78 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 4-17-17

  1. The bird looks so lonesome.
    Rise and shine lazybones,
    it’s a brand new day’
    There are fortunes to make and
    Dragons to slay.

    Good night Jo. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good morning, Chas and other early risers….
    Good evening, Jo.
    I’m on my cell–so am still anonymous–but it’s Ann.
    Becca-boo has the day off–but public schools are open.

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  3. When I came back after breakfast, I notice a guy already up to his waist in a hole he has dug by the road. I went out to speak to him, but he doesn’t speak good English.
    We didn’t communicate. But I have noticed this work up the road so I presume it’s some extensive utility project..
    This is the first time I’ve noticed how red the dirt is in Greensboro.


  4. Morning, Chas. Time for me to get some sleep. This kinder class has a lot of energy and I need to be ready. Especially since a friend fell and got hurt and I have loaned her my car. We are having so much rain. Really hope I don’t have to walk home in the rain.


  5. I have entered the latest ring of password hell.
    Not only must I have an alphanumeric password it must now also include a symbol.
    Add to that two step verification that has a six digit code and a 30 second timer on the text message.
    One day my passwords are going to be so secure I will be completely locked out of ever computer, cell phone, and account I have.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Good morning/afternoon/evening one and all. We had a pleasant Sunday. Our pastor’s 4 daughters and their children were all home for the holiday, so our little church meeting more than doubled in size. They live in California, Louisiana, Maryland and Missouri, so they don’t get together often. It was good catching up. I’ve known them for 38 years, and the oldest considers me her older brother, since she never had a brother at all.

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  7. Roscouro- I want to add to your comment about vinyl records. They are not the only ones that record direct sound waves. Magnetic recording tape does also. Both are analog. I have converted some of my old LPs to mp3 and can tell the difference when listening. The analog recordings seem to have better distinction between the left and right channels in stereo.

    Here’s a trivia question that most younger people get wrong: How many grooves are there on one side of a vinyl record?


  8. One?

    I actually have no idea. 🙂

    I have to order a yard more sand and a yard more base for pavers today — but the building supply place I’ve been getting all this from won’t let you do it by phone w/your card (even though I’m now something of a regular customer and they have me and my payment info on file); you have to come in and personally pay for it over the counter. They must have gotten burned somehow, but it’s rather inconvenient for those who work.

    We need to get it delivered by tomorrow morning. Driveway workers think they’ll maybe be done by the end of the day Tuesday. Yay. Then on to that foundation …

    Meanwhile, we’re No. 1 — three years in a row now 🙂



    For its 28th annual Jobs Rated report, the website ranked 200 jobs based on four criteria: environment, income, outlook, and stress. Environment takes into account both physical and emotional factors, and the average number of hours worked each week; income considers mid-level salary and growth potential; outlook measures potential for employment growth and income growth, as well as unemployment rates; and stress takes into account 11 different factors including travel, deadlines, and interaction with the public.

    Newspaper reporter was ranked as the worst job for the third year running, and broadcaster also managed to take a top spot on this year’s list.

    “The news business has changed drastically over the years, and not in a good way,” former broadcaster Ann Baldwin, president of Baldwin Media PR told CareerCast. “When people ask me if I miss it, I tell them ‘I feel as if I jumped off of a sinking ship.’”

    And it appears she has — employment in both those jobs is expected to decline by 9 percent in the coming years.

    Enlisted military personnel and firefighter are also on the list, thanks in part to the former being the highest-stress job out of all 200 and the latter having the worst environment score. …

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Interesting article with some (rare) common sense about the widespread coyote problems we’re seeing nationwide:



    …. I also have an issue with some of the language employed in promoting coexistence. For example:

    1. The notion that people in highly urban areas are “living in coyote country.” The message is that this is historic coyote habitat, coyotes have a right to be here, we are the intruders (i.e., “they were here first”), we must accommodate them. I would argue that at some point human development supplants coyotes and that they are now “living in people country.” Note: In some metro areas like Chicago, IL, coyotes were not there first, yet roughly 3000 of them now live there.

    2. The premise that what we have is a people problem, not a coyote problem. This is the argument that people are to blame, that we have created the coyote problem. I certainly agree that people can greatly exacerbate the problem by being irresponsible with their pets and by feeding coyotes, intentionally or unintentionally. But coyotes are fully capable of being a problem without any help from us. They are not without blame.

