11 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-28-24

  1. Good morning. We have rain this morning and will probably just break past 70 degrees for our temperature. Mosquitoes are hanging on the screens waiting for victims.

    Kare, how fun to get to see your new little granddaughter. We have a granddaughter with three older brothers, too. How cherished all those grands!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Morning! No rain here but always hopeful as we ask the Lord to bring moisture to us! Seems many around us saw rain but we again were in the “doughnut hole”! 😳

    Liked by 2 people

  3. When Art got home last night, he said it had rained everywhere except at the office. I am feeling especially thankful for the rain because the yard had gotten crispy (especially the new sod).

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Good morning, all. Another beautiful day here. Lots of cloud cover and a delightful sixty seven in the house. But I relented and turned the heat on for my dad. Daughter has been watering the yards every morning for the past week.


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  5. Happy Friday! I like Fridays.

    Cool and overcast on the coast. And I wrote several stories yesterday so today should be much easier with only 1-2 stories but because of the weird holiday week ahead the editors are trying to plan ahead.

    I am hoping to have both Thursday and Friday off next week (for the holiday and a requested vacation day). I really do need to take more time off going forward. I’m getting that ‘burned-out’ feeling too often. 😦

    • dj

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  6. do any of you know anyone near Kingman Arizona?

    I have a friend who needs prayer as she is traveling with her 94 year old dad. She is a Christian. – even sang with a Christian Band in the 80’s. Home is Los Angeles

    Kim H

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  7. Kim, yes, a friend/former co-worker who’s staying in Kingman settling her mom’s estate. But she’s not a believer.

    Well, today turned out to be nearly as hectic as yesterday was. Writing the homeless story now (me dealing with raw numbers and percentages is not a pretty picture). What a tiring week it’s been.

    Tomorrow is errand runs with my formerly homeless friend.

    • dj

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  8. Kim, I lived outside Kingman for two years as a teenager, though I don’t know if I still have any “people” there. I had a church with which I kept in touch, though.


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