16 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 6-15-24

  1. Continuing prayer for the real and for Jo.

    Praying for our people in government from national to local.

    Praying that believers world wide be strengthened to speak Truth.

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  2. Praying for Jo and her family.

    This piece popped up today in Tim Challies’ “A La Carte”:

    “The Lord Sees: Learn to Rest in God’s Justice”

    ~ “The heart’s silent cry, giving rise to tears of anguish no one else sees—the aloneness compounds the heartache. In those moments when you’re wronged, or your name is slandered, or your intentions are questioned . . . In the times when you feel alone or abandoned . . . In the aftermath of saying what’s true and paying a price, when you’ve experienced the deep wounds of injustice or betrayal . . . the Lord sees.

    The Lord is the One who untangles all our hidden motivations, the Shepherd who knows our hopes and fears. The Lord knows our desires. The Lord sees the quiet suffering we endure when others sin against us. The Lord sees us in troubled times, notes every unmerited slight and insult flung our way, and observes the chill that descends when those around us fall short of Christ’s call to love.” ~


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  3. ~ Matthew Henry, after being robbed: “Let me be thankful 1st because I was never robbed before; 2nd, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; 3rd, because although they took it all it was not much; and 4th, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.” ~

    • dj

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  4. We had a terrible accident at our house last night. My daughter’s huskie attacked our house guest’s cat. Severe damage to the cat–but the cat is our single house guest’s family.

    Please pray both cat and dog heal. The dog got badly scratched and is limping on three legs.

    The cat bore the brunt of the dog and has spinal damage, internal bleeding, and who knows what else. She’ll need to lay low wearing a fentanyl patch for pain over the next two months.

    A tragedy all around.

    Everyone is horrified and in shock–including the owners.

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  5. Always a sad situation. Prayer for healing of animals and of any hard feelings among the humans.

    there will come a time when the child will play with the adder, the lion lie down with the lamb, but we are not there yet.


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  6. So sad to hear about that terrible happening, M. I think there have been tears shed from both empathy for thd other owner on each side along with tears over the suffering of both animals. Prayers for everyone including y’all who are suffering feelings of trauma.

    Also, asking God to comfort any who suffer sadness on Father’s Day for whatever reason but in particular for infertility. I am sure it hurts similar to how Mother’s Day hits some hard, but men may bottle it up more.

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  7. How horrible that must have been to witness, or even merely to see the aftermath! Praying for both animals to make a complete recovery, and for comfort for their human companions.

    This reminds me that I think I forgot to mention this. Our beloved cat Rudy had to be put to sleep this past week. His kidneys were failing, and although he seemed to be doing pretty well for a while, he went downhill very quickly.

    Rudy was “officially” Chickadee’s cat, but he lived with me, so he really was my kitty. He was a sweet and affectionate companion, often cuddling up next to me on the couch, or sleeping on top of me in bed. His death has hit Chickadee very hard, and it has hit me very hard, too. 😦

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  8. Oh, M(?) (Was thinking it might be Kare) I’m so sorry what a horrific time that must have been. Praying animals will be OK (as well as traumatized humans).

    Still praying for your loss Kizzie.

    • dj

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  9. That’s horrible about the animals. I hope both will recover.

    I sure hope there will be no strike, DJ. Sadly, they are sometimes needed, but they are so divisive and difficult to go through. I know that from personal experience.

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  10. Please pray for my DIL. She is at emergency with a possible surgical blood clot. Waiting for news.

    Also, so thankful for our beautiful baby girl, Vera Marie.

    Thankful too, that the teachers are back to work and we get to have one last week of spring schools at camp.

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  11. Kizzie, so sorry to hear about Rudy. It reminds me of a close neighbor who is now deceased whose daughter left her Rudy cat (a tuxedo) with her mom, my neighbor who was also a close friend to my mom. She grieved when that Rudy passed. Prayers for you and Chickadee and the rest ofvyour.c loved ones..

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  12. Thank you, Janice.

    I have a friend who also had a cat named Rudy. 🙂 (She also had a cat named Peanut, as did we.)


  13. Kathaleena @7:35, yes, the grievances are legitimate and management has refused to move even as the union has worked to bring its list of “asks” more down to earth.

    But the industry everywhere is struggling so much, including large outlets, friends at the LA Times have recently been laid off — it’s time of layoffs and no raises (though I think none quite hold a candle to our longstanding predicament of no raises in 15 years, a pay cut, no 401K match, and now making about what some McDonald’s workers can make).

    But I doubt a strike would help and could just hasten the threats of the NY hedge fund that owns us and many other outlets nationwide in a decision to bail out altogether.

    And going without pay during a strike, needless to say, won’t be easy for any of us.

    • dj

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  14. Praying for you all M. So hard to see it happen and process emotions during and afterwards.

    Kare I am praying for your dear DIL. May our Lord heal her giving the medical staff wisdom and direction. ❣️❣️❣️

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