111 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 10-2-21

  1. Our sure signs of fall: crosstown football rivalry (we lost last night’s game but just barely); inflatable pumpkins popping up and swaying to the warm Santa Ana winds blowing through neighborhood yards

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  2. Morning! It’s a lovely day and I am procrastinating….I’m really good at that!!
    But I started to put all the fixin’s for chili into the crock pot and discovered I have no chili powder!! I wonder how chili would taste without that one ingredient?! 🙃


  3. Oh, looks like I am 7th to mingle here today. I did offer my friend, Florence, a ride to church for this week’s monthly ladies’ group which I have not been to in a year or two because of Covid. I saved her from having to ask for a ride. She offered to me before I asked when I could not drive so now I am pleased to do the same for her. Being vaccinated is allowing me to do this.

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  4. NancyJill, I make my own chili powder (to make it onion free) – just google a recipe and use your other spices to make some.

    We’re having T-bone steaks tonight. It was the top item in our freezer and I didn’t feel like digging deeper. It’s so nice outside, we might as well BBQ and extend the season.

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  5. Oh yeah. Onions! They’re a good thing.

    I usually rely on bottled spaghetti sauce, the better brands, but then will add ground beef, chopped onions and green peppers and whatever else I like.

    I haven’t had spaghetti in a really long time.

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  6. Onions can always be cooked on the side and added into the dishes of those who like them.

    Art does not like tuna salad so I would make a big batch of egg salad which I would split into smaller batches and add tuna into one batch for Wesley and me to have our tuna salad. Art got his tunaless tuna salad😃 otherwise known as egg salad. It’s easy to do that with dishes involving onions.

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  7. I am outside, trying again, but truly this is ring the dinner bell time for mosquitos.

    I just slapped a tiny biter on my hand. No blood! Maybe I am anemic?

    A bird is chirping nearby. Nice to have company.

    I came outside with a cup of camomile to again read through what the Direction Team will be discussing (Budget and change to By Laws) for our next meeting. Will be in prayer over it, too.

    Also considering how sounds have changed from the home next door. Not knowing neighbors well, yet wanting to express concern if something is not right. How to proceed. The fine line between being a nosy neighbor and a caring Christian who might offer help if needed.

    This world is not my home, but as long as I am here, I need to be about my Father’s business.

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  8. I love tuna salad but it has to be done right, which isn’t easy. I’ll often pick up a container of well-made, fresh, herb tuna salad at the Sprouts deli.

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  9. Getting a haircut here can be tricky. The gal who cuts hair has to be here. 🙂 I just got a haircut yesterday andit had been 11 weeks. She cut it quite short. She went to the states for her sons wedding.

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  10. Tuna needs pickle relish and our store has not had any for quite a while. I found some sweet pickles and tried chopping them up, but it is not quite the same.

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  11. No onions in our house, ever. Except ketchup for me. Husband doesn’t even eat ketchup because of the onion powder in it. We had meatloaf this week, too. I make Montreal steak spice (sans onion and cumin) and use that in the meatloaf for seasoning.

    It’s kind of fun to make your own spice mixes.

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  12. This curfew is going to be difficult for me. Can we still have Bible studies or anything in the evening?
    The perfect time for a walk is 5:30, it is cool and beautiful. Now we are supposed to be inside by 5pm.

    I thought about it and realized that probably no villages will be under curfew. It will be mostly the towns. But we abide by the regulations.

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  13. Do you have a porch you can sit on legally? 🙂

    Yes, hair — I just cut my bangs again, I’m not going in as often for the hair cuts, this pandemic through so many things off schedule. But the salon is now open again.

    Just heard from my friend in “the valley” (where it’s really hot today) and she’s up on a ladder repainting the front of their house. I keep telling her handymen are worth their weight, but she’s a die-hard must-do-this-myself type. She said she feels a bit shaky on the ladder … She also does all the gardening. Gardenrs also are wonderful to employ, but they won’t hear of it.

    Yes, pickle relish. And celery.

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  14. Her husband is 10 years older than we are and while her brother, who lives with them, has been helpful in fence building, he must not have been available for painting the house.


  15. It’s been a long time since I had meatloaf. I love leftover meatloaf for sandwiches. Slather on mayonnaise and cheese and a slab of meatloaf. Divine! And it has to have onions.

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  16. Today was the fourth anniversary of Hubby’s death. In some ways it feels like a long time ago, but in other ways, it doesn’t seem so long ago at all.

