, so I’m playing some Blues Traveler for my wife. I chose this one because I love the way the fiddle part is played on a harmonica. Only John Popper would think to do that. He’s also the only guy I’ve ever seen wear a harmonica vest. 🙂 I count at least 14. 🙂

Anyway, it’s Blues Traveler covering Charlie Daniel’s “Devil Went Down To Georgia.” I must also insert a language warning for one word at the end, given the song.


Anyone have a QoD?

44 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 3-27-15

  1. Good morning! The morning air was chilly when I put the garbage can at the curb. I heard that over the weekend, by Sunday, we will have a low in the thirties, around fteezing, or in other words, LA Dog Park Cold. Brrrr…and Rough,Rough!!!


  2. Yesterday I called around for tire prices and decided to run by our nearest Goodyear at Macy’s about a mile from here. I ended up getting tires there. I used them years ago until they got some people in there I did not trust. These were new folks who seemed nice. They gave me a good price on Assurance tires which had a Consumer Reports Best Buy award. The tires all did have dry rot as the tire lady showed me what to look for to see it. Earlier I had called the store where I bought the tires and found out they were bought in 2009 so it was reasonable for them to be replaced since they are used on the expressway daily. Husband was watched over by God to have had the flat in the parking lot at work.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. We only have three days left in the legislative session. The Judiciary Committee yesterday added a bad amendment to the Religious Freedom bill so it got tabled, AGAIN. Now we have to make more phone calls and continue in prayer that at this late hour it can rise from the ashes (this is Atlanta after all) and get sent to the House floor for a vote, with no amendments. It wdill absolutely be a miracle in God’s timing if He chooses to make it happen.


  4. Seems I am being a blog hog this morning. Now I will go make a lot of calls to biggie wigs in State Gov’t. If they could see my hair, they would think I am a biggie wig, too.


  5. Good morning Janice.
    Good morning Aj.
    It’s Friday!

    You know what that means?
    My woman is coming home to me, that’s what.
    I have the house pretty well back in order.
    Lions today.
    I post the NC income tax. All of that finished.

    😦 We, likewise are facing two days of freezing weather. The apple farmers hate that.
    It usually doesn’t turn out as bad as they say. They will lose some blooms, but not all. It happens every year..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 😦

    I just got a call from Mel, Polly’s husband. Polly fell and broke her right arm. She can’t drive.
    The plan is for Dianne, Argeree’s daughter (only sixty) will drive them to Greenwood. I will take Mel to Greenwood and he and Polly will drive back and Elvera and I will come home.
    Bad news, but I’m glad it was no worse than an arm.
    When you get that age (she’s 77), bad things happen when you fall.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Good morning. It’s chilly here in Houston this morning, after being in the 80’s yesterday.

    Our kitty is beginning to settle in, though he still hasn’t ventured beyond my bedroom. But, he slept on my bed last night and has quit hissing at us when we enter the room. He’s terrified of our old lab, Buddy, who would never do him any harm (he lived happily with our cat, Bailey, for twelve years). I’ll try to upload a picture this weekend.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Good Morning All. Got an early start to my day. Mr P wants to go to the Elberta Sausage Festival tomorrow. I would love to go but know that he hasn’t recovered from walking the Arts Festival last Saturday. It would be good because I could ask my stepmother to go with us.
    Through yesterday I had worked 37 hours this week. While I don’t mind it on the front end of my day …’long about 4:30 or so my brain shuts down. Of course we are entering the busy season so I need to make hay while the sun is shining.
    Let’s see if I can come up with any other analogies to use.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Awoke to a blanket of snow this morning – the new stuff should be gone by the end of the day, but it sure slows down them melting of the 1 ½ feet (or so) of ‘old’ snow. But it is very pretty out!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. They don’t give Cruz much of a a chance. We’ll see.
    I agree with shredding the BB playdown sheet. I don’t have a horse in this race anymore.
    But the SC women play the NC women tonight.
    It seems weird calling a woman’s team “Gamecocks”. I would prefer another name for them.
    The “Bantams” would be a good name. They are feisty little chickens.

    They left to come home at 9:45.


