59 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 11-15-21

  1. Good morning!
    That photo is from the dreary day when I went out and mentioned to God how nice it would be to have some sunshine for photos of that tree in the yard. It was so sweet to see a bit of the sun then. Every year we get more leaves on that tree which I think is a walnut. It is overshadowed by a much older maple.

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  2. And just like that Chas went from the bottom to the top of Our Daily Thread.

    I see our state is second in the nation now for Covid cases. Interesting that we have so many vaccinated and that was suppose to keep down the spread. Hmmm.

    I like the cozy of winter. Each season has its own blessings and curses. I will say that our winter is a wee bit too long. The weather people are predicting our most snow will be in April. Time will tell if they are at all accurate. That I do not like to hear.

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  3. The “Cozy of Winter” isn’t so good when you are bound in one lace all the time.But, to be fair, springtime and summer aren’t much better. Only youget a chance to be round-and -about more.

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  4. But you can’t realize how thankful that I, a 91 year old man- am. Healthy, with no issues, just sitting here.
    Someday: I will be gone. Just be thankful if it happens that way.

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  5. You have winter in SC? Just kidding.

    Yes, Chas, your world becomes so much smaller when you live long. I see that with lots of folks. I think that was especially difficult when friends and family were not allowed to join them in that world due to Covid. Live is full of tough choices as we age, too. Some people have no choices due to poverty or health. Like you, Chas, one can only be thankful for the blessings that are left.

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  6. Morning! It is a beautifully warm start to our day around here…but I would much prefer snow!
    It is those April and May winter months that wears on our nerves around here but if we have to wait that long for a snow I’ll take it! We have been having grass fires pop up and we don’t like that so much….
    Janice I am on book five of the New Beginnings series…one more to go! 📖

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  7. I got the movie Babette’s Feast to watch again. It is a reminder of my world growing smaller. It has English subtitles. I will have to sit very close to the tv to watch it, to see if I can read it like that.

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  8. Seek: 28 Days to Extraordinary Prayer by Jennifer Kennedy Dean is free for Kindle on Amazon. I heard her at a WMU conference and have used her books/workbooks. Highly recommend. She passed away several years back.

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  9. Good morning! I get to work from home today. It’s data entry for the camp’s water plant and rather monotonous, but at least I’m at home.

    Tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get another foot of snow with freezing rain possible. Ugh.

    I agree with Chas, I don’t like fall because it means winter is coming.

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  10. Love fall, but not when it’s hot. Our high temperatures are starting to break, though. Only going up to 77 today, 65 tomorrow.

    The numbers to check are hospitalizations and deaths. Those are largely only among the unvaccinated.

    Still, breakthrough infections mean more caution to hold down any further spread.

    I know, we’re all sick and tired of this. Let’s hope 2022 will be easier.

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  11. Mumsee also has a forty one year old son, pushing forty two. And a fourteen year old daughter. And some in between. And mumsee had no children when she was ten.

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  12. For those of us who follow and trust World Magazine — This was hard to see, and it was a rather jarring reminder of the division that has roiled not just the nation but also the Christian community. Praying the publication continues in its solid, journalistic work that has been so important for many of us.

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  13. Good morning. I have been lazing around as i work tonight. Miguel is working on his EMS refresher.

    Fall is my favorite season. I love the colors, smells, and sounds. The beauty of trees changing colors, green and red chile, orange pumpkins, gleaming jars of produce on my shelves. It is a time of plenty. The smell of Chile roasting and the burning of pinon wood as nights cool and wood stoves fire up. The sounds of cow work, cattle stomping in a cattle truck, calves losing as they are being weaned.

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  14. Chas, the article was not about Trump being evil. It was about the editor stepping down because he did not care for the direction the magazine group is taking. Which is good reason to pray for them, that they would continue to seek the Lord and have the unity of believers.

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  15. Fascinating. This is where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet!

    A friend sent this explanation:

    Remarkable video from a Cruise Ship – where the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean meet. The Straights of Juan del Fuego, at the tip of South America, (South of Argentina and Chile) is where the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean meet without much mixing.

    Did you know that the two oceans do not mix totally?

    Because of the difference in salinity between the clear water of the Pacific Ocean–which comes from melting south polar glaciers– is cool and low in salt, while the water from the Atlantic Ocean has a high salt concentration.

    The two oceans have different densities, which makes for high osmotic pressure, almost impossible to mix.

    It should be noted that during stormy conditions, mostly in
    winter (summer in the northern atmosphere) there can be as much as a 6-foot difference between the two oceans. i

    The cruiser is heading from West to East in this video.

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  16. I had no idea Olasky was about to leave. I did have a problem with that one magazine cover article when Trump got put under the bus without any seeming giving of grace and considering how Paul had been Saul and how Olasky had formerly been a card carrying Communist. Overall I really appreciated Olasky and his wife, and I gave grace for that article. We had benefitted so much from the magazine in so many ways (this blog for one thing) so how could I not give grace?


  17. I never supported Trump in either election. I was a Congressional District delegate for Cruz in 2016, but ended up a disappointed Republican. If Cruz had lost to almost any other of the GOP candidates in 2016, I would have supported that one. Trump and Kasich were the only two I could not support.