    Earlier today, I sent a text to Chickadee in which I mentioned the day (although I knew she was aware of it), and about my neck.

    She actually replied to this one. She said that the anniversary of her dad’s death seems to sneak up on her, like his death did. She also informed me that the damage done to the house they live in, from the tornado winds back in August, turned out to be worse than was at first apparent, so they have had to find someplace else to live. So they are in the process of moving to a house a few miles farther away. (Not sure if they are renting the whole house or only a portion of it.) Chickadee also said that she is excited about the move.

    Except for being a few more miles away than she is now, I realize that this doesn’t change much. But for some reason, the news made me sad. Maybe because of the excitement she expressed about the move, or because she will be several more minutes away. Or that her words underscored what I’ve already known, which is that she feels a part of their family.

    I feel like I’ve lost my beloved younger daughter, who used to be so close to me. 😦

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  17. Such an exhausting day!

    Of course, there’s nothing like the excitement and fun of a three-year-old explaining that he is “a big boy, now.”


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  18. Well that is disheartening. Seems like it also could have provided a natural point for a change in living arrangements for her. So not a great day for you, from the sounds of it?

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  19. And good news that she responded, perhaps the line of communication is reopening a bit. Maybe the move will help her to “come out” a bit more again.

    Mayo? Mustard? on meatloaf?

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  20. Well yes, I see from a few online recipes that meatloaf is made with mayo in some cases.

    I haven’t made it in ages and don’t remember using mayo, but who knows.

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  21. Orion is still clearly visible, front and center. No sign of the sun coming up but I suspect it won’t be long but I am keeping my eyes on the skies for an even greater return.

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  22. Yesterday, DJ made mention of the fact that deep wells have a view of the stars even in the daytime. I understand that is true of a smokestack as well but have not tried it. Or when I did it did not work.

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  23. That should be a busy move for a family that seems to hoard things, Kizzie. At least that doesn’t involve you. I hope it will shake things up enough to wake your daughter up to more possibilities in her life. I am so glad you, at least, heard from her.

    No tuna for me. My mom loved ham salad and always used sweet pickle relish in it. Not for me either. It is so interesting how different tastes can be. It is a good thing as it spurs on creativity. My husband and I have very different tastes (some cultural) and I learned make meals I don’t particularly like. He will make some meals for himself now, since he is retired. All the different nationalities in our country have made us all expand what we eat. How blessed we are!

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  24. And all the delicious flavors to be savored have made what I eat to expand me!

    I don’t put relish in my tuna salad. I like to use some dill seeds in it for a more subtle than sweet taste. The egg salad is made with mayo, viniagrette salad dressing, tumeric, black pepper, and celery seeds or celery.


  25. 1. On meatloaf sandwiches, OK. I don’t think I’ve ever made or had a meatloaf sandwich.

    2. Deep wells comment, must have been someone else. Unless I posted in my sleep.

    3. Come to think of it, I would normally not put relish into tuna either, but I’m not opposed to it.

    4. My dad used to make food concoctions that only he liked. Some of it may have come from his time in the Navy.

    5. That’s all I’ve got. Off to church shortly, if I can wake myself up and get out of here in time. Feeling really groggy this morning.

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  26. DJ, the prayer request thread. You put a copy of something there and it talked about it. You might want to read what you are posting.

    I love meatloaf sandwiches.

    No church here but I did attend son’s church in Virginia. Canceled due to Covid.

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  27. Thanks, mumsee, Indeed, I did not connect that portion to what you were writing about. What would I do without you?

    Like Chas, now I’m back from church & Q&A — we’re hearing from our eleder candidates this summer, today’s was a physician whose family escaped Cuba when he was a child (went on vacation to Florida and never went back in 1960).

    I was disappointed to hear that a women’s retreat that took place yesterday at one of our local sister churches featured a talk by one of the World Magazine writers. I’d received emails about it and was “this close” to signing up for it just for the fellowship (which I really do need) and some of the workshops, but didn’t. It wasn’t until this morning that someone mentioned the speaker (which I never saw mentioned on any of the emails).


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  28. Oh no, I see where there’s an oil spill just south of us, our reporters there must be busy this weekend. And our bird rescue center in town will be seeing some of the fallout, I’m sure.


  29. Somehow it is Monday morning again. Still trying to decide if I should fly to Goroka tomorrow with the new folks. They really need someone to show them the way. But with this curfew and other measures, not sure if it is a good idea.

