19 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-18-24

  1. Good morning. Our yard has a whole lot of standing water again. If I could only send some to my sister who lives in the middle/upper part of Florida, which is in drought.

    Bible reading today was Ecclesiastes, which reminds us how little we have control over. Our weather is good at reminding us about that as well.

    The good thing is that I have not had to use the outdoor faucet (which needs to be repaired) very often yet. There is the silver lining for us.

    The baby birds have flown the nest already. I was hoping to see them do that but missed it. I have seen robins do that and it is fun to watch.

    The poppies and irises, along with some other plants, are what greet me these days when I go outdoors. The sidewalk leads around the house or over to the garage. My heart is always lightened when I see God’s beautiful flowers.

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  2. Those poppies are a breath of fresh air! They instantly bring a smile and an ahhhh! So beautiful!

    We certainly could use some of that rain Kathaleena. We are being told we are entering drought once again with no measurable moisture to be seen by us. The hot winds were howling yesterday and the forest floor is getting hard and dry. Trusting your fellow residents to be smart about mitigation and fire wise is difficult. Some are even setting off fireworks. Dumb and selfish….

    Praying for those in NM….horrifying photos of the fire in Ruidoso NM

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  3. 90s all week. A good week to stay in the air conditioning.

    I went to see my PC doc yesterday. We have decided that the best course of action for this recurring pseudo gout was for him to prescribe me a 30 day supply of the anti-inflammatory meds, which I picked up this morning. Now when I get a flare up, I will start a 1 week course right away, and nip it before it puts me on bedrest yet again. I feel pretty good, still a bit rough getting in and out of the car, but I’m moving around the house without the cane. I still take it out because there isn’t always something to grab hold of if need be.

    Cheryl is at work today, off tomorrow, and work from home Thurs, then work from home half day Friday. So like a long weekend.

    We are hoping to travel about an hour into NJ on Saturday evening for a worship service. Please pray I would be able to do so. It would finally give me an opportunity for a brief blog meet up with M. Looking forward to it.


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  4. 90s all week here too. Our power company charges a premium rate on power 3-7 pm weekdays, so we try to pre-cool the house before 3 then not run the air conditioner until 7 (using a programmable thermostat). Last night our power went out at 7 pm. Not sure why, maybe everyone was turning on their acs all at once. 🙂

    We hadn’t started dinner yet so we went out for dinner, then picked up a couple lanterns and a battery-powered fan. Of course by the time we got back home the power was back on. 🙂

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  5. Praying for that wonderful meetup, AJ! And praising God for.c thed plan of action to stay on top of the fake gout.

    Our ladies got to meet in person at the church (my former church) for Bible study, but there was a mixup with space usage since the church was a voting site today. We ended up at a conference table in the pastor’s office. That was unexpected.

    Earlier I was on Facebook Chat and when I wrote ‘friend’ the words ‘fried chicken’ appeared. I don’t have auto correct turned on. It was funny but weird at the same time.

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  6. Your flowers are so beautiful, Kathaleena. We have little blooming in our yard at the moment.

    It was windy out and not too humid so felt better than the last few days. Not sure what the temp is, but a breeze is welcome when fire is not a hazard.

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  7. AJ, that all sounds good — praying the medications take care of these outbreaks & for continued recovery and the trip into NJ. It’s always amazing to me how small your states are back east, especially after having traveled through them by car and train.

    What state are we in now, again?

    LA County alone is huge, heading for the LA border going north (from where I am in the more southern part of the county) takes over an hour.

    Picked up printer paper and made a quick stop at Sprouts for a salad & fruit — I’ve noticed these containers of small apples in their produce section, anyone try those? They seem like a perfect snack size.

    • dj

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  8. Janice, it’s amazing to me how long the primary season is, even though CA used to be toward the end of it.

    (And, of course, now the nominees are settled — which is why CA decided to bump their primary up to earlier in the cycle — so it feels like an afterthought, although there are other races obviously.)

    • dj


  9. That’s NEXT Saturday, June 29. 🙂

    I’m currently without a voice— no clue what happened.

    I sent in three manuscripts to my editor friend yesterday— I’ve been editing for nearly a week to get them done— past midnight the last several nights.

    I may be self-publishing a few novels in the next year.

    Gorgeous day here, but we have fire about 20 miles away.

    How quickly the emotions and activities come back!


  10. Dj, this is not a primary election. It is for local run-offs. We need to vote in our county CEO election. A man and a woman with the same last name are our choices😃


  11. Dj,

    I live on the Rt. 78 corridor. I can leave my house in Pa., cross into NJ at it’s narrowest point(78) and be in NYC in an hour. 3 states.

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  12. Amazing @4:55.

    Heading west, it seems states just got bigger and bigger, the wide open ranges and all of that.

    • dj


  13. From here, five hours to about the Idaho Canada border. Seven and a half to the Utah border. One hour to Washington. Four hours to Montana.


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  14. Sounds like mumsee has a lot of elbow room.

    There are no more petals on that poppy. We have had so much rain. The local news said 5 some inches here.

    We had to drive today. It was no fun to try to drive in the pounding rain. We didn’t do anything we did not have to do. There are a lot of flooded roads. There was a tornado that touched down less than 30 miles away, However, we did not have much bad wind. There was some thunder and lightning, but mainly rain. I sure do wish we could share it.

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