10 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-26-24

  1. Morning all…good to see you Rk!!

    Up since 3. When husband gets up early everyone gets up early! Dogs are now napping, husband headed up to Barr camp and I am making cinnamon rolls for daughter and grandson. They will be here at 10 for a visit and to pick up “grandma’s car”. We are giving MIL’s car to 16yr old grandson. He is over the moon excited and we know Grandma would get a kick out of knowing her great grandson has her beloved car!

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  2. Good morning Wanderers! Glad to hear from Rk.

    Great way to start the day Nj, for the dogs. Get up, get fed, get a nap😃

    The record high for today is 100° and we are supposed to hit 98°. The humidity is still lower that I would expect and I have seen breezes.♡


  3. We need to sort of be in two different places at once. I had a part of tooth come out, so will stop at the dentist to get an evaluation. Hopefully that will be a quick one, before we head to the Wednesday jam.

    We went out to listen to music in the park at a local town last evening. This is the first time we have attended this summer. It was a beautiful, but windy evening. One of the parks was flooded, so I am not sure when that one will have music again. I am sure the town wants it as soon as possible.

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  4. That’s cool NJ.

    A man never forgets his first car, and to have it be owned by one owner older lady .named Grandma makes it a steal, and extra special.

    Not doing well with the leg, back on meds again after only 1 week off. So frustrating.


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  5. I am looking forward to hearing the cicadas tonight. That means the hot sun will be asleep and we can get some relief.

    We saw the cutest Hallmark movie last night. A couple who got married as teens thought her father had annulled the marriage and so they had split. Fifteen years later they both had plans to marry others, he in living in NYC, and she living on an Iowa farm. She went to NYC to get the divorce. And of course you know they ended up together in the end after jilting those to whom they’d been engaged. This was a really different take on the same old story. So cute.

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  6. Well Nathan is already driving the car with his Dad next to him. They went to the Vet office to pick up meds for their dog, then celebrated with Chick FIL A….Nathan’s most favorite food in the world! He is so focused on being the best driver he can be in Great Gram’s car!

    There is thunder and dark clouds overhead but not a drop of rain…I’m thinking this “rainy” season decided we get nothing! At least the temperatures have cooled this evening…

    Praying for healing of you leg AJ…It does sound like what my doctor and his wife experienced with gout…he was none too happy to be standing in a boot all day. He says it is just the worst pain…thus I ask the Lord to heal it quickly and forevermore!

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