27 thoughts on “News/Politics 6-28-24

  1. Last night showed America and the world just how badly the dems and media have been lying about the condition of Biden. It was painfully obvious that he is not the one currently running our country, as he’s incapable of doing so.

    It also shows how badly the dems and media have been gaslighting anyone who dared to notice that the emporer has no clothes.

    It’s an indictment of all parties involved in this sham. I actually feel bad for Biden as he’s clearly being used, and to his detriment. His wife and family should be ashamed for allowing this.

    Watch now as they seek to circumvent rules about changing candidates at this late point, in many states its already too late to do so, and the media tells you we need to do so, to save muh democracy.

    It will get even more pathetic than usual as they’ve been exposed, and will just double down on the lies.

    Trump on the other hand was prepared, quiet, didn’t interrupt, and refused to rise to Biden’s repeated attempts to bait him. He shot down the hoax talk, lies about his past statements, and defended himself well.

    He showed restraint, calmness, and was on point refuting most of Biden’s talking points. There was a couple of times when he seemed genuinely confused by what Biden was saying, but who wasn’t? He was clearly the winner.

    CNN actually did a pretty good job to my surprise, although Tapper clearly rushed in to change the topic to help a struggling Biden on a few occasions. Bash looked shocked by what she was seeing, the realization apparently coming as to how bad dems have been lying about Biden’s condition. For the most part, they gave little to complain about, which is good.

    My takeaway.. ..

    Trump 2024, no doubt.


    Liked by 4 people

  2. The gaslighting from media shills over the last few months has been exposed. And it’s about to get worse as they seek to circumvent states rules and replace Biden.


    “From Joe Scarborough, in March: ‘Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And f*** you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second…If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.'”



    To save muh Democracy, right Joe?

    “Joe Scarborough, three months ago: Biden is better than ever he’s ever been.

    Joe Scarborough, today: We must replace Biden in the name of Democracy.”


    Liked by 3 people

  3. indeed. Quite a majority have seen this all along while those who hate the very idea of Trump will excuse and cover for Biden. There is no going back to covering for him.

    I will say Tapper rescued Biden a few times and I viewed it as more out of compassion. I don’t care for Tapper’s politics but it did show he has the capacity to help the most vulnerable.

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  4. The media never admits the truth here either, for purely partisan reasons.


    “Debunking Joe Biden’s Claim That All of Trump’s 2020 Election Challenges Were ‘Baseless’Joe Biden at the CNN presidential debate claimed that all of Donald Trump’s election challenges were dismissed because they had “no merit.”

    This is FALSE.

    An Election Integrity review conducted on 92 court challenges filed over the 2020 election found that a clear majority of the cases decided on the merits were ruled favorably for the plaintiffs; particularly, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign.

    The election review noted the cases decided on the merits and those that were dismissed for lack of standing or other procedural issues.”

    Some Non-Merit reasons for stopping lawsuits from going forward are for: a) Standing, b) Timing [Laches], c) Judicial authority [Jurisdiction], and d) Moot (e.g. not enough malfeasance to make a difference).”

    The list of court cases decided on the merits, meaning “the Plaintiff was able to argue the facts of the case, and, if applicable, given opportunity to present evidence via Discovery,” as well as the links to the case information, can be found below.

    “You’re gonna wanna bookmark this,” remarked Arizona Sun Times reporter @Rach_IC. “This is a compilation of all of the 2020 election challenges and what became of them. Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.”

    The case entries, many linking to Stanford’s Healthy Election Project, confirm the statuses and the rulings.

    It is debatable whether affirmative rulings in all of the cases would have been sufficient to lead to Donald Trump being elected instead of Joe Biden.

    The pivotal lawsuit may have been the Texas case brought by AG Ken Paxton contending that a number of swing states made unconstitutional election changes, because they did not go through the state legislatures. This case was denied by the Supreme Court, despite the Constitution stipulating its original jurisdiction.

    Furthermore, many states have since decided that 2020 election practices such as the inclusion of privately funded “Zuckerboxes” were either illegal or were subsequently outlawed.

    It is up for debate whether any particular lawsuit would have been the deciding factor, but the critical underlying point is that the election challenges were legal and valid. The sum of these lawsuits paint the picture that the “fortified” 2020 election was highly flawed and undemocratic, since it did not abide by fundamental practices of election integrity.

    Thus debunks Biden’s narrative that Trump’s legal challenges to the 2020 election were all “baseless”.”


    You can read more here….


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  5. It was sad to see that debate. It does seem like elder abuse to me. Anyone who has anyone in their family acting like that or works with senior citizens know what they see. To prop someone up to run for office and do what Joe Biden must do is cruel, IMO. It is not for his sake but for the sake of others power, ambition and monetary gain. Very sad.