  11. I made my calls this morning. I hope it will make a difference. But right now it is all in God’s hands.

    My neighbor will have a landscaper put out grass seed (fescue) & fertilizer and wheat straw to hold the hill. The landscaper said because it is late to plant grass to not expect more than 40% to take root. Guess that means we can expect a 60% ditch down the slope. When I got this house in 1983 it had a ditch in the front yard that I corrected over time. I guess thirty years later I have a new similar challenge!

    How is Mama Ruth? Any word on Mumsee&Mike?


  12. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about Mike & Mumsee, I’m hoping all went well, that the pain is manageable and that he’s beginning to “come to” by now, a few days post surgery.

    I have my income tax appointment at 11 tomorrow so my plan is to get all the “stuff” together tonight, rather than waiting until morning. There’s not a lot of “stuff” to find — and it should be all in one of 2 boxes (if anything, I keep way too much paperwork). But rifling through it thinking something will surely be missing always makes me anxious. I hate tax season. But I should get some kind of refund, so it’s usually worth it in the end.

    I also will need to go see my friend Carol tomorrow, so I’ll be doing a lot of driving, south to Orange County for the taxes and then north to downtown/east LA to find her.

    She’s on Medical, which is the free medical insurance for people without means, but for some reason there’s a bunch of red tape and they had to take her to a convalescent facility for now — that worries me because she needs to get to a hospital to start taking care of her issues, which are really somewhat urgent.

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  13. Annie was always quite bold around my dogs, I adopted her when she was probably a year old and had been running with a feral colony outside the local county animal shelter. But somehow she had become immune to dogs, thankfully.

    Cowboy’s very sweet but Tess is a true border collie and feels the need to “herd” Annie into what Tess deems is her “place” (usually a corner) on occasion. Tess thinks she’s the boss of Annie. She gives her that border collie stare first, then the crouch, then the “herd.” She nose-bumped Annie’s rear end the other day when the cat wasn’t moving fast enough.

    But Annie the cat holds no grudge, nor does she feel in any way insecure. She’ll go right ahead and affectionately rub up against Tess’ rear end (“I own you”) as Tess eats, which makes Tess crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I haven’t been following the GA legislation, but I saw where Utah recently enacted what seems like an even-handed law that strongly forbids discrimination against gays in employment, etc., but allows for religious-conscience exemptions for business owners & others in cases where there are conflicting “rights” to uphold.

    Sorry, my grasp on the details is weak, but I did spot a column yesterday that hailed it as being a pretty good model for other states and a fair solution to what is so often now plaguing us on these matters.

    Of course, it’s being roundly attacked by liberals (see my link late yesterday on the political thread about liberal anger and a theory on where that all comes from) for allowing discrimination against gays, so it’s not satisfactory to everyone, apparently.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. On FB this morning: “FOUND DOG… Wearing a red sweater”

    Only in LA.

    Janice, I had no idea Macy’s sold tires. They must be quite fashionable.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Chas- I agree that they don’t give Cruz much of a chance, but since Reagan, when Republicans run as strong conservatives, they tend to win national elections.


  17. Dems, RINOs, and the press will attack him. I think they fear him and his “dangerous ideas” about govt. Him being an actual “constitutional scholar” who has actually shown his college grades unlike the current occupant of the White House, just scares them. The fact that he stands for founding principles just gets in the way of their agenda. They don’t like it, so they attack, en masse. We could do a lot worse. He is the anti-Obama, the polar opposite, both in knowledge and policy. When was the last time Obama cared about the Constitution? How many times has he violated it? To Cruz, it actually matters, and it should to us as well.


    “His father describes Cruz as a “modern Jeremiah,” delivering the final warning before the collapse, sending an unpopular but vital message. His Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz calls him “off-the-charts brilliant.” Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican and unsuccessful presidential candidate, once dubbed Cruz a “wacko bird.” His own wife says Cruz’s supreme certainty had a way of being “irksome.”

    It is Cruz’s ramrod devotion to principle — or, its flip side, an unyielding insistence on getting his way — that could propel him to the front ranks of Republican contenders for president or render him unelectable.