    3. The fact that by definition “coexistence” implies opposition to harming coyotes in any way. Most proponents of coexistence are strongly opposed to all forms of lethal control. I’d argue that the option of lethal control is essential. …

    … Some common arguments against lethal methods (ie foothold trapping, cable restraints and shooting) include:

    1. Foothold traps and snares are perceived as “cruel/inhumane devices” and a threat to endangered species. The fact is that various foothold and snare devices are some of the best tools we have to enhance and protect endangered species (eg predator control, reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone, recapture of wolves, translocation of mountain lions, reintroduction of lynx in Colorado). Also, technology is improving all the time. Newer tools meet strict humane standards.

    2. Killing coyotes doesn’t work, ie we’ve been killing them for 200 years and now they are more numerous and widespread than ever before. This point is a gross over-generalization. The fact is that we have a long history of well-documented, successful control programs, many with very positive cost-benefit ratios. Much of the success has been in rural, agricultural situations, but there are many recent success stories in urban areas as well. Two leading researchers analyzed 10 different municipal coyote removal operations in California (1981-2005) and found that in every case aggressive coyote behavior toward pets was dramatically reduced and attacks on people stopped, often for many years. Their conclusion: foothold trapping is the most effective tool in removing problem coyotes, stopping aggressive behavior and re-instilling fear of humans. Shooting is an effective alternative in some situations.

    3. If you remove one coyote another will simply take its place. It’s certainly true that compensatory reproduction and immigration from surrounding areas can compound the problem. But multiple studies show that not all coyotes are aggressive toward pets or people. Removal of the dominant, alpha coyotes usually results in dramatic reduction of aggressive behavior in a given area.

    4. The claim that killing coyotes in a given area actually increases the number of coyotes in that area. This is the rather preposterous notion that the more you kill the more you get. The idea comes from early computer models that suggest compensatory reproduction over-compensates for lethal control. However, the authors in no way asserted that local coyote removal was futile or inappropriate. …


  10. Crunch time for Art & Janice and the annually-orphaned Miss Bosely, I believe tomorrow is the tax deadline this year?


  11. I couldn’t wait for Peter to come back and tell me the answer, so I Googled it. The right answer makes more sense than mine did now that I know it. 😉


  12. Someone I know uses psalms to help with passwords, incorporating their favorite symbol in place of a specific letter and always making one vowel upper case. This is not me, btw, but I wish I had thought of it years ago.

    After all, how can you curse when you’re typing, “LEtA## thEpEOplEprAIsEthE#Ord. ?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. One of the advantages of being old with lots of experiences is that you can choose password’s from places and things that don’t exist anymore. I hesitate to mention anything, but airplane names and numbers are a good illustration.

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  14. Clever idea for password formulas.

    I’m still having problems after supposedly getting mine switched via Apple tech help.


  15. DJ’s coyotes: the thought kept crossing my mind of the idea of coexisting with ISIS or whichever extreme group comes next. Same people, same idea. Not understanding that the other side does not play with the same rules.

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  16. And I believe a lot of those areas had wolves first and people took them out, so perhaps they should reintroduce wolves to get the full effect.

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  17. I use some variation of k!M4172017
    But they just keep getting pickier and pickier. It has to be 8 characters or more. It has to have a capital letter. It has to have a lower case letter. It has to have a symbol. Now I have 3 or more accounts that require two step verification.
    Of course I don’t think I have been hacked so that is a good thing….but if anyone finds where I keep all the passwords stored!!!


  18. I had a dream about wolves and coyotes. No ocelots though.

    Catching up on FB and saw a huge rant from a ‘friend/acquaintance’ about how some stores were closed on Easter, CHRISTIAN holiday. She was pretty indignant.

    Many chimed in, berating the “zombie” day celebration for religious lap-dogs that left most of the atheist-scientific-rational-thinking country out. Always eye-opening to see what your neighbors are thinking. 🙂

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  19. I wasn’t able to reach Carol all weekend — turns out she’d changed her password to a very complex “pattern” of some kind and she plain out-smarted herself, couldn’t get back into her own phone (this has happened before, I’ve told her to write down at least enough of a hint that you’ll have a help if needed). Because of her paranoia that her phone is always being hacked (to what benefit it would be for anyone, I’m not exactly sure), she changes her passwords often.