    I don’t know why the Dems, however, cannot put someone else up as a candidate. Candidates used to be announced in the convention after an official vote. Therefore, it would seem they could do that. We did not used to have campaigns starting immediately after an election, which is what seems to happen now. Ironic, given that we now have immediate news at our fingertips.

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  6. I saw that as compassion, too, and actually thought Trump found it painful to watch Biden’s poor performance. Trump acted with compassion the best he could given the circumstances. Trump had opportunity to highlight the major flaws in what Biden said, especially that crazy rape statement, but he did not go there. It was all So.So.Sad.

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  7. The Biden camp seems unfazed. The DNC convention is gonna be lit.


    “CNN just reported that not only does President Biden not plan on dropping out, he is committed to a second debate with Donald Trump”

    “It’s not just panic. It’s pain””


    “I’m so proud of Joe—I hope you heard his heart tonight. Sign up at joebiden.com—together, we can finish the job for the American people.”


    Liked by 1 person

  8. My pastor’s Facebook post:

    “The political & governmental machines that orchestrated the humiliation of Joe Biden last night, a man in advanced cognitive decline, reveals their transactional value of life in the womb & not far from the tomb. It also reveals their commitment to maintain power at all costs.”

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Remember folks, these are the same people who keep saying “democracy is on the ballot.”


    “14.3 million Americans have voted to re-nominate Biden, who has amassed nearly 3,894 delegates. Some elites within the “party of democracy” are now openly talking about throwing those votes into the trash. Many of those same elites accused others of lying about the president’s condition, until their own lies became unsustainable last night. Healthy, pro-democracy, pro-truth stuff.”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Amusing to me but painful. watching the stunned expressions on so many Democrats should tell us how broken our instant news has become. This has been obvious to us for quite sometime. My anti Trump, pro Republican, politicians should be trusted, dad, well into dementia, watched a few minutes of Biden giving a speech a month or so ago and said, “That is our President? There is clearly something wrong with him and he should not be.” He said something similar when he saw Harris and was told she was our VP, in line to replace Biden. He has mentioned that several times. He is still President? Why?


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  11. As I said….


    “Now my time to shine is here. Biden can’t be replaced in some states.

    Wisconsin, if they replace Biden, the Democrats are out entirely!

    Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year. This means they have until 5 PM this Friday to pull Biden out.

    They better work fast!”



    “Republicans get their day to fight dirty: How conservatives could make it very hard for Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ballot if he has a disastrous debate or steps aside.“

    The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they believe taking Biden off the Democratic ticket would not allow anyone else to replace him: Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.”

    “Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.

    In Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’ 

    If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election in Georgia, his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.”


    Liked by 2 people

  12. The elephant in the room.


    “That debate was yet another ding to the legitimacy of the government and the media.

    They both told us everything was fine with Joe and that social media was lying.”


    “@60Minutes knew.

    @nytimes knew.

    @CNN knew

    @MSNBC knew

    They all knew, but they told you otherwise.They outright lied to you.”


    Liked by 2 people

  13. A local political commentator said on Fox Atlanta that the only thing they both lied about was their golf scores. That was a moment of comic relief last night until I imagined Biden trying to swing that club. Rut roh . . .


  14. VDH nails it.


    “A Short Anatomy of a Biden Disaster

    There really was not a debate last night, merely a one-sided slugfest. The arguments over the issues, such as they were, were over in 30 minutes. The rest was unnecessary. In bullfighting terms, the end-stage tercio de muerte lasted an entire hour.

    The back-and-forth invective was overshadowed by Biden thrashing about and the accompanying optics of a near comatose President of the United States.

    One candidate was animated and alive; the other cognitively inert, despite apparently more than a week of rest and preparation and perhaps medications. No one believes Biden had a “cold,” given he seemed like the real Biden we’ve all seen over the last four years. He did not ever come out with a wild screaming fit as in his State of the Union address or the creepy Phantom of the Opera semi-fascist rant.

    So, Biden was hoarse and almost impossible to understand. He slurred his words; his sentences were jumbled. Sometimes Biden closed his eyes during a brain freeze. Some of his repartee was unworldly, like beating Medicare or women raped by family members (including “sisters”?)

    Most of the time, he simply looked down (were they notes?) for talking points, and then recited his prepped and formulaic canned replies, one … two … three….

    Of course, some have pointed out that Trump could have been more detailed in his answers in the fashion De Santis dissected Newsom, but he was still vigorous—no notes, ad hoc, and did what he had to do in comparing his successful record to Biden’s failures. Trump stayed calm as Biden’s prepared slurs trailed off into never-never land.

