14 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 6-29-24

  1. Raising a prayer for Eli. God knows Eli though I don’t. May our great God Who oversees all healings quickly intervene to correct Eli’s issues with food. May all needs and remedies be revealed and folloeed with a healthy outcome. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

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  2. Prayer for neighbor (S) — the most recent knee replacement is causing pain, they think she may have a fractured tibia so she is scheduled for an MRI on July 9.

    Meanwhile, their car was hit (she wasn’t in it, just her husband who was driving to pick up something from the doctor’s office) and the two passenger-side doors won’t open. They’re arranging through insurance to get it into the body shop but we all know, that work always takes an inordinate amount of time.

    In the meantime … they are working to figure out how to get a car/rides (insurance doesn’t cover a rental) so he can take her to doctor and PT appointments — so it looks like they will rely on a grandson who just now is getting his license and recently got a used Honda (which is the only car she trusts to ride in, she’s convinced they are the safest cars and with her recent trauma via her husband’s accident, even though she wasn’t with him and no one was hurt, she said she’s going to be super-worried about getting into a car anyway).

    And the prospect of riding with a new driver/grandson makes her very nervous (and she’s a nervous personality anyway).

    She’s really discouraged, said she feels like she’s just destined, after 3+ years, to be “homebound.” They’re really been hit with a lot. 😦

    • dj

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  3. Feeling sad for her, Dj. I will pray for her to learn contentment in whatever circumstances and that God will help her to heal. I wish they could get what I hope to get, the city mini-bus help for the disabled.🙏

    How is that younger ‘wild child’ grown son neighbor doing these days?


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  4. Funny you should ask …

    Things have been going well from what I can tell, he does still play his rock music from his “room” in the garage but it’s at an acceptable level and not every day — he is gone often enough that he’s either in classes or has a job.

    But today, for the first time, he had his music turned up too loud and I heard his mom yell his name a few times. It took a while and a few more yells but he finally turned the volume down and (I think) left.

    Sigh. Praying and hoping things aren’t slipping back into old habits.

    • dj

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  5. Praying for Eli, for S, and for DJ’s young neighbor.

    I have a new prayer request, plus updates on two previous ones:

    Prayers for baby Isaac, firstborn of the oldest daughter (B) and son-in-law (N) of my dearly-departed friend Karen. Isaac was born at 36 weeks and weighed barely 3.5 pounds. In the 20-week ultrasound, it was apparent he wasn’t growing normally and was at the 24th percentile for weight. At 24 weeks, he was at the 3rd percentile, and they started twice-weekly prenatal visits to monitor him closely.

    B had an emergency C-section in April when Isaac went into distress. He was hospitalized for about a month, including time in NICU. He is doing better on the outside and has now doubled his birth weight, but he has a hole in his heart, a heart murmur that is sometimes detected, and other issues with his heart due to his premature birth.

    B is still recovering from her C-sec, all of this happened right when they were going to make a multi-state move after N had accepted a call to pastor in a different location, and B looks very tired and overwhelmed with Isaac’s medical needs, her own recovery, and her dealing with a fairly recent (during her pregnancy) diagnosis of celiac disease.

    How I wish B’s mom were here! Karen was such a prayer warrior! I ask all of you prayer warriors to join me in praying for baby Isaac and his young parents.


    Update 1 of 2: The family of former student Kyle, 36-year-old husband and father of a 6-year-old and 2- or 3-year-old, have received some answers about how he died. The man who allegedly shot him had done prison time in California but was residing around here. The perpetrator was parked along the side of a rural highway, and, according to the report the passenger in the perp’s vehicle gave, got agitated that Kyle drove past slowly. The perp then pulled out onto the highway, caught up to Kyle, passed him, then pulled over again and waited. When Kyle drove by him the second time, he pulled out a gun and shot into Kyle’s vehicle, telling his passenger just before that, “Watch this.” The bullet struck Kyle above his eye, and his vehicle went off the road. The perp’s passenger said he thought they should go check on him, but the driver turned around and went the other direction.

    Kyle died later at an area hospital. 😦

    The passenger didn’t come forth with that information right away, and 15 days after Kyle died, the perp committed another crime, got caught soon after, and so was in jail on the other charges when there was a breakthrough in Kyle’s murder case.

    This is all so heartbreaking, and the more I learn, the more I want to ask God why He allowed such a responsible young man to die so young.

    Please continue to pray for his wife and children.


    Update 2 of 2: Thankfully some better news! The little toddler W, who sustained 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns on 24% of his body while in daycare in April, is expected to make a full recovery. Praise the Lord!

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  6. Thank you, 6 Arrows, for sharing the updates. May God bring healing and restoration to the other tragedies as He did to the burn victim. May He turn what the evil one meant for harm into something good as He motivates the suffering to work to prevent similar future bad situations. Nothing is impossible for God. Please amaze and surprise people in how You act to create good from bad, Father God. May witnesses to Your goodness at work tell everyone about Your great help in times of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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  7. Thank you, Debra and Janice. That you are praying means so much more to me than I can convey. (Just erased a bunch of stuff about me and my reaction. None of this is about me. Ugh.)

    Let’s just leave it at this: I care — maybe too deeply — about my past and present students (both updates and the prayer request involve former students), and their pain and loss hurts my heart more than I thought could be possible.

    And if I hurt, how deep must be the ache their families are experiencing. That’s why I’m so grateful you (everyone here who is) are praying for these families.

    Thank you.

    6 (of course)

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  8. Also praying for the prayer requests since the last time I was here.

    And praising with Kare on the birth of her granddaughter. What a blessing.

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  9. I can’t imagine the difficulty of that mother! And the shooting is horrible. Prayers for all, including continuing good for the poor toddler! Praises he is recovering.

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