20 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-15-24

  1. My daughter wanted a photo of how big my poppies are. They were a feast for the eyes for sure.

    We are off to a bluegrass festival today. The jam group will play a small set, since anyone can sign up to play. Our family has gone to this festival for many years. It was first set up for a father who is in his mid-nineties now. He still plays music. His wife passed away a couple of years ago. It is a blessing to see generations play music together.

    We will have rain off and on, no doubt. Hot weather coming. 😦

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  2. I opened my mouth and said, “Wow!” That is a tremendous poppy!

    It is pretty hot here, up to 95 yesterday and maybe hotter today. The humidity is lower so the heat is not stifling.

    I found a Father’s Day card for Art. On the front it reads:

    “Happy Day of Fathers to you, a respected patriarch. Family is the true present. May you grill! Lawn mower.”

    Inside it reads:

    “I had AI write your Father’s Day card. Pretty good, huh?”

    That is a pretty funny card for our family since son has to deal with students using AI to write papers.

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  3. A poppy!

    had a robust argument last night with friends visiting for dinner, about the origins of the Ukrainian war.

    Our friend was wrong, but the discussion ranged all over history and through books.

    And dinner, eaten outside on a lovely evening, was great. 😊

    Yesterday, three Adorables were here during four prime writing hours.

    I set aside the work (Sigh, for the millionth time), and filled a jar with slips of paper—each listing a five-minute task that needed doing.

    They loved the job jar!

    Strawberries and peas got picked, apples thinned, fountain filled, pumpkin plant trimmed, Roomba found and turned on, and so forth.

    They were good natured about it all, minor things done, and I didn’t feel quite so weighed down.

    While Stargazer and his sister examine more wedding venues, I’ll edit today and then we have a big family party of cake and ice cream tonight celebrating three birthdays, Father’s Day, and whatever else crosses our mind. 🎉

    Joy, most of all.

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  4. That’s a POPPY?? Yikes.

    Former homeless friend and I did a little shopping tour last night, she successfully has rented an apartment in town (1920s, of course, it’s adorable) and needs everything — but she is under a trust that is administered by an aunt so she’s able to pick up all the bare necessities.

    Last night was towels and a bath rug (Ross) and a TV at Best Buy.

    Today a washer & dryer is scheduled (maybe, she had trouble verifying it) to be delivered along with a couch she ordered; a couple — also friends from our dog park days — will be helping get her things out of the motel and into the apartment; a worker provided by the apartment management will be coming by to hook things up today, the apartment’s stove still needs to be connected.

    We ended the evening with a dinner sitting outside at In & Out Burger.

    I felt like I had my old friend back after so many hard years on the streets for her; praying she remains stable and on track.

    • dj

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  5. I decided to try Ryze mushroom coffee. It is quite good, tasting like another flavor that you might find within a range of coffee flavors in a shop, imo.

    The package says to store in a cool dry place. I got it from the mailbox right after delivery, and on this hot day the package felt very warm.

    I heated a cup of water in the microwave and stirred in a tablespoon. It can also be used with cold water for iced coffee.

    There are many benefits to the medicinal mushrooms. One benefit I quickly decovered by accident is that it makes nice designs on a white t-shirt when spilled.


  6. The petals are off half those poppies. The sidewalk was littered with orange petals, which looked quite pretty for a while. I have heard of so many plants that have been damaged or destroyed from the recent storm. We are surely blessed to have missed that.

    God’s son, Jesus, suffered such rejection and said his people will do so, too, and worse. This world is hard. Thank God for the hope and assurance of a better eternity for His people!

    One of the family members who started the jam we went to, passed away a couple of years ago. He was the second grown child who passed away from cancer in that family. My husband played music in various shows and jams with him. The gospel song, “Beyond the Rain” is one I associate with him.

    Yesterday, we ended up talking to another man who was involved with a show my husband and daughter played in years ago. He mentioned how, at one point, he was quite a wild young man. The above-mentioned man (who passed away) would open up his bible and show this man what the bible had to say. He was so excited to share God’s word and this man’s life was changed forever. He is so grateful for God’s salvation!

    All this discussion happened because of a saying on my husband’s hat, which happened to be one my daughter designed. Such a little thing.

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  7. What a big flower! I planted some poppies, sweet peas and a packet of wild flowers in the bare spot left by the plumber’s trench digger. Hopefully they’ll grow in this extreme heat we’re getting starting today.

    I had to chuckle at the instructions: “Soak in water for 24 hours before planting,; “chill seeds before planting for best results;” “plant 6 inches apart at 1/4 inch depth;” etc. How did flowers grow in nature before seed companies came along?

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  8. Peter, it’s at least possible the instructions are trying to replicate, as much as possible, the normal conditions in nature under which these seeds do sprout, e.g., that they are usually in the ground over winter and it’s spring rains that awaken them.

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  9. I threw out a bunch of wildflower seeds in my backyard a few years ago, I see some, here and there, popping up only now.

    We’re getting some warm weather here, the first in some time — high 70s on the coast. Turned a couple ceiling fans on yesterday and opened the bedroom window.

    Ran the A/C in the car when I was out and about.

    One of our elders is preaching today on “The Law of Freedom” from John 8:31-32.

    And I’m off …

    • dj

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  10. Of the wildflowers planted here, only the blanket flowers, the ‘Yellow Mesa’,’ survived.

    We are about to finish up the book of Acts for the sermon series. But we only recently started into Acts for our Sunday school lessons. It’s a great book to spend time in.

    The Elephant Ears that son planted while here are sprouting. I have been watering them when we don’t get rain. Thankful to see those little green sprouts that should grow giant in time.


  11. I had no idea it was Father’s Day (well, I guess an editor did mention it on Friday, wondering if anyone had a Father’s Day story to offer up). But when it was mentioned in church today I realized it was really off my radar.

    But Happy Father’s Day to those here –

    • dj

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  12. Yes, Happy Father’s Day to all here who are fathers. I miss my father’s stories and advice. I am glad I have so many good memories of him.

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