    Again, it took Trump about 10 minutes to explain his record on inflation, the border, taxes, foreign policy, and abortion.

    And after that it was the story of an 82-year-old man forced to stand for an hour-and-a-half and in muddled efforts to remember all the things he was told to say and to follow the prompts on the rostrum.

    Biden slandered Trump as a sexual alley cat, a convicted felon, and an insurrectionist while resurrecting all the old, debunked boilerplate: the “suckers” allegation, the tired Charlottesville debunked charge; and oddly blaming Trump for Biden’s own failures like inflation, the border, crime, Afghanistan, Iran, Gaza. etc.

    Trump sometimes proved repetitive as he pulled no punches in serially and monotonously describing Biden as the “worst” president in history—but he often used that line successfully to point out he had no desire to go through his current ordeal had Biden just been a mediocre president rather than a trainwreck.

    Sometimes the deep visceral antipathy that both harbored for each other became off-putting or, if you like, hilarious, as when it descended into rival boasts about golfing.

    But again, these are just minor irrelevant details to what otherwise was an ungodly Biden disaster, of losing his train of thought, of those dead blank stares, of looking downward cribbing from something or other, and of an angry scowl, frightening voice and scary pallor.

    The post-debate clips and commentary will be brutal for Biden. And the media who stuck to the years-long ‘narrative’ of an astounding Biden mind should be disgraced and ashamed for the nearly four-year ruse they played on the American people and the vitriol they leveled at anyone who simply told the truth about Biden’s condition.

    Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are all today wondering whether this non-president means they have a window of opportunity before January 20, 2024, to do something really stupid, as they calibrate and argue over who really is running America?

    A good question, ranging from the Obamas’ third-term team—to no one at all.”

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  15. Kathaleena,

    It raises some interesting scenarios too. I could see them winning the argument in Nevada, as Biden is clearly mentally unfit for the position, which is an exception allowed, legitimately too. I think you’d find few who could credibly argue against that after last night. I think the eventual release of the Hur transcripts and recordings will prove this further, hence the White House desperation to keep it from the public.

    But still other swing states are sticky wickets all their own.

    This is unprecedented territory.

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  16. “In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ’s use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.



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  17. “While todays ruling on J6 was correct, I can’t help but be reminded of the common refrain from lawyers:

    – You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride.

    Thousands of lives ruined. Suicides. Families destroyed.

    All based on a legal hoax from DOJ and DC judicial Nazis.”



    These people are un-American activists, not judges.


    “List of shame (of course they have none)-

    -DC judges who went along with the DOJ’s unlawful application of 1512(c)(2) in J6 cases:

    Judge Beryl Howell (Obama, former chief judge)Judge James Boasberg (Obama, current chief judge)Judge Rudolph Contreras (Obama)Judge Trevor McFadden (Trump)Judge John Bates (GW Bush)Judge Amit Mehta (Obama)Judge Dabny Friedrich (Trump)Judge Royce Lamberth (Reagan)Judge Richard Leon (GW Bush)Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Clinton)Judge Amy Berman Jackson (Obama)Judge Timothy Kelly (Trump)Judge Randolph Moss (Clinton)Judge Paul Friedman (Clinton)Judge Christopher Cooper (Obama)D.C. Circuit Court Judge Florence Pan (Biden)—Pan wrote both appellate court decisions upholding 1512c2D.C. Circuit Court Judge Justin Walker (Trump)D.C. Circuit Court Judge Cornelia Pillard”


  18. Meanwhile, the lawfare against Trump continues….


    “Just when you think this insane and rigged clown world can’t get any more insane, it does.

    Dr. Brandy X Lee, who edited the book “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” along with 4 other TDS infected psychiatrists have prepared a risk analysis for the most partisan and corrupt judge in America, Juan Marchan. That risk assessment will play a factor into what he sentences Trump to on 7/11.

    Lee has recently opposed the 25th amendment being invoked against Joe Biden despite the fact that the whole world witnessed he is borderline brain dead last week.

    “The reason why so many people see problems with Joe Biden is that Donald Trump is projecting his mental symptoms on to Joe Biden so he can deny his own symptoms,” Lee told The Daily Signal, reflecting on the debate between the incumbent Democrat and his Republican opponent.

    That is the person making sentencing recommendations to Marchan.

    This should be the number one story in America. This absolutely insane. A partisan nutbag is going to advise another partisan nutbag to the detriment of 80 million American citizens whose vote they want to nullify.

    Despite all the insanity we have seen lately, this again takes the cake.”


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