35 thoughts on “News/Politics 6-27-24

  1. This has always been a laughable claim, since every single one of them broke multiple laws illegally coming here.


    “I am going to post more about this tomorrow but I just want to say one thing. There is no bigger piece of propaganda out there than “Illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lesser rate than American citizens.”

    This is one of the most bogus, completely false talking points I have seen but what is amazing about it to me is how many heavily funded “think tanks” push this constantly. So many of our own politicians tell us this. Why?

    Think about it. A country being told that foreigners, most from poor, crime ridden countries, who have illegally entered their country, commit less crimes on average than them. Does it make any sense? Why do Americans accept this as truth?

    I see this all the time in my comments so I spent some time looking into it. It’s a lie, easily disproven with a couple pieces of data. I will say this, our own government makes it extremely difficult to find the real statistics. I’ll write more tomorrow but here is one piece of data from the Government Accountability Office. This graph shows the percent of people in federal prison who are criminal aliens. Does it look like they are under represented compared to the population as a whole? Of course not. Around 26% of the people currently in federal prison are criminal aliens.”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Move along…. nothing to see here..

    Just Dems setting up the next steal.


    “Arizona GOP files BOMBSHELL lawsuit against the CRIMINAL, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 million ILLEGAL voters, including dead people, nonresidents, and illegal aliens, on state’s dirty voter rolls,

    The Arizona Senate 2020 Election Audit CONFIRMS:


    + 733,000 DROP BOX MAIL-IN-BALLOTS cast in the 2020 election, just vanished into thin air, unaccounted for”

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Timely to see a Biden/Harris yard sign go up today in my neighbor’s yard. It made me happy to see it, just to feel something seems somehow normal. It is an election year! It speaks of democracy and the right to vote for one’s choice. We can all celebrate that, at least for the moment.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Only a Ministry of Propaganda does this in order to control narratives and outcomes for the regime.


    “CNN has implemented insanely strict measures for the first 2024 presidential debate, effectively banning citizen journalists and independent coverage.

    No one can use any video or audio from the debate without explicit permission.

    What are they thinking?! This isn’t a blockbuster movie—this is two politicians running to lead the free world.

    Mainstream media is monopolizing the debate coverage.

    @elonmusk has stated he won’t pull down X streams of the debate, which is more than YouTube or Facebook have offered.

    Americans and the world deserve access to this debate.

    No single corporation should control it.

    Is this America or a country run by mega-corporations?!

    Sources: CNN, Reuters”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Most trusted news source for many…don’t ya just love their manipulations of defining a woman? And of course the Supreme court justice they quoted could not define a woman because she isn’t a biologist!!! So there are pregnant people not women cuz we all should know men can be pregnant right!!?

    CNN — 

    Pregnant people in Idaho should be able to access abortion in a medical emergency in Idaho, at least for now.

    The Supreme Court formally dismissed an appeal over Idaho’s strict abortion ban on Thursday, blocking enforcement of the state’s law where it conflicts with federal law. With Thursday’s decision, the state would not be allowed to deny an emergency abortion to a pregnant person whose health is in danger, at least while the case makes its way through the courts.

    On Wednesday, the decision was mistakenly posted on the US Supreme Court website, and was first reported by Bloomberg News. The final opinion on Thursday was a sigh of relief, but doctors and legal experts acknowledged it’s a temporary reprieve.

    “Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote in a separate opinion. “It is a delay.”

    “Storm clouds loom ahead,” she wrote.


  6. “The 16 Nobel winning economists who are predicting that Trump “might” reignite inflation do not point to one single policy Trump is advocating for that would reignite inflation.

    Again, it’s all conjecture and opinions of people whose “expert” label is paid for by the highest bidder.

    51 former intelligence agents in 2020.

    16 Nobel prize winning economists in 2024.

    Delusion, projection, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Rinse and repeat.”


    Liked by 1 person

  7. He has a point….


    “prolly not watching the debate — the terms are rigged, the moderators are rigged, Biden will be drugged & sharper than a lot of ppl expect so there will be no KO, & there is nothing that can be said in a debate that can undo the carnage of the past 4 years”


    “frankly, if the person in power has his opponent arrested, mass arrests his opponent’s supporters, & uses state power to get those supporters kicked off social media, we’re way past the world where “debate” matters, or frankly, needs to be held at all.”


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lather, rinse, repeat…


    “Fox Digital has uncovered that 13 of the 16 Nobel prize winning economist signatories show political donations to President Biden’s 2020 and 2024 campaigns.

    The signatories also donated “tens of thousands of dollars to other Democrat candidates and signed previous letters supporting Biden’s agenda, including attacking Trump “selfish and reckless.”

    51 former intel agents have now been recycled into 16 Nobel prize winning economists. Lest we forget how it all began, 200 public health officials told you protesting for Floyd doesn’t lead to Covid, but protesting to end Covid lockdowns does lead to Covid.”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Speaking of Covid…

    Husband ran a 50 mi ultra last week. One of the officials checking in the runners had Covid. One of husband’s runner friends tested positive on Monday. Yesterday husband and another runner friend trekked up the mountain to help the caretakers at Barr Camp fix some broken things. Last night that friend texted he had chills and fever…Covid! We will not be attending the birthday party on Saturday for special one and three year old sisters😢 being cautious for everyone’s sake. What a world what a world!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Biden is wired. He’s speaking so fast it’s obvious. He starts with several lies as well, like the bleach lie.

    CNN started with lies too. It costs way more than 120 for what used to be a 100.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. “CNN was pushing the Charlottesville hoax in the pregame show… It’s been debunked by even the liberals. If you play it the rest of the sentence he totally denounces the bad actors it in real time. Is CNN going to fact check Joe Biden on this lie they’ve perpetuated for years?”



    “Trump again with a knockout because he’s right there’s nothing to debate about the Charlottesville hoax. Everyone knows it was a hoax. Snopes even said it was a hoax two days ago.

    People can’t fill up and have a hard time buying groceries and democrats are using this time to once again discuss debunked hoaxes from 8 years ago.

    This is a bad look.”


    Liked by 2 people

  12. “Biden claimed this morning that Congressional Republicans have blocked his hiring of thousands of Border Patrol Agents. In reality, Republicans have actually funded more agents in recent appropriations bills in spite of Biden—not because of him.

    We wish @realDonaldTrump luck tonight in the debate and hope he has enough time to point out all of the ways Biden’s border policies have failed.”


    Liked by 2 people

  13. This is something else. Biden appears to be lost in the brain and the moderators are rescuing Biden as his brain obviously freezes! Trump is speaking quite well!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Biden should be removed from office tomorrow. He’s unfit. Let Kamala finish the term. He’s a national embarrassment.

    And his wife should be investigated for elder abuse.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Ask Trump if he will accept the election results! How about Biden making certain only legal citizens vote and those committing voter fraud are prosecuted….nah….then that would be overcrowding of prisons with democrats!


  16. While Tapper has rushed in and saved Biden on a couple of topics, all in all the moderators are not too bad thus far.


  17. Border Patrol union sets the false statement straight quickly!

    “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden,” the union said on social media platform X.


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