  20. Oh, then there are those who want to know why stores aren’t closed for Jewish and Muslim Holidays.
    An atheist, a vegetarian, and a cross fitter walk into a bar…..
    (I only know because they told everyone.

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  21. Ah, passwords, I have so many now, I can’t keep track. Everything requires you to sign in and sign up – and school has added several different accounts to my list.

    DJ, people like your friend are selfish. They don’t stop to think that having a store open on a holiday means that someone else didn’t get to take the holiday. Having a store open isn’t a necessity of life – one will not die by having to postpone one’s shopping trip to another day (it would be highly ironic if the complainer had the day off and was wanting to spend it shopping) and is a very first world problem. Also, as regards having a ‘Christian’ holiday as a national holiday, Easter is a national holiday (so is Christmas) in The Gambia, a country that is 90 percent Muslim. The Muslims don’t care – it means another day off for them. It seems that developing countries could teach the affluent West a thing or two about real tolerance.

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  22. Taking out the wolves clearly left a vacuum (filled now by these smaller ‘wolf-like’ creatures, the coyote, that are proliferating). Mankind has gotten it wrong frequently when it comes to wildlife management. I don’t think anyone would argue that point. (However, wildlife management, I think, will always be needed and is within man’s purview and responsibility; it’s not always been practiced responsibly or smartly — but now it isn’t being practiced at all in many areas.)

    Now the pendulum has swung in an entirely opposite direction with the “hands off” predator species at all costs, no matter what. Lethal control is unthinkable where I live, it is widely believed that we can co-exist in peace and harmony with all of nature, all the time. It is up to people to step aside in favor of allowing other species to flourish. They were “here first,” you know.

    This largely ignores the brutal realities of nature, of course (as well as turning on its head the order of creation and recognition that human life is above other forms of life in terms of value and worth). Simply put, conflicts of life will occur. And in terms of animal-lover status, I remain confused over why coyotes should be considered somehow on a higher plane than my pets. But it is up to me, as their owner, to keep them indoors at all time unless I can personally accompany them (including into our own fenced backyard). Same with children. Supervise at all times, even in the backyard. If something happens to your pets or kids, it’s essentially all your fault.

    It’s the Disney-created Wonderful World of Color! coming back to haunt us (and bite us), I’m afraid For all its sweetness and, yes, positive messages, it really has produced some major confusion on issues like this. We can’t seem to think clearly about it anymore.

    I’m waiting and watching to see when the tide will begin to turn when it comes to city officials. I think it’s beginning to where I am, more and more of the smaller beach cities now are adopting coyote management plans that at least allow for lethal control as a last resort, but only then. Still, that’s a change from the past. (And the city of LA staunchly remains no-kill, the trapping of any wildlife for any reason here has been banned with no indication that will change anytime soon — but they’re being left behind, it seems to me, by surrounding cities that are slowly — and often reluctantly — coming to their senses.)


  23. Roscuro, I think she said something about how she worked at a rehab center and had to stop somewhere to buy some supplies but was shocked — shocked! — to find so many stores closed.

    I’d more than welcome other religious holidays going national 🙂 When we were in Hollywood the other day there were many orthodox Jews out and about (it also was still Passover week and that area is still heavily populated by orthodox Jews). I’ll take all the Jewish days off gladly 🙂 But seriously, I don’t have a problem — and think it would be a good thing — for those practicing those other faiths to have paid time off for those days (although I suppose trying to validate that might be an issue for companies, although, in the past at least, it’s been standard for companies to allow a few paid hours off, for example, for people to attend a church service on Good Friday — not sure if that’s still the case, I think nowadays people find other ways to get to those services — and more services are planned for evenings ? — than in the past).


  24. The trend will be for fewer “official” religious holidays of any kind being codified going forward, I’d predict.


  25. OK, I’ll play along. I have 48 passwords for work (have to log into the test and production environments of learning management systems plus SharePoint and ftp sites for a ton of clients). Some of those require two-level authentication, which I must retrieve from my iPhone via the RSA application. I have 60 passwords for personal accounts (like my bank, United Healthcare, and, of course Overstock.com).

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  26. DJ, The Gambia also has high Muslim holy days as national holidays, such as Tobaski (Eid) and the Muslim New Year, so it is equal opportunity. Here, the Eastern Orthodox and others who follow the Julian Calendar for their holidays still manage to celebrate their days for Christmas and Easter, although they are not national holidays. One never hears them complaining about how the use of the Georgian Calendar by the government to set the holidays discriminates against them.