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  30. DJ – That’s what I was thinking, too (that it could have been a great time to change her living arrangement), and I was disappointed in how excited she seems.

    The kind of ironic thing is that recently – without me even knowing that they had to move – I had prayed that if it is God’s will for some reason for Chickadee to stay with them, that something would come up that would make them have to move, and that they would move closer, even into my own town, so it would be easier to see Chickadee. Sadly, they are moving farther away, which would make Nightingale’s two round trips (picking her up and taking her back) even longer. 😦 But I am still praying that God will do “something” in this.


    Mumsee – Not sure that I can honestly rejoice with her, but I did express interest in the house they are moving into.

    I know that they’ve never been able to afford to rent a house (although I didn’t say anything about that to Chickadee) so I was wondering if they would be renting the whole house or only a portion, like in our house. The house is small – 950 sq.ft. – so yes, they will be renting the whole house. It has three bedrooms, whereas their current apartment only had two, so I’m sure that the extra bedroom is exciting, although two of the girls will still have to share a room. I didn’t ask yet, but I am assuming that as the older daughter, YA will have her own room, and Chickadee and CBF (Chickadee’s Best Friend) will share a room.


  31. Kathaleena – Yeah, I was wondering how much they’ve accumulated since they had cleaned out so much before they left here. Hopefully for them, it won’t be as bad as it was when they moved from here.

    I continue to pray for her to “see through” them, so to speak, such as recognizing the dysfunction in the family. I’ve also prayed that perhaps the parents will decide that this is a good time to tell her that it is time for her to go back to her own family.

    And yeah, not only was I glad to hear from her, but also that she said she has been thinking of writing me an email with further information. (I have to admit that that has me both curious and a little nervous, wondering what else does she have to say?) But one time she mentioned that she would email me, and she didn’t get around to it, so please pray that she will indeed email me with whatever it is that she wants to say. Thank you.


  32. Re: meatloaf sandwiches. Yes on the mayo. I like mayo on the bottom piece of bread (or bun) and a little ketchup on the top. But I can do without the ketchup if not available, as I’m not a big ketchup fan, unlike my grandson who loves it.

    As for relish, please keep it out of my tuna, thank you very much. 🙂 But yes, it goes in ham salad.


  33. I did my typical online church. I have just not been up to in person church yet. It was good that I was online since my K friend watched and I could acknowledge her with friendly chat. Most of the online watchers will do a like, but I think online church guests deserve more. When I was on that short moving adventure and only was online for church a few moments, I was sad to see later no one said anything, ‘virtually’ nothing to her, and that means I have to add another checkmark on my list of reasons to stay or leave. We are suppose to be a friendly church . . . sigh.

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  34. Janice – I understand your reluctance to go back. It was hard for me, too, and I waited longer than needed after my vaccination to start up again. Plus, you are unsure if you want to continue in this church, so that also plays into your feelings. Praying that God will guide you in the way you should go.


  35. So sorry to hear you missed a good program, DJ. I was fortunate to watch a great presentation on Zoom last night by a lady in our Word Weaver’s group. She was practicing for her conference presentation for the Jane Austin Society. The program was about Satiracle Cartoons regarding the church in the days of Jane Austin. Greed and gluttony held top spots for portrayal. One fascinating cartoon featured a high level clergy man with a pig undre his arm running from a family telling him to take their baby, too, since the pig was their tithe and they had no way to ferd the baby without their pig.


  36. Wirtten by the World (national) editor I missed hearing and meeting yesterday.



    A sure word
    Applying Scripture to our hearts, not just our politics

    One of the more interesting moments in a recent Texas State Senate hearing on voting laws came when a leader of a watchdog group quoted from 2 Peter to underscore the importance of election security: “Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.”

    “I love that Scripture,” the woman told the Senate panel, “because this is what our [election] watchers do.” The next speaker politely noted: “I do believe Saint Peter was talking about the election of the saints, not the election of Texas state senators.”

    A few weeks later, after former President Donald Trump urged an audience in Alabama to get a COVID-19 vaccine, a rally-goer told CNN she doesn’t trust the government or the media: “I think it is a time when God is separating the sheep from the goats.” She added, “I’m a goat, because I ain’t a sheep. I’m not doing what they tell me to do.”

    Misunderstanding or misusing Scripture to make a point isn’t new, and it’s not relegated to one side of the political spectrum.

