66 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 4-15-20

  1. Baby decided to join me this morning. We were reading in John about Lazarus, Job about how his life had seemed to take a down turn, and in Psalms, about David lamenting his foes all around him. (I cannot relate to that but was reminded that President Trump can as can most in authority so should be praying, And then turned to Acts where Peter was once again relaying the Good News.

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  2. An update on Glenn. 🙂

    “Glenn P. is doing well! He was moved out of ICU today and into a
    regular room. He is starting to eat and they were able to get him out of bed
    and into a chair for a little while yesterday. His throat is very sore
    from the ventilator and he can’t talk above a whisper. He has a long
    road to recovery, but we have so much to praise God for today.”

    Amen to that! We certainly do. 🙂

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  3. Elvera and I were sitting here, drinking coffee, and talking about things. Mostly nonsense.
    But she said, “I think we should just keep each other.”
    I said, “May as well, all the damage has already been done.”
    Acutely, it was an assigned marriage.
    And it turned out well.,

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  4. My first day working at home, there was snow on the ground. The following Monday, it was so warm I wore a t-shirt, even outdoors. Today we have at least two inches of snow (although none on the roads or sidewalk).

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  5. Lovely assistant has gone back to bed.

    Kim, Clearwater paper in Lewiston. They have branches around the country and in Canada. I don’t know who packages and sells the product.

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  6. Clematis Janice? I tried to grow it once but failed.
    I am irritable today. Perhaps it is lack of sleep? A two year old destroying the house and being whiny? The TV on where they are talking about the lack of football and what is going to happen to student athletes who won’t get the chance at a draft? Over paid pro football players who are being divas and refusing to do virtual training. Like any of THAT matters.

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  7. Good morning! The header photo is our clematis vine blooming like crazy. For the trellis I am using a green metal baker’s rack type frame that I found out by the street in the neighborhood several years ago. It is a bigger support than the wooden drying rack turned on end that had basically fallen apart. I really do enjoy repurposing items. Do you have anything you have repurposed that worked out well?

    I have Bible study at 10 a.m. so I am busy reading in Revelation for that. Then later I will be back in 1 Samuel for my online Bible study.

    We are creeping up to 15,000 cases today. We live in one of the three counties with the most, each having over 1,000 cases. Deaths statewide are nearing 500.

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  8. Someone from church gave me a mask for Art. He put it on and asked if I had a solution to the problem of his glasses fogging up. Does anyone know a trick? I am also suppose to get some crocheted masks today which are lined (someone else from church makes and sells those).

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  9. Janice, the better the mask fits across the nose bridge, the less your breath will escape at the top of the mask. A really good fit for a mask should have the mask moving in and out slightly with your breathing. The surgical masks have a metal strip at the top to mold to the contours of your nose, but even then, sometimes, after wearing the mask for a while. I have been wondering how the homemade masks would work for that.

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  10. Hmm, didn’t finish my thought – after wearing the surgical mask for a while, the fit can loosen, and glasses steam up. Very in convenient when working in the OR and unable to adjust your mask. The surgeons sometimes have to ask the circulating nurse, who isn’t wearing sterile gloves to wipe their glasses.

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  11. While discussing mask-making with a friend yesterday, she suggested making a little pocket and slipping in a pipe cleaner in lieu of the paper clip some have tried.

    “Right,” I said, “Where would I find pipe cleaners.”

    In the kid toy basket right in front of me!

    Haven’t tried it. I just take off my glasses.

    Braving the grocery store soon.

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  12. Morning! I just took the Tuesday’s trash down to the road…on Wednesday…thanks for the reminder AJ!! 😊 And we praise the Lord for Glenn’s progress too!! Ever thankful!
    Sun is shining and it is a good day for a walk….tomorrow we get more snow. It matters not because I have no where to go but it does put a crimp in my walking outdoors! I won’t take the chance of falling on the ice we get around here….
    I have a clematis vine but have only gotten one or two flowers on it in the ten years since planting it. I think perhaps it needs more sun for that but the vine looks pretty in front of the porch. My neighbor across the road has one planted in front of her house where it get lots of sun…thus she gets a bounty of flowers! Yours are very pretty Janice!


  13. I have gone through way too many clematis plants to try any again. I plant morning glories instead. I have only gotten a couple of blossoms on those and so late in the year it is hardly worth it. The green leaves are much prettier than the bare trellis, however.

    I made the mistake of trying to grow the plant on the south side. It is way too warm. I have heard they do like a lot of water, but I never seem to be able to give them enough. The eve is so wide, they cannot get much rain water.