  27. 48 passwords? Yikes. I think I’m juggling 5 right now and that’s too many (at work we also have the 2-level verification w/texts to your phone).


  28. That’s why I say it’s probably likely we’ll go to a no-religious-holiday recognition in the west fairly soon. Maybe it’s the fairest way.


  29. Coyotes: Don’t know if you caught it but Idaho recently had a broohaha over a cyanide trap that killed a dog and injured his boy. The gov’t was putting them out and decided not to do it for a while, at least in areas next to lots of housing with trails boys and dogs walk along.


  30. When I attended UCLA we had the Jewish high holy days off– but the school population was 1/3 Jewish, so it made sense.

    Here in California, they’re giving extra time off at Christmas and Easter for Mexican families to travel back to Mexico. I do t see a problem with any of this, as long as all 180 days of school are covered.


  31. DJ, I doubt it. People who want change underestimate the effect of humanity’s inertia. All the people who were raised in the rhythm of the current national holiday schedule would find it incredibly difficult to change. They may be completely non-religious, but they subconsciously expect a couple of days off around the end of December, and a couple of days off around the end of March, beginning of April (we get Boxing Day and Good Friday off in addition to Christmas and Easter). Even those who are of a different religion, e.g. Jewish, or have a different calendar for their religious dates have the rhythm. A good example of this is when the former President of The Gambia decided to make a three day weekend, in order to include Friday. The Arabic schools in the country already make Friday and Saturday their weekend, with Sunday being the day their students come back to school. However, the rest of the country observes the typical Western weekend, with Saturday being the day the large markets are operating, and Sunday an extra day off for the school children and government employees, although businesses may be open. When the president made the announcement, it was the public school teachers who objected most strenuously, as they would have had to rearranged the entire school year, but other people thought it equally inconvenient – even though most people are devout enough to close their businesses on Friday afternoon to go to the mosque for prayers. Even though the Saturday-Sunday weekend may have been a Judeo-Christian invention and imposed by colonizers, human inertia kept it from being modified. The three day weekend was abolished in about a week.


  32. I thought I remembered reading something about this: http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2013/08/29/why-a-medieval-peasant-got-more-vacation-time-than-you/

    Plowing and harvesting were backbreaking toil, but the peasant enjoyed anywhere from eight weeks to half the year off. The Church, mindful of how to keep a population from rebelling, enforced frequent mandatory holidays. Weddings, wakes and births might mean a week off quaffing ale to celebrate, and when wandering jugglers or sporting events came to town, the peasant expected time off for entertainment. There were labor-free Sundays, and when the plowing and harvesting seasons were over, the peasant got time to rest, too. In fact, economist Juliet Shor found that during periods of particularly high wages, such as 14th-century England, peasants might put in no more than 150 days a year.

    As for the modern American worker? After a year on the job, she gets an average of eight vacation days annually.

    It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way: John Maynard Keynes, one of the founders of modern economics, made a famous prediction that by 2030, advanced societies would be wealthy enough that leisure time, rather than work, would characterize national lifestyles. So far, that forecast is not looking good.

    What happened? Some cite the victory of the modern eight-hour a day, 40-hour workweek over the punishing 70 or 80 hours a 19th century worker spent toiling as proof that we’re moving in the right direction. But Americans have long since kissed the 40-hour workweek goodbye, and Shor’s examination of work patterns reveals that the 19th century was an aberration in the history of human labor. When workers fought for the eight-hour workday, they weren’t trying to get something radical and new, but rather to restore what their ancestors had enjoyed before industrial capitalists and the electric lightbulb came on the scene. Go back 200, 300 or 400 years and you find that most people did not work very long hours at all. In addition to relaxing during long holidays, the medieval peasant took his sweet time eating meals, and the day often included time for an afternoon snooze. “The tempo of life was slow, even leisurely; the pace of work relaxed,” notes Shor. “Our ancestors may not have been rich, but they had an abundance of leisure.”

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  33. It’s becoming more and more common for companies and (especially) governments to give Fridays off. We know we’re in trouble if we have a story to write on a Friday and need to reach anyone in a city hall office.


