10 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-14-24

  1. Another Friday, indeed! And it rolled around too fast.

    Today is supposed to be our hottest so far this year, near record-breaking heat for today and the following days.


  2. Friday it is. Too soon for some, just on time for some, way late for others. I wonder where daughter is on that scale? She returns home today from her Vandal camp experience. My guess? She had a blast and will miss being there, but will enjoy getting back to her solitary life.


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  3. It is a beautiful much cooler day here today! And they once again predict rain this afternoon. So far it has been a bust for us but I am asking the Lord to cause the rain to fall…here!


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  4. Flag day is a big holiday for the Alito household 🙂

    Still basking in our June Gloom but it is supposed to warm up some by the weekend.

    Long day yesterday writing 2 stories and then covering a 2-hour evening meeting from 6-8 p.m. (but it was at a park community center not far from me). Abby missed her walk 😦

    Week was filled with fireworks and traffic plan stories.

    Happy Friday.

    • dj

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  5. The bus hijacking story has so many amazing stories attached to it. The suspect took a gun from a man and shot and killed him. The man who got killed was a wonderful man who had even worked with people like the suspect in the mental health field to try and help them. His daughter shared his last Tweet to her (this will uplift anyone, and it is at the end of the story).


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