    My daughter in TN always has bountiful and beautiful blooms on hers. Many people do here, too, of course. I am not one of them.

    One of my daughters sent me a link on helping with the condensation. I cannot remember all of it, but pinching as tightly around the nose was one. I always have trouble even with the ones with metal. If I went without my glasses I would never be able to keep social distancing and may walk into walls. 😉 Another trick was washing the glasses with soap. I cannot remember the last one. Must be online somewhere.

    We have only had a few flurries, but the cold is bad enough.

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  14. Janice, I am getting questions about how those payments by ‘the government’ will affect next year’s taxes. Do you happen to know?


  15. Wednesday. The weeks go by fast in a pandemic.

    I’m beginning to hate the look of everyone in these masks. It reminds me of sickness. I ordered some but they still haven’t arrived so on the rare occasions when I go out anywhere I still tightly wrap a long winter scarf around my nose and mouth. And yes, my glasses sometimes fog up.

    I need to drop a couple things off at the post office today so maybe I can at least get a drive in today.

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  16. At 9 am we have a Zoom coffee break and check in with anyone who wants to join. This morning I put Little Miss in her stroller and walked for the 30 minute call. She fell asleep in the stroller.
    Anyone else having trouble logging in to their bank accounts today? I heard earlier that Google and some other systems were slow.
    While I have time on my hands I am going to work on CE and getting some additional real estate designations. As I tell my agents, the general public doesn’t know what those letters mean, but they know they mean something so you better have some.


  17. When taking SCUBA class, we were advised to spit in our masks and slosh it around to keep the mask clear of fog. I don’t go anywhere so don’t wear a mask and don’t know if that would work with eye glasses. Nor am I a good spitter, as I learned in class.

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  18. I mentioned yesterday that the coronavirus is spreading fairly quickly in the nursing home that Nightingale works at, even with the extra-vigilant precautions. Although the unit where she is a charge nurse (her permanent position) has not yet had any cases, she has worked on units with positive cases during those extra shifts she picks up.

    Now that the facility has so many cases, the administration has instituted a large hourly wage increase, as well as a generous bonus for picking up extra shifts (with the bonus added for every extra shift) and a bonus for not calling out sick in a given week.

    They are short on CNAs, having not enough hired, and then those that do work there calling out quite a bit. The other day, there was an LPN, an RN, and an administrator filling in for CNAs. (CNAs also have the wage increases and additional bonuses as well, so hopefully, this will encourage them to show up.)

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  19. I just called Art to ask for the stimulus check question regarding 2020 taxes. I hope I get this down before I forget.

    There will be no effect on taxes for most, but a reconcilement will be done to see if the person/couple used the right number to get their credit. It sounds like if they got overpaid they will not have to pay it back, but if they did not receive the credit they should have they will then get the additional amount as a credit when they file their return. I hope that is understandable.

    I have to go mow now. It was 41° this a.m., but felt colder given the windy conditions.

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  20. My older daughter came over last evening with the 13 year old granddaughter. They brought me an Easter dinner with lots of ham. I was surprised and delighted to see them. The girl said this was like only her second time to leave the house. Now I have to decide if I am allergic to ham or the nitrates that are in most ham. Blessed

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  21. More info about the stimulus checks, and if the liberal news is telling it wrong, it is to fuel anger toward Trump which is their main reason for existing these days.


  22. One thing to prevent fogging is to use shaving cream to clean glasses. It was recommended and it does NOT work. I am diligently doing school work today. Only 2 1/2 more weeks.

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  23. Interesting outing to the grocery store. Not many people in the store at 10:15, but lots of holes in the produce section–which is why I went.

    I picked up the last package of strawberries and one of the last raspberries. Lettuce was only in the big vats so I bought one. No carrots, almost no mushrooms. I bought a “snacking” container of veggies and dip to get baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and broccoli (and now I have dip, too!)

    No yeast, no Monterey Jack cheese, but otherwise everything else I wanted on my list. No TP, but I did score two boxes of Kleenex. I’m not in the need at the moment but may be after another three weeks goes by.

    By the time I got to check out, there was only one open counter–besides the 15 for less self-check out.

    So, I got in line, six feet behind the third person in line, square in the middle of the ice cream.

    I don’t think I’ve spent so much time in the ice cream section in years. I finally bought some Klondike bars for dessert tonight, talked with the woman behind me for ten minutes and wondered why Safeway didn’t open another counter when the seventh person got in line behind me–at the end of the ice cream section!

