29 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 6-13-24

  1. It’s heating up today and will probably be too uncomfortable to walk later. Thinking that I need to start getting on my exercise bike to build up those different muscles.

    I have started taking a new supplement which helps with a multtude of things. I wish I’d known about it while doing radiation. The first dose took away stiffness in my shoulder which I can work out with daily exercise, but how nice to sit down in the chair and start my over the door arm pulley contraption and not feel the initial stiffness. This might help someone else here. I will post the link below.

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  2. It is beautifully sunny here, but the grass is very wet.

    If someone needs something to look forward to, I just read that A&W is giving free root beer floats for life to anyone over 100 years old. 🙂

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  3. I haven’t had a root beer float for ages. I think I’ll get one before I turn 100. And it’s going to feel like 100° for today and on the weekend (we get a break tomorrow), so maybe I’ll indulge. However we don’t have an A&W here, but a local restaurant makes its own root beer and serves it in frosty mugs. Hmm…

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  4. Peter, that sounds wonderful! I used to enjoy Coca Cola floats. It’s an Atlanta thing! Home of Coca Cola

    And Peter, if you see this, could you share the story of the doctor that once made use of the Mark Twain cave?


  5. Jo,

    The meds appear to be working. Less pain and I’ve been able to walk easier again, even went outside and enjoyed some sun for the first time in days. Still not able to bend it much, but the leg is easier to move and stand on.


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  6. If anyone needs or desires to know what to expect in their daily mail delivery (like to expect a package delivery), they have a service I signed up for called Informed Delivery.

    Here is a link to learn more:


    They send photos of the envelopes, etc. Could be a good thing, but makes me question if it is another way to break the privacy barriers. I do like to know when to watch out for packages.


  7. Morning! It’s gonna be a hot one here today. It is already in the 70’s and it is said it will get up to 90! That means the Springs could get up to 100! I’m staying in the forest! We need rain oh so badly…

    Janice I am going to try out your supplement. I have been so sore in the mornings. After I get up and moving the back doesn’t hurt quite so much. We may just need a new mattress because husband has been complaining about his back in the morning as well! I hate shopping for new mattresses! We purchased this one 14years ago….

    Thankful you could get out a bit AJ…continuing to ask our Lord for healing upon your body!



  8. Oh…and Janice we have Informed delivery. We signed up when we were missing mail every single week. Now at least if it is missing we know what is missing and we put in a notice to USPS that we never received our mail. Sometimes it was recovered but more times than not it was simply dismissed as an “oops” with them! Nj

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  9. Janice, Peter told us about the doctor (and his daughter) a few days ago.

    NJ, we got a topper for our worn out mattress. Have had it for years and it works great!


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  10. haha. That would be confusing. (@1:16)

    I now also have a very loud and frustrated wasp in the 1-person home-newsroom, so I had to move laptop and phone to another room when he/she got a little too close, developing a close relationship with my bright desk lamp.

    • dj

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  11. And haha @1:43

    Peter, you need to get that story posted again. I’m not sure I know what it was about, but it’s getting a popular following and now a demand for an encore.

    • dj

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  12. Peter’s story:

    “Janice asked for the story of a doctor using the cave. His name was Joseph Nash McDowell, who owned the cave when Mark Twain was a boy. So in The Aventures of Tom Sawyer the cave is McDougal’s cave.

    He had some eccentric ideas. He wanted to petrify a dead body. Medical experiments on cadavers were illegal in those days so he bought the cave in 1847 and used his 14 year old daughter who had died of pneumonia. He put her in a copper cylinder with a glass lining and a solution of alcohol. It had a window on it. He suspended it in the cave from an iron rail for 2 or more years.

    People found it and many went to see it, including children who used it as a prop for ghost stories. Some ran in fear and lost their candles when they tripped, so they had to find their way out in the dark.

    We tell this on the tours”.

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  13. We got a four inch memory foam for on our old mattress and ten inch memory foam mattresses for the guest beds. Guests have been repeat guests so they must be comfy! Sorry, Jo and Phos, we did not have them back then!


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  14. The big main street that our neighborhood street feeds into is blocked for some unknown to me reason and all the rush hour traffic is being routed onto our street. It’s a parking lot in front of our house. I called Art to warn him. I hope the situation is cleared by the time he travels home.

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  15. We were eating out when we noticed the mall across the highway was full of flashing lights and emergency vehicles. One of the stores had a fire in a storage area. That was a first around here for the mall. I am not sure how the fire started. Ironically, it was pouring rain outside.

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  16. I was sitting on the deck with my dad while my son was gathering eggs when we suddenly heard a bunch of honking. A flock of snow geese was flying by.


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