    Cruz, 44, was a marvel in high school, a kid who memorized the Constitution and wowed audiences with his speaking skills. In college, he was a prodigy and a pest; the same people who avoided having dinner with him went out of their way to watch him debate. As a politician, the senator from Texas is what he’s always been – a lightning rod for controversy, a stickler for process, an evangelist for conservative principle, a constitutional wonk in ostrich-skin cowboy boots.

    Those who find his newly announced presidential campaign thrilling and those who find the notion of Cruz in the White House disturbing agree that his devotion to principle reminds them of that of Barry Goldwater, the movement conservative and 1964 Republican presidential nominee who famously said “I’d rather be right than president” and got his wish.”

    Liked by 2 people

  18. I think the benefit Cruz provides as well is that he can at least help steer the debate in the nomination process. Even if he can’t win, he can force Bush, Rand, Rubio, and the rest to stay nearer the base, and keep them from wandering to the so-called moderate side which is really just Dem-Lite/left. I think he provides a valuable service in this process, if for no other reason than to keep the rest in line.


  19. Thanks, Donna, for that link. I had tried to access it from Twitter earlier but dumb/smart phone would not connect me to it. As my father use to say, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Good thing Miss Boz never met him. 🙂


  20. Whew, busy week! I haven’t had as much time to be on here, and today my head is spinning with all the things I have yet to do for the day!

    However, I had a nice little respite from the frenzy when 2nd Arrow (adult daughter who lives away from here) called this morning, asking for my homemade cream soup recipe, as she’s had such a craving for slow, home-cooked food she can make, being quite tired of subsisting on foods that are quick and easy on the run, but unsatisfying over the long haul.

    We had a great conversation about a variety of things, and when we concluded the phone call and I hung up, I saw the phone reported that we’d talked one hour, eight minutes, and fifty seconds!

    A most delightful hour that was. 🙂

    Well, on to the rest of the day now, I suppose… Good things to do, to be sure, but a little daunting to contemplate all of it. One step at a time, I guess…just do the next thing. 🙂

    In case I do not get back on here later, I will send my well-wishes your way now. I have decided to add Saturdays and Sundays to our media-fast repertoire (currently only Thursdays).

    And, since next week is Holy Week, and I instituted a media-fast for that week last year and would like to continue the tradition, I will take this opportunity now to wish all of you a most blessed Easter!

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings to you and your families.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Blessings for Holy Week to you, too, Six Arrows. I have been clearing out more clothes/accessories for Lent purge. Goal is to only need one smallish closet and some dresser drawers for my clothes so I don’t have to do the seasonal switcheroo from the bin.


  22. Although I’d need to know more about what they mean by “religious institutions” and whether individuals (I take it they’re not) might be protected?

    Let’s face it, someone’s ‘rights’ are going to have to yield to someone else’s rights at some point — or so it would seem.

    Now I need some more more coffee …


  23. We’ve had excellent luck buying our tires from Costco.

    Rain and snow today in Slovenia and Austria. I may have seen more rainy day son this trip than I’ve seen in the last four years at home.

    Okay, that’s hyperbole, but it’s been wonderful for us to hear and see and hasn’t affected the trip much at all.

    Of course tomorrow I’m headed out to camp it up singing in the hills on an orange tour bus!

    Home Monday. I couldn’t remember what my kitchen looked like yesterday when a relative asked!


  24. I would sure like to be able to vote for Cruz. I’ll have to keep an eye on Iowa news to see if he (or the others) are speaking close by. I am a ½ hour from Iowa, 2 from Iowa City.


  25. OK, four hours since my last post, and I got several things done that I wanted to. Feels good! And hubby is done early with work, and is soon heading toward the grocery store, then home. 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend, blessings on next week, and Happy Easter, all!


  26. Dear blog family, I am commenting tonight with a heavy heart, as my MIL, the real’s Mom, passed away suddenly. I put up a prayer request and then came over here to where you all are more active.


  27. I feel really sad about that.

    A chill wind is moving in to Atlanta just as I read that sad news. How can the weather so well match our feelings?

    Thank you for letting us know on this thread. I will go over to the prayer thread now.


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