    I did let a man with two bottles of water go ahead of me. No one complained.

    I had’t been to the store in 15 days, so I had full basket, including a cherry tomato plant.

    No bagger.

    Four people outside wiping down cars but no one inside? Who am I to judge?

    I don’t know how much I spent. While bagging my groceries, my phone rang. I didn’t answer. When I went to put in my credit card, I discovered I had brought my driver’s license rather than my credit card. I had to run outside for my wallet, safe in the car!

    We’re set for groceries for 2-3 weeks and I’m thankful.

    The phone call was my mom’s 89 year-old-best friend who lives a few miles from Donna and still goes to mental health meetings at Little Company of Mary hospital three days a week (by taxi) and does all the family grocery shopping for herself and her 87 year-old-sister. “But I wear my mask!”

    She also takes her temperature hourly, to make sure she’s safe. A total character–and has been my entire life!

    I spend about 30-45 minutes a day talking with someone. I count that as my contribution to keeping life manageable for everyone else in their life! Today, at least, I ate my lunch while Bonina rambled. 🙂

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  24. While I was gone, Mr. IT reorganized my computer locations so as to shrink the distance between the keyboard “dongle” and the laptop.

    When I sat down to type just now, it didn’t work.

    My husband decided the problem was interference from my cell phone–which was on the desk beside the closed laptop. We put it three feet away and now I can type.

    I’m skeptical, but it’s working right now so I’ll live with it. Back to 1901 Japan.

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  25. We had frost on the car and the grass this morning. Does that count in the winter wonderland department?

    Oh, and I saw my first fox in my new town, only the third or fourth sighting in my life. (Only one time did I actually get to watch the fox for a few minutes. The others were split-second looks. This one I saw the full fox, head to tail, but only for a second or two, and the photo I snapped wasn’t zoomed in and only shows a red blur with the fox mostly already out of sight.) Crows were carrying on like mad, but I’ve never seen as many crows as here and they’re always upset about something. After a while I realized they weren’t stopping and their calls were pretty intense, and so I thought maybe they’d found a great horned owl, which would be worth seeing if they had. So I made my way over there. They flew to a new tree and for a minute they didn’t say anything more, but then they started up again. I couldn’t get a good look at all the trees, but I didn’t see an owl and I couldn’t really tell where they were looking. (I think they were as concerned about me as anything at that point.) But then out came a red fox and ran across. Even without a photo, a red fox makes a highlight of a walk. Next time I won’t just think “owl.” Next time I’ll think “Predator” and keep in mind it might be a coon or a bobcat, and be prepared to take a photo if I can get one.

    Last week was the highlight of the spring season here, and now we’ve settled down into everyday spring color, and we’re also into cooler weather. But I saw more larkspur than last week, fewer bluebells but still a lot of them, and more trillium. And the yellow violets aren’t blooming this week like they were last week, but now the white ones are. Overall, it will be pretty for the next few months, but with a different beauty each week.

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  26. I haven’t made a mask to wear, as I don’t go anywhere anymore. (Well, I did have some errands to run one day that wouldn’t involve seeing anyone except from a safe distance.)

    The errand was an enjoyable one I’ve never had opportunity to do before. Several of my piano students had been getting near to the end of some or all of their piano books a couple of months ago, so I ordered new books and had them shipped to my house, not knowing that practically everything in our state would come to a grinding halt, or at least enter a new normal, the day before the arrival of the materials. Everything happened so fast.

    So, since I wasn’t meeting in person with students anymore, but some would soon be in need of new books in order to continue phone or online lessons, I notified those families and asked if they were comfortable with me dropping off the new books at their houses at a pre-arranged time, but only leaving the materials on the porch or whatever outdoor entry they had, knocking on the door to alert them that the music had been dropped off, and then waving from my car when they came to the door to get the items.

    All the families receiving the new items were fine with me doing that, and there were brief but sweet moments where I got to see my students in person again, but from a safe distance, and call out hello to them as they stood in their doorways smiling and waving back with their new music in hand. 🙂

    A special time, and it’s going to be even more wonderful to work with them in person again when the day comes that we can do so!

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  27. Such funny posts. I also like monterey jack cheese, not much for cheddar. I ate some ham this morning and no problems, yeah! Last night I ate a bit and started to feel funny. I think they may have had some onions with the potatoes. But my friend had told me that one of the local stores carries ham with no nitrates and that is where they usually shop. So I have some Easter ham!

