7 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 6-14-24

  1. Thank you mumsee — important to remember there are people made in God’s image behind all of these “titles” and positions they are called by God to fulfill.

    Lighting candles in the darkness.

    • dj

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  2. thanks. I am feeling very depressed

    the ballet last night was good and entertaining but too long. Granddaughter did a great job

    I got my own ticket then found out I was sitting next to her best friend with two coffee store employees in front of me then behind me was her next door neighbor and her other very sweet grandmother. Only God could have surrounded me like that. I did not wait around for a picture with her, feeling too unwanted


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  3. So sorry to hear that you feel depressed, Jo. God must have seated you with them because He sees you as an equal in importance to her. That was like a God wink blessing that He sees you and He knows how you’ve felt left out.

    But more importantly, you are a member of His family. Maybe those who sat around you last night are not included in the ultimate family. Maybe pray for them? Maybe since you are now in the States, He wants you to get to know them and draw them to Him. Please get with God and ask Him to help you reframe what your eyes saw here on earth to what He sees from above.

    “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

    Heavenly Father,

    Thank You that Jo was well and able to attend the ballet performance. Thank You for her divine seating arrangement. I ask that You would show her Your thinking about why You put her there. I have speculated, but Your thinking is way above my thinking. Please help Jo to rethink about family situations and to not feel sad about being left out as her default mode of thinking.

    As Christians we know Your word says we are peculiar people. We are set apart and holy. That naturally makes us misfits in the general population. Is that part of what is happening with Jo? They know since she has been on the mission field that she is a strong Christian with high standards. Are they afraid that being around her will show their shortcomings or that they must be on best behavior? I would have felt that way around a missionary at one point in my life.

    Thank You, Lord, for returning to Jo the joy of her salvation. Her name is one lettrr shy of JOY. Please fill her with Your joy today. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen

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