    And since no one was strong enough to run against Trump in the 2020 primaries, we got Biden.

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  18. I did not read all of that, but I know there is a good elevation difference beween the two Oceans. There will be a strong current wheree they meet. That is true in Panama.


  19. Peter, from your question Saturday, I do indeed remember hearing about “vorrect Firday”, but I saw only later posts about it. I have no idea what the original post was that started it.

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  20. It’s gorgeous here today. I have on couderoy jeans, a turtleneck top, and a fleece hooded vest. Just right for raking and sweeping crunchy leaves off the driveway and carport. This is my favorite time of the year. I have new found energy when I feel a nip in the air. I wish Miss Bosley could be out when I am out there.


  21. I only know that it takes a lot longer to fly over the Pacific. I asked the principal if I could take a day off tomorrow and she found me a sub. There are no breaks this term. I have still not finished the newsletter that I have been working on, so this will be what we call a PD day, I guess that means Partnership Development or something like that.

    Anyway besides teaching we are supposed to get other things done, too.
    It will be so nice to have a workday to do other work. And I really like the gal who will be taking my class.

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  22. Peter, 2:41, yep. Some of us were left political orphans for the time being. And that included a good number of Christians. Hoping for better options in ’24.

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  23. btw, nice fall photo up there.

    So we’re getting some dense fog racing toward the coast today that’ll cool everything down significantly.

    We had a fairly mild summer but temps in the 90s in November is making up for it.


  24. Nancyjill, I am so glad to hear you have enjoyed the series. Sometime I will get to it, but not yet.

    I just enjoyed another of the pear and lentil salads. Art ate all the pizza I made for him last night. Tonight I will make spaghetti for him using the major part of the jar of sauce I used to fix the pizza last night. I am using Mid’s sauce brand. First time for me to use it. Publix only had the Fiesty Beyond Meat crumbles so that will be something new, too. I was going to make chili but he wants spaghetti, which uses two pots instead of one. What’s another pot to wash?


  25. Giving common grace is always a calling we Christians have. 🙂 Difficult times, when it seems to be in such short supply, call for it all the more.

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  26. Just back from the mail walk. A lovely day, complete cloud cover but such a variety of clouds! Beautiful. It is around fifty five out, with strong winds blowing through. Interesting to see mustard flowering out in the winter wheat fields! We don’t usually have a lot of flowers in mid November around here.

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  27. I didn’t say grace when I was in the AF. I wasn’t a Christian.

    When attending the Naval war College, I always bowed my head for a couple of seconds. Nobody said anything.

    Partly, because they were good guys. Partly because yo don’t usually make fun of GS-14’s.

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  28. Leadership showing a good example to follow, Chas, GS-14. You made a good difference in the lives of other even if they never mentioned it to you.

    I walked some short laps on the driveway to get exercise and breathe in the fall air. I smelled wood smoke which is still appreciated in these parts. Someone was probably getting ready to cook on s grill. Each time I passed near the door I heard mournful kitty cries. I was missed.


  29. Kevin @ 2:51 – I made the typo once on a Monday when I first started the Pigskin Picks on the old blog. “So-and-so had X games vorrect Firday”, or something like that was the original mistake. There was no spell check on my internet in those days.

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  30. Who knows what it would have come out as if you HAD spell check …

    The walk sounds good, Janice, if things would ever slow down from this heavy work crunch I’m in, I’d like to scoot Tess out for just some short walks, both she and I need it.

    But this supply chain story is just crushing me with stories every day; just turned the one in for today but now I have another story that’s been holding and I need to get that turned in.

    Had to cancel my mammogram for Wednesday morning as i’d forgotten there’s a harbor commission meeting at that same time. I’ll reschedule it.

    I have a phone conference with the GP late tomorrow afternoon (should work ok, schedule-wise) to go over blood work, etc., from my physical.

    And I still need to go pick up dog meds sometime later this week.

    I’m feeling really crushed by just everything right now.

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  31. Nothing like getting the longest prayer request thread ever posted just in time to do a Zoom on Children’s Picturebook Writing at 7:30. The Zoom was not working. No one was there. I had failed to see it was for 7:30 Johannasburg (just a wee little difference, lol).


  32. Just about ready to head home. The gal subbing for me tomorrow came by earlier. Just like having company at home, having someone in my classroom means I need to do some clean up. all sorts of junk sitting around.


  33. We got the new covid restrictions. So businesses can now work normal hours instead of closing at 2pm.
    But the really good news is that our organization decided that traveling for health and welfare was essential travel. I certainly agree. So i am already looking into Christmas travel. There is a resort in the PNG islands that I would like to go to. I hope that I don’t hate it as I know that I am spoiled by the coolness here in the Highlands. It will be hot and sticky there. Not to mention mosquitoes.


  34. Good night Jo, sleep well
    Goood morning everyone else. Up & at em
    I’m barely making it myself, but I will be ok when I get some Cheerios.
    And coffee.


  35. You got prayed for this morning.
    As I wa praying, I mentioned the blog folks who are important.
    All of you.

    Now? off to what the day brings. It won’t bring much here
    I hope for nothing specifically.

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