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  28. The Real, they are experimenting with the plasma treatment here as well. It seems to be the go to trial method for infectious diseases, as they also used it during the Ebola outbreak – I remember reading that one of the doctors who recovered from Ebola was donating plasma to other patients.

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  29. Dashed out to mail a few things and then I hit the credit union for a withdrawal, then the BofA ATM to bolster up the checking account. I’m trying to pay May bills ahead of time.

    So much snow on the mountains! I was surprised by the sight as I hadn’t been out for a while. Obviously the product of all our cold, wet spring weather (although today is warm and sunny).

    I need a proper mask, I’d ordered some on April 5 but they have yet to even be shipped due to a backup, of course. I don’t sew. I don’t have a sewing machine. I don’t want a “kit.” I know where I could get one from someone in town, will probably have to put in a request. The long winter scarves don’t really work very well. I may dig out the dog bandanas after all.

    Honestly, everything’s such a hassle when you do go out anymore. It makes it easy to just stay put.

    We have foxes in our community, especially out around the cliffs, but I have yet to see one. A co-worker had one hanging out at her apartment building some years back (because the residents were all feeding it).

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  30. In the meanwhile, though I miss working in person with my students, the Zoom lessons (or phone lesson, for one student) are working out alright from my perspective, and the students really seem to enjoy it! One mom wrote me yesterday before her daughter’s lesson that her daughter was very excited to get back to piano lessons. (I took last week off, as I traditionally do the week before Easter.) So neat to see a student who continues to be thrilled by music making well after the typical “honeymoon phase,” which students often experience when first starting out, is past. But this girl’s enthusiasm never flags, or settles down, or however you might label it.

    I just realized, typing that, that today is the one-year anniversary of when she started taking piano lessons. Her family had acquired a piano that was sitting unused in her great-grandmother’s home, and what a journey the girl has started on since the piano got brought to her house! She’s gotten off to such a great start, and has so much going for her — a good work ethic encouraged by her parents, a stable home life, a natural love for music, musical aptitude… You name it, she’s been blessed.

    On a related note, yesterday was fun, doing another installment of my Beethoven Birthday Bash year-long celebration with my students who (normally, pre-COVID) come to my home studio. Each month I play a Beethoven piece for them at one lesson, and we do a little related activity. (An interesting challenge now when not meeting in person!)

    Yesterday I played a very short piano piece of his — probably the shortest he ever composed: only 13 measures. It takes all of 30 seconds to play. 😉

    So I played the piece twice, the first time forte, or loud, and the second time piano, or soft. Beethoven hadn’t given any dynamic indication, so I explained to the students that it was up to the performer to decide how loudly or softly to play it. I then asked the students which way they liked the piece better — loud or soft?

    Well, the two girls I have on Tuesdays are very different in personality. One, a middle-schooler, is quiet and reserved. The other, an elementary student (the bubbly, energized girl I mentioned in my first and second paragraphs), speaks always in a loud, enthusiastic way.

    Can you guess which one liked the soft and subdued playing of the music, and which liked the loud, energetic version?

    The quiet girl liked the loud version, and the energy-filled girl liked the music quiet!! 😀

    Totally surprised me! But I love surprises like that. 🙂 Just when I think I know kids, I realize that, no, sometimes I really don’t — and that’s okay. It’s all part of the discovery and fun and joy of teaching. 🙂

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  31. Mrs L saw a humorous post on FB. It was a screen shot of a Zoom meeting- and all the participants were wearing masks. Why wear a mask in your own home?

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  32. DJ, sewing is not at all my thing, either. Here’s a video link that might interest you, which my sister sent of how to make a no-sew pleated face mask using material and ponytail holders. I haven’t tried it yet, but might if I decide to go anywhere in the near future.

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  33. Speaking of crows. … Hichcock’s “The Birds” was on the classic movie channel the other night.

    People sure used to dress up in the early 1960s. They all looked very uncomfortable, men & women alike wearing button-up suits with proper jackets — while just hanging out in the house.

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  34. I went into town to get some fruit at Walmart. Not too many people there and they were stocked very well in all departments I went by. Bread, coffee, fruit, and they even had a plentiful supply of TP and PT ( I was in that aisle for laundry detergent)….99% of the shoppers were wearing masks…I was not. I tried making a scarf mask then a handkerchief mask but I cannot breathe when I have them on…is there something about being claustrophobic that throttles the airway while something is over one’s mouth and nose? My Dad could not and would not wear an oxygen mask because he said he could not breathe…I am afraid I am much like him! 😷

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  35. Donna @ 5:28
    I started me career at Defense Mapping in 1962. I wore a coat and tie every day I went in, but the last.
    The men always dressed in coats/ties, and the women dressed like ladies.
    But at home, no one wore anything that wasn’t comfortable. WE didn’t dress up to go shopping, etc.
    I never saw “The Birds”, but your description is not accurate for leisure living..