  34. Peter, thanks for the info – I wasn’t certain about magnetic tape. However, vinyl records are far more durable than magnetic tape. My father had shelf after shelf of tape recordings, almost all classical. I listened to them a lot in my older teen years, and they were already acquiring that ominous whine that signals the tape is degenerating. I tried some a couple of years ago, and they were almost inaudible [Weirdly, my father’s 8-tracks still work better than the newer cassette tapes.]. By contrast, most of my father’s records from the early 1970s sound clear and nearly flawless, aside from the occasional speck of dust.


  35. DJ, the Friday half-day-off phenomenon is on the rise around the big cities here, but it isn’t due to any religious considerations. People want more time to get to their cottages, and with the urban sprawl, cottage country is getting further away and taking longer to get to.

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  36. Linda, You win.
    We had a non-traditional Easter meal here yesterday. Pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes, and lemon herbed beans. I bought the Strawberry Cream Cheese Cake (It was a cake cake, not a cheesecake)
    Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it. I also served off of my every day china. I wasn’t up to dragging out the china, silver, crystal, and linen. We did eat in the dining room because that is the table that will fit us and is more comfortable.


  37. I do not consider Christmas & Easter as strictly religious holidays. Maybe they started out that way, & they are to us, but now they – in their secularized versions – are so much a part of the culture that even atheists celebrate them.

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  38. Christmas is quite the secular celebration, generally speaking — and Easter falls on a Sunday so there really is little impact with that. Christmas as a national holiday isn’t going anywhere.

    Another take on retail shopping and where it’s all going in the U.S. with the rise of e-commerce:

    Is American Retail at a Historic Tipping Point?

    Along the cobblestone streets of SoHo, Chanel handbags and Arc’teryx jackets are displayed in shops like museum pieces, harking back to the height of the neighborhood’s trendiness. But rents there are softening, and the number of vacant storefronts is rising.

    Today, some of the most sought-after real estate by retailers is not in SoHo, but five miles away in Red Hook, a gritty Brooklyn enclave with a shipbuilding past. E-commerce merchants are vying to lease part of a huge warehouse space, spanning 11 acres, that would allow them to deliver goods the same day they’re ordered online.

    The profound reordering of New York’s shopping scene reflects a broad restructuring in the American retail industry. …


  39. Hmm–it seems the person who was angry with a certain store being open on Easter, probably should have not waited until the last minute to buy whatever they needed for the job. If something was that important, it would have seemed sensible to make certain it was bought early enough to bar any unforeseen difficulties.

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  40. At Bloomingdale’s, employees who are members of the Retail, Wholesale and
    Department Store Union are arguing that the company should improve how sales
    staff are compensated for helping facilitate e­commerce business — like helping
    customers pick up goods in the store that were ordered online.

    What special kind of stupid makes union members think someone is going to order something on line then pick it up in the store? That defeats the purpose of ordering online and having it delivered to your home.

    I don’t look forward to not being able to go into a store to try on clothes. I haven’t had much luck ordering clothing on line. The children in disadvantaged countries who make our clothes don’t know our numbering system and just sew sizes in. I wear anything from a 4 to a 10.

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  41. Kizzie @2:34, the Western church still has a lot of input into how the holidays are set each year. Christmas is more easily determined, since it always occurs on the 25th of December, but as everyone knows, Easter shifts around, and where it lands is determined by careful and complicated calculation: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/the-big-question-how-is-the-date-of-easter-determined-and-why-is-it-so-early-this-year-798980.html. So, the calculation each year of when Easter will occur, and thus the national holiday, is ultimately controlled by the Church. After all, when calendar makers record other religious holidays for the coming year, such as Hanukah, they have to consult the religious leaders of those communities.

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  42. I’ve ordered online for store pickup before, it can be a lot quicker if the store is near you (but you don’t have time to go poking around physically to see if they have exactly what you’re looking for).

    Here’s a little more about wolves, coyotes and the newer species in the northeast known now as “coywolves”:



    (Coywolves) evolved as wolves and wolf habitat were destroyed and coyotes, a traditional prey of wolves, moved into the areas that were previously home to wolves.

    Wolves prefer forested areas while coyotes are at home on farmland, so as big areas of forest were cleared for farming, coyotes took over in what was once predominantly wolf habitat.

    The two animals began mating in the early 20th century in Canada and around the Great Lakes, resulting in the hybrid species known as a coywolf. …

    … “It has a bushy tail. It’s a taller animal and about twice the weight of the western coyote.”

    Some wildlife groups believe Maine would be an excellent place to re-introduce the wolf. …

    What could go wrong?


