17 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-17-24

  1. Good morning! It’s another hot day here. The timeframe for walking is narrow to fit it into the cooler/dimmer light around dawn or dusk. The problem with that is it hits right when I need to be fixing breakfast or dinner for Art. The old Catch 22 situation.


  2. saw Archie yesterday as I took his mom some pinkeye medicine. He was so loving and gave me lots of hugs. I wasn’t going to go inside but Lucy ordered me to


    Liked by 4 people

  3. Morning! It’s going to be a hot windy fire danger day here! Arggg!

    I have many errands to run but am waiting for Lula to poo!!! We believe she has Giardia and we must get a poo sample for the vet! I guess it is easier than a urine sample!!!😂dogs!!!!! It’s Monday right??!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, it is Monday 😦 Someone cue the Mamas and Papas.

    But yay, our marine layer returned this morning. We have a wildfire burning in the northeast part of LA County, overnight winds were expected to make it worse; I haven’t checked the local news status of that yet.

    This should be a bit slower week for me, feels like we’ve been running for months keeping up with all the special events and news popping up in our extended region.

    Maybe now we can finally take a few breaths!

    • dj

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We’ve been running the air filter here, first time in two years, and trying to remain “cool,” in more ways than one.

    The Healdsburg fires are a long way from here–15 miles?–but as the past has shown, that’s not nearly far enough. 😦

    Meanwhile, as posted on FB, this:

    When it came out, I read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book “Infidel,” while flying around the country.

    It was an actual book, so I got a number of curious glances from other folks in the airport.

    It’s an extraordinary story, and well worth reading.

    I was touched recently, to read this brilliant intellectual had decided Jesus was the best answer of all.

    And then, an incredulous Richard Dawkins took on his long-time friend, trying to understand what happened to her brain. 🙂

    Today, I read this in World Magazine: https://wng.org/opinions/one-womans-simple-moving-testimony-1718479531

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Janice, I’m not a subscriber but was still able to read the article Michelle linked. It first displayed a message that I’m limited to a handful of articles as a non-subscriber, but when I scrolled down the article was there.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, the message about this isn’t fair (something like that) shows up all the time, just scroll below it

    • dj


  8. I liked this sentence:

    ~ A changed life is its own apologetic, its own witness to a watching world. ~

    Weren’t we talking recently about whether the world watches us?

    • dj

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Janice, thanks so much for that link. I’ve bookmarked it to read when I get home. Husband and I have been studying more about the different aspects of dispensationalism with the goal of intentionally removing it and it’s influence from our personal views of theology.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh, sorry about that on the link. Send me a message and I’ll send the article back if you’re interested.

    Anyone have a good zucchini recipe? Four little ones turned into four large ones overnight . . . it’s Zucchini frittata for dinner, but I’ve got plenty for several dishes! LOL


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