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  36. Remember when people dressed for riding airplanes?
    My dad worked in the woods. He would come in the house in the evening, divest outerwear down to slacks and shirt, then go to the bath tub. Came out with fresh slacks and button down shirt. Always. Then, on Sunday morning, and only Sunday morning, he would wear slacks and a polo shirt for tennis. Eventually, he went to shorts and tshirt for tennis but the rest of the time was slacks and button down shirt.

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  37. Mumsee I remember. Bu tit has been so long ago, I had forgotten.
    Now. People dress down to fly.
    It’s partly the airlines’ fault, male stewardesses and the way they treat passengers.
    A trivial curiosity. I used to fly as a radio man in the Air Force.
    Elvera flew in a jet before I did.

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  38. Yes, this is what I often wear around the house (and the strand of pearls, of course):

    ~ Green sleeveless wool crepe sheath dress, knee-length, nipped in at the waist with high round neckline, small rear vent, matching big buckle belt and darted front – the dress fastens to the rear with zip and single button; matching hip-length edge-to-edge jacket with wide lapel collars, two patch pockets and three-quarter length raglan sleeves with turnback cuffs; knee-length mink fur coat, medium width collar; brown snakeskin frame handbag with gold clasp; gold beaded necklace; gold hook stud earrings; chunky gold ring; gold bracelet watch; dark grey pointed toe high heel leather shoes; grey suede gloves; ecru silk scarf. ~

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  39. I dress nicely to fly, but comfortably too. When you fly standby they wanted you to dress business casual. Not sure if that is still the case, but that is what I do. Besides on a fourteen hour flight, a skirt is more comfortable.

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  40. Well I’m happy as can be, I received a msg from Amazon that the 16 rolls of Bounty paper towels I ordered will arrive on Saturday (not sometime in mid-April as earlier projected).

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  41. Tippi Hedren wore the full-length mink coat and taupe, dressy, long leather gloves when she commandeered the speed boat (by herself) to cross the bay to hunt down her male “prey.”

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  42. I’ve only ever worn a nightgown or jammies while flying, as the only times I’ve been on a plane have been in my dreams. 😉

    Masks: my Midwest siblings and I have been emailing lately about visits to Mom & Dad and wearing masks. My brother quipped that people have been asking him to wear a mask for years now. 😛

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  43. Read the header Dj…AJ reminded us that it is Wednesday 4/15-2020 😂 I must admit I had to rethink what day it was when we posted you we’re happy your towels would get here Saturday instead of mid April…um isn’t today mid April? I am happy you will get your paper towels…I could send you a bundle if something should happen…there were many bundles at our Walmart today 😊
    I usually dress nicely when I fly but I always make certain to wear slip on shoes! Seems many at the airports nowadays just rolled out of bed and left on their pj’s and slippers!

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  44. This evening at dinner, Nightingale said there are now 23 confirmed cases of coronavirus at the nursing home, which makes up about a fifth of the residents.

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  45. Just checked my bank account for the stimulus payment, and there it is! (So then my son looked at his account, and his is there too.) Now we have money to pay my 2019 taxes and the first quarter 2020 estimated taxes.

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  46. I checked the same this afternoon and found the stimulus directly deposited, as well. I didn’t know until today that extra money would be provided for dependents under 17, too. That gave us an extra thousand.

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  47. Kim,

    It truly is miraculous. 🙂

    Especially when you remember he spent over a month in the hospital, nearly all that time on a respirator, we were sure we would lose him, and yet God chose to heal him. Now he’s up, about, and eating and drinking on his own, and even more importantly, talking with his family. 🙂

    And the Drs and nurses who cared for him were amazing. 🙂

    I can’t even imagine what that must be like, waking up in a hospital and a month has gone by. That has to be quite shocking.

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  48. DJ, that is like when the women in soap operas vacuumed in their dresses and heels. 😀

    My dad came home from work and put on his home working clothes. He was always building something or doing some other kind of work around the yard and house.

    Aprons were worn to keep clothes clean. I wear old t-shirts, so seldom wear an apron unless I have company, since I will dress up then. Washing clothes and having so many sure was not done way back when. My mom said she had two dresses. There were several sisters and a small closet, but that was no problem. Times and expectations have changed for sure.

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