  43. Kim, I think the advantage of ordering online for in-store pickup is that you don’t have to pay for shipping. It works great for things you don’t have to inspect first, like the DVD set I ordered that way from Wal-mart.

    But for clothes or anything else you need to try on or look over, I’m with you.


  44. DJ, I heard the coywolves the other evening here (my parent’s house). The grey wolf still rules in Northern Ontario, but the eastern wolf of southern Ontario is threatened – by coywolves: http://wolvesontario.org/wolves-ontario/

    Prior to the settlement of Ontario by Europeans, Ontario was home to grey wolves in the north, and eastern wolves in the south. However, eastern wolves struggled to survive heavy persecution and habitat loss associated with human settlement. Western coyotes, a species that fared much better in the disturbed landscape and consequently migrated eastward across Canada, bred with what remained of the eastern wolf population in southern Ontario and Quebec. Coyotes in eastern Canada are now called ‘eastern coyotes’ because they have a mixture of western coyote, wolf genes and even dog genes. This helps explain why eastern coyotes (a.k.a. “coywolves”,”brush wolves”, “Tweed wolves”) are larger than western coyotes, and why they are often confused with wolves.

    Eastern wolves and eastern coyotes are physically indistinguishable – you can’t tell them apart without a genetic test. To conserve eastern wolves in and around Algonquin Provincial Park, it was necessary to enforce a hunting and trapping ban for both eastern wolves and eastern coyotes. Adding to the confusion is the fact that eastern coyotes and eastern wolves sometimes interbreed, particularly in areas where eastern wolves are harvest (sadly, this happens across much of their range). Given what we know about the eastern wolf’s low odds of surviving outside of areas protected from hunting, trapping and vehicle traffic, the vast majority of canids in the southern parts of our province are eastern coyotes.

    I’ve seen at least one coywolf. They really do look like the wolves and they are big and powerfully built. The one I saw was tearing across a field faster than any dog can run. But I’ve also seen plain, old, coyotes, who are scrawny and scruffy by comparison.


  45. I like Michelle’s friend’s password pattern. I use a variation of that. I take the first letter from each word of a scripture verse, or part of one, capitalize only the first letter, and end with the chapter and verse numbers separated by a comma or period. So for example, “Kpuwlbu8,1” comes from “Knowledge puffs up while love builds up”, I Corinthians 8:1.

    I store passwords in an Excel file, which itself is password-protected. If I ever forget that password I’ll be sunk.


  46. Kevin, The way we pronounce the c-o-y in ‘coywolf’ is different than the way we pronounce the c-o-y in ‘coyote’. We pronounce the c-o-y in ‘coywolf’ the same way as we pronounce the word ‘coy’ which means ‘pretended shyness; reluctance to give information’; while the c-o-y in ‘coyote’ in pronounced as ‘ki’ with a long ‘i’ sound.


  47. Yes, no shipping charge to pick up when the store is already in your neighborhood — and it’s usually just a quick transaction, walk in, show them your email receipt for having already paid, and you’re out of there.


  48. Roscuro, thanks. I thought pronouncing coywolf as “coy wolf” made sense.

    Regarding coyote, I pronounce it ki-YO-tee (with a long i), but wasn’t there a discussion a few weeks ago of other ways people pronounce it? Or am I mixing it up with a different word we were discussing?


  49. Just received a clothing item today. I knew what I wanted when in the store, but they did not have the color I wanted. They were shipped to my home, however. I wanted to buy them when I could get 40% off and was able to do that by ordering the right color. I would have preferred getting them in the store. They did fit, which is always the concern. Sizes do not always mean they really ARE the right size. I, also, am not looking forward to getting most things online. Boo.


  50. Mumsee, you have no fingerprints?

    Seems that coyote defenders refer to them with the long eee at the end.

    Scientists, others say ki-ote


  51. Yes, Roscuro, there is one long groove on a vinyl record. My students often guess in the 1,000s. But then, most of them are young enough that they barely know that music used to be purchased by the album on CDs, not by individual songs in mp3 format.


  52. DJ, I think Wile E. Coyote trained a lot of people to say ki-o-tee. For me, I grew up among them and not watching them on TV. I couldn’t swear to it that most people in Phoenix used two syllables, but that is what sounds “normal” to me.

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  53. a, choose anything you want from behind the virtual prize doors. Do you want Door number 1, Door number 2, or Door number 3. Behind one of them is a virtual coyote.


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