19 thoughts on “News/Politics 6-15-24

  1. I reject the idea that all our people in leadership love war. It is a huge subject and, no doubt, some do benefit by investment in weapons etc. However, to assume all actually want war is another thing. To me that is like saying that all companies that make fire detectors etc. want buildings to burn down.

    Each situation in the world is different and I don’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of each situation. I do pray for those making those decisions. Our country is in a perilous situation right now with the open borders we have. There are those who like that, including some in our own country. They are, no doubt, useful idiots and will suffer too.

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  2. For thee but not for me syndrome! Biden admin the most corrupt!!

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaker Mike Johnson said Friday that the House will go to court to enforce the subpoena against Attorney General Merrick Garland for access to President Joe Biden’s special counsel audio interview, hours after the Justice Department refused to prosecute Republicans’ contempt of Congress charge. 

    “It is sadly predictable that the Biden Administration’s Justice Department will not prosecute Garland for defying congressional subpoenas even though the department aggressively prosecuted Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for the same thing,” Johnson said in a statement. “This is yet another example of the two-tiered system of justice brought to us by the Biden Administration.”

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  3. Agreed Kathaleena. God knows the hearts and we should be diligently praying that God will give them wisdom. Knowing that God speaks of wars and the rumor of wars.


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  4. Good piece in world – “Augustine in the ballot box — a historic treatise on politics and religion sheds light on this year’s contentious election season”

    … “Fifth-century Christians often viewed Rome as a Christian empire, and many American Christians fall into that same trap, talking about the United States as if it’s analogous to the City of God rather than just another manifestation of the City of Man. … Jesus is the world’s last best hope (not America) and the church is the shining city. When these categories get confused, Christians begin to expect more from politics than it can possibly deliver. …

    … When Jesus said His kingdom wasn’t of this world, He didn’t mean it’s coming later, during the days of Constantine — or during the days of Trump, for that matter. … the Bible uses the imagery of Babylon to refer to this world system, and Augustine says Christians ought not confuse themselves by assuming Rome had become a New Jerusalem rather than just another iteration of the old Babylon. …

    … This city (the City of God), roughly analogous to the Church, is the body through which God will bring about His purposes. …

    … Some claim the country must turn back to God if it is to achieve its former Glory. Even some pastors succumb to this politicized rhetoric that portrays the goal of the Christian religion as restoring and supporting a proper social order. Augustine would say that’s a pagan way of thinking. …

    (the argument is that) Christian virtue should be promoted in order to save Western civilization. But this attitude is exactly backwards. It turns Christianity into something to be used and the preservation of the West as the end goal. …

    … In the fifth century, pagans and Christians alike wanted to make Rome great again, but Augustin asks, “When was it ever great?” Americans often fall into this Roman tendency of idealizing the past, but is there a period of our history in which we can honestly say we fulfilled the mandate of “justice for all”? …

    … During a contentious election cycle, it’s easy to forget our ultimate concern should be the kingdom without end, rather than restoring America’s fading glory. But citizens of heaven still have a civic responsibility to work for the good of the earthly city. … Augustine would urge us to faithfully engage in politics — without putting our faith in it.


    • dj

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  5. “Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed”

    “The relatives said they were traumatized by Jones’ comments and his followers’ actions. They have testified about being harassed and threatened by Jones’ believers, some of whom confronted the grieving families in person saying the shooting never happened and their children never existed. One parent said someone threatened to dig up his dead son’s grave.”



  6. I remember Dr. David Jeremiah spoke recently about the City of God being Jerusalem, the place where Jesus will return. I know there are so many differing thoughts about the City of God. In God’s timing we will know for sure. For now we speculate.


  7. I think it’s cute how they pretend this ever makes it past the Senate, or that Biden would sign it if it did. He needs the cheating to win in Nov..


    “BREAKING: Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, per the New York Post.

    Reports suggest that the House will schedule a floor vote for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require proof of American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections, before the August recess.”

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  8. Just another victim of Biden policy. How many is too many to Democrats? Seems like we haven’t hit that number yet because they aren’t saying anything.


    “El Salvadorian illegal immigrant Victor Martinez Hernandez, who entered the U.S. in February 2023, has been charged with the rape and murder of Maryland mother Rachel Morin, with DNA evidence linking him to a previous assault in Los Angeles.”

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  9. Yep, this was always the plan, and the #USELESS GOP is doing nothing to stop it.

    “They just changed the term “amnesty” into “immigration relief”

    This is why we have an open border. It’s a pipeline for votes for Dems.”



    “The Biden administration is making plans to announce one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history, developing a policy that would offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in the country without proper documents, four people familiar with the plans told CBS News.”


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  10. Why do people hate the media they ask……

    Because they’re lying propagandists for Biden, not journalists.



    Former President Donald Trump delivered a “focused” pitch to America’s top CEOs and received a loud ovation at the conclusion of his Business Roundtable remarks Thursday, an attendee at the meeting told The Daily Signal.

    That’s a stark contrast to reporting from New York Times columnist and CNBC host Andrew Ross Sorkin, who told “Squawk Box” viewers Friday that Trump was “meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map.” Sorkin was not present at the Business Roundtable meeting.

    Hours later, White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates amplified Sorkin’s spin on X. CNBC and other liberal media outlets ran with the story, and an MSNBC blogger suggested Trump’s appearance raised “concerns about his cognitive state.”

    Full article: dailysignal.com/2024/06/14/bun…

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  11. As for the news — another mass shooting with 2 children shot.

    And how odd it is that these have become so common that we seem to just take it in stride as a typical headline-of-the-day anymore.

    Just another shooting …

    Pray for our nation.

    • dj

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  12. Sure Dj,

    And maybe you decent media people can police your own, maybe call out their BS once in a while.

    This is why much of the media hates X/Twitter. It exposes their lies.


    “Remember Charlottesville when Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people?

    I only saw the full clip for the first time today

    It’s a must watch — he literally CONDEMNS the Neo Nazis and white nationalists”



  13. “And maybe you decent media people can police your own, maybe call out their BS once in a while.”

    Maybe they do but it doesn’t make the “news”. Maybe there are discussions between media folks that we are not privy to, perhaps happening one-on-one. Or the “decent media people” setting an example where they can. Just because something is not splashed across social media doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

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  14. We do, often (discuss these things internally). The media is a business that’s fragmented like so many other businesses are. We have no “badge” to police the craft.

    But AJ, here’s also the thing, I doubt you’d be happy with a straight-always-down-the- middle media. (and that’s not really possible in some “perfect” way due to human frailty.)

    We live in a fallen world filled with fallen people — we can explain so much of our own frustration away if we could abide in Scripture and keep that always in mind.

    May God have mercy.

    • dj

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  15. I find that it is always easy to expect others to risk their jobs. When we have a family relying on us, that is not always an easy thing to do. That includes reporters, teachers and those in the health field among other professions.

    So much prayer needed!

    I do admire those who are willing to sacrifice for truth in whatever they do it. That is part of what the church has always been for–helping one another do that. It may become even more important in the future.

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