14 thoughts on “News/Politics 6-13-24

  1. The media destroyed itself with trash like this.

    Click the link, read the whole thread. Nothing but lies from the usual suspects, all to protect Biden.



    Do you *really* remember the Hunter Biden laptop story? I fear we’ve lost the plot.

    With Hunter’s name in the news I wanted to revisit the extent to which the media went to cover up corruption allegations against—and at the behest of—his father.

    Follow along. —”


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Doubling down on the lies.

    “With the authentication of the laptop as “real” in Delaware, most media has chosen to walk away with a slightly embarrassed shrug. Not the Post or Philip Bump who just ran a column to assure readers that they were right all along about the laptop story…”



    “Of everyone in corporate media who is presented as some sort of reporter-type — ie: excluding cable hosts and op-ed writers who are openly partisan — the worst partisan hack by a good margin is the WPost’s @pbump.

    There is, literally, no lie he won’t tell to protect Dems.”


    They destroyed themselves, yet continue to do the same and wonder why no one trusts them any more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Why is WaPo losing millions a year?


    I wonder……

    “Almost unfathomable levels of hackery from @pbump. The man exhibits a constitutional inability to process information he dislikes.”



    “The correct response to what happened here is to say, “the laptop was real, the press conspired to cover up the story, and that is bad.” Instead, he attacks Sean Hannity for noticing, because he knows his readers will see the words “Fox” and stroke out. Good luck, William Lewis.”


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Truth.

    “Team Biden is really going to be pretend that life under Trump wasn’t 40% cheaper? Because if you ask 100 people on the street if life was cheaper in 2019 vs today, every single one of them would say 2019.

    Every. Single. One.

    This race is about performance. We saw what life was like under Trump. We see what life is like under Biden.

    And every voter knows it. Lived experience trumps propaganda.”


    Liked by 3 people

  5. Trump needs to pardon and release every single nonviolent one of them on day one. They’re political prisoners.


    “J6 political prisoner Enrique Tarrio was NOT at the capitol yet received 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy

    Ray Epps incited violence and urged everyone to go into the capitol!Charges: disorderly conduct Sentence: 1 year probation

    Release J6’ers NOW! 👇”

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This case was to distract you from the real crimes on Hunter’s laptop, some of which Joe Biden had his filthy little fingers in too.


    “The gun charge is not the worst of Hunters crimes

    Hunter meticulously documented his crimes on his own laptop. Which was NOT “Russian disinformation”

    Let’s go after the bribing, the selling of US intel, the trafficking of prostitutes, the mistreatment and abuse of minors”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The SPLC is and always was just a leftist scam.

    “The SPLC amassed hundreds of millions in donations by spreading hoaxes about a violent surge in hate crimes attributed to Trump. This same organization employs a staffer who was charged with domestic terrorism in Georgia over a violent RICO case.”




    “Today, @splcenter – an organization with nearly a billion dollars in reserves, given an F rating by CharityWatch for “hoarding” donations – gutted its staff by a quarter.”


  8. Who was this comment from yesterday directed to?

    Your issue is tone. You dislike the hardliners. But you have way more in common with Trump supporters than you do with them. You know this is true.


  9. Has anyone mentioned the Russian ships near the coast of Florida so close to the time of the debate in Atlanta?

    I have a nonstop imagination of things that could happen. Like something bad happens to Man #1 from within but gets blamed on Man #2 (or his supporters), sorta like the J6 playbook. I really wish they would cancel the debate or move it elsewhere. I wish I did not have any reason to anticipate that anything other than a good debate could happen.


  10. I watched the video of this shuffling wandering Commander in Chief being guided back by the Italian Prime Minister. How anyone cannot see this as disastrous is beyond me.

    President Biden started to wander off during a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in southern Italy Thursday, with the host nation’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni pressed into action to pull him back towards the group.

    As the leaders of the world’s wealthiest democracies applauded the evening parachuting presentation, the 81-year-old US president’s attention visibly wandered away from where the others were looking.

    Biden appeared to miss the action happening right in front of him as he shuffled a few steps away from his fellow heads of government, turned the other way and appeared to say something to an officer packing a parachute.

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