9 thoughts on “News/Politics 6-14-24

  1. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lies is all they have.

    And yes, the media still sucks. Yet another story from another “unnamed source” turns out to be a lie that the media was desperate to believe.


    “Apparently a republican in a private meeting told the press and democrats that Trump said Milwaukee is a horrible city. All of the republicans in attendance publicly refuted this.”



    “UPDATE: The Trump comments about Milwaukee, which democrats ran with yesterday, was first reported by NBC analyst Jake Sherman on his own personal news site. The story was confirmed by NBC. Everyone who attended the meeting stated this was a lie.

    NBC also added to the article that Kohls, a Wisconsin based company, will be pulling advertisements for Republicans. This was also a lie that NBC was fact checked on last week. Why does the mainstream media lie so much?

    I hope Trump sues Sherman and puts his media company out of business. That’s the only way they’ll learn.”

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Not surprising. Neocons love war, Biden gives it to them.


    “One thing that’s hilarious: liberals long denied that NBC/MSNBC are DNC propaganda outlets by pointing to Joe Scarborough, who, they claimed, was a far-right activist.

    Now the show he hosts exceeds North Korean propaganda to glorify Joe Biden as a strong and powerful leader:”


    “I should note that just like Bill Kristol, David Frum, Rick Wilson, Nicole Wallace, etc. – all those neocon scumbags from the Bush/Cheney era – Scarborough hasn’t changed his core views.

    He just understands that Dems/Biden are a more reliable vessel for them than Trump-led GOP.”


    TDS is a horrible disease.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Like I said…..

    “Is Congress’s $17 million sexual misconduct hush money fund campaign finance violations?

    Rep. Thomas Massie highlights that Congress’s hush money payments would be considered campaign finance violations under Alvin Bragg’s novel theory used to target President Trump.

    “Congress has paid over $17 million in hush money for sexual misconduct inside of the offices in these buildings. And what’s more, is that it was taxpayer money. The allegation is that President Trump paid $130,000 of his own money.

    But here in Congress, there might be some here on this dais who had the taxpayer pay for their sexual misconduct charges. And I do know that not a single penny of it has been turned in as a campaign finance expense.”

    Former FEC Commissioner Trey Trainor explains that Alvin Bragg’s novel interpretation of the law does not align with “normal campaign finance law.”

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey points out that the Trump verdict will likely be overturned after the 2024 election, citing constitutional violations, due process issues, and prosecutorial misconduct.

    To which @RepThomasMassie responds, “The irony here is that this trial was all about trying to influence the [2024] election.””


    Liked by 4 people

  4. Once again the neocons and dems are trying to sneak in more money for corrupt Ukraine.


    “Here’s what you need to know about today’s NDAA vote because lots of Ukraine over America politicians are LYING about it.

    In this year’s bill text, the cash for Ukraine, your hard earned tax dollars, was hidden with no explicit language.

    But this is what the liars don’t want you to know. Inside the bill, it authorizes funding for a DoD program called the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).

    Inside of this program, the Biden admin has explicitly requested $300,000,000 in funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

    You can see it for yourself! This screenshot is directly from the bill and directly from Biden’s DoD website.

    It’s all a shell game! They lie, cheat, and steal YOUR money and send it straight to Ukraine.

    If the NDAA isn’t authorizing funding for Ukraine, then my amendment to explicitly prohibit it would have passed.

    But the Ukraine over America caucus in the House knows money is going to be authorized, so they blocked my amendment.

    Ukraine funding is in the NDAA, but this time they tried to trick members of Congress into thinking it wasn’t.

    It’s ridiculous and insulting to every American taxpayer.”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I truly regret getting three rounds of the vaccine. And I won’t be fooled again. This article concerns the monkey pox scare…oh not monkey pox…that was too offensive…it is mpox….

    This week, following a painful 1.5-year probe, the House Energy and Commerce Committee released its aching results: the HHS, NIAID and the NIH repeatedly “obstructed and misled the committee” about whether the risky experiments were approved and actually carried out, describing the agency’s deceptive lack of cooperation with the probe as “unacceptable and potentially criminal.”

    Keep things in perspective. It’s not like a brand-new, never-before-seen version of the virus popped up simultaneously in ten different cities worldwide seven years after the NIH experiments started or anything. Oh, wait. Nevermind.

    During the investigation, the HHS and the NIH repeatedly promised the Committee that the dangerous mpox experiments had never ever been formally proposed, planned, approved, or conducted, and were never even under serious consideration. But the House report concluded those “repeated assertions were false.”

    So now, suddenly and unexpectedly, the NIH has been infected with a lack of trust.

    According to the Committee report, amidst a long list of woeful but unsurprising findings, a list more painful to read than a nether-region mpox sore, it revealed that the human cockroach Fauci’s agency, the NIAID, is a law unto itself:

    image 5.png

    It’s unclear exactly who needs to hear this, but a “culture of secrecy and obfuscation” is just what you don’t want in a public health agency. And, note that an organization’s culture is downstream from management… NJ

    Liked by 3 people

  6. But Trump will be a dictator……


    “Thanks for the warning about Trump being a dictator and all but under the first Trump term he went after ZERO political enemies.

    Let’s compare that with Biden and the communist left:

    – 1500 people have been railroaded by Biden’s DOJ for nonviolent offenses like parading

    – they have sentenced people for multiple years in prison for praying outside of abortion clinics

    – they sent swat to the home of a father of 11 children for the nonviolent crime of praying in front of an abortion clinic

    – Roger Stone got sentenced to prison time

    – General Flynn was railroaded by these tyrants

    – they tried to put Kyle Rittenhouse away for life

    – they tried to put Daniel Penny away for life

    – Navarro got sentenced to prison

    – Steve Bannon got sentenced to prison

    – Donald Trump was indicted for 91 made up felonies, has been charged with 34 made up felonies

    – they are trying to shut down The Gateway Pundit

    – they have bankrupted Alex Jones

    – they have removed OAN – they are trying to shut down the Epoch Times

    – they have put Catholic Churches and parents who come to school board meeting on FBI watch lists

    – they have put conservative groups like Moms for Liberty who oppose p*rn in elementary school on the same watchlist they put actual Nazis on

    – they have arrested doctors who blew the whistle on hospitals lying about performing chemical castration on minors

    So please don’t talk to me about Trump being a dictator”

    Liked by 3 people

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