    When President Joe Biden defended his administration’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August, he commended the sacrificial service of the U.S. military by quoting from the book of Isaiah, where the Lord says, “Whom shall I send? Who shall go for us?” Biden added: “The American military’s been answering for a long time, ‘Here I am, Lord, send me.’”

    But Paul Miller, a research fellow with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (and a U.S. veteran who served in Afghanistan), wrote about the problem with Biden’s analogy: “It says U.S. troops are like Isaiah, and their mission is akin to preaching God’s truth.”

    Miller noted he’s not against an appropriate use of Scripture in public speech, “But Biden’s use of Isaiah was wildly out of context and did violence to what the text actually meant. It just came off as an attempt to borrow the gravitas and moral authority of religious-sounding rhetoric for political purposes.”

    If borrowing religious rhetoric for political purposes is a common temptation, perhaps it’s less common to do what’s more difficult: apply Scripture first to ourselves. Here’s a helpful place to start: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” …

    That’s not a checklist for the timid but a framework for the godly. While we rightly wrestle with how to apply the Bible to confusing conundrums, and though Christians sometimes disagree, the Scriptures provide a clear guide for how we ought to conduct ourselves in the process.

    The more intense the environment—political or otherwise—the greater the opportunity to follow Christ, who perfectly embodied the fruit of the Spirit in a corrupt and sinful world. Jesus didn’t hold back righteous indignation, but He also didn’t withhold kindness from sinners, including His closest friends. …


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  37. I am gonna be tired tomorrow! Last night I had trouble getting to sleep, and then woke up earlier than I wanted this morning.

    And for tonight, Nightingale and Boy asked me if they could watch the Patriots vs. the Buccaneers game down here in my living room, as I have cable and they don’t (and they don’t get any channels upstairs). Well, the game doesn’t even start until 8:20, so it is going to be a late night for all of us, and we all have to be up early in the morning – Nightingale for work, and Boy and I to get him off to school.

    The reason they want to see this game is because former Patriot quarterback Tom Brady is now with the Buccaneers, so it should be particularly interesting to Patriots fans. (Although my grandson has turned traitor, and is going to root for the Buccaneers because of Brady. 😀 )

    I often have trouble going to sleep on Sunday nights anyway, so I figure I might as well let them watch. It might be fun. (Nightingale just went up to the store to buy snacks. 🙂 )

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  38. DJ – That part about applying scripture to ourselves reminds me of how surprised and disappointed I was when YA shared her favorite scriptures with me, the ones that “resonate” (her word) with her.

    One was about not praying in public for show (although she seems to think that it applies to public prayer in general), and the one about how it is as hard for a rich man to enter Heaven as for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Since she neither prays in public, nor is she rich, it struck me that she loves those verses because they point a seemingly condemning finger at those she dislikes. That made me sad, and concerned for her.


  39. “because they point a seemingly condemning finger at those she dislikes.”

    That is our human nature, to be sure. We are, by nature, quick to see and point out the sin in others, way slower to do so (when we even do) in ourselves. Humility.

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  40. The rain is picking up and I heard the first thunder rumbles.

    Son had his first real guest visting over the weekend. It was a friend from his Covenant days who though married was able to visit by himself since his wife had a conference for her work. The friend is quite familiar with the area so acted like a tour guide. I am glad they had a good visit.

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  41. I haven’t been to in person church since mid June. I simply cannot worship with a mask on. So I stay home and download the powerpoint and listen to the audio.

    I had decided it was time to return and worship with others this week. Then our new measures say that only 20 can gather at a time. So, I don’t think anyone went other than those handling the service.

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  42. dj, the PCA church that son has been attending has that format of Q&A after the sermon as their adult group Sunday morning gathering. I think he said they serve breakfast foods between the service and Q&A time.


  43. Yes, the off and on with the masks is tiresome. I saw on the email that masks are again required for our ladies’ group meeting. I totally missed out on the masks optional for the fully vaccinated.

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  44. It is a beautiful evening in this forest…the sun shining deeply into the pines with shadows falling on the forest floor. It is evenings like this that cause me to breathe deeply and sigh …
    Two couples at our church have been out with Covid…all had been vaccinated. One couple ended up in the hospital with the husband coming so close to being hooked up to the ventilator. He is having a rough time of it but they allowed him to come home this morning. The wife is in my Bible study on Tuesday mornings…I probably won’t be seeing her in the coming weeks… 😞 The other couple are doing ok but the wife with this couple is in my Thursday Bible study…she has already said she is laying low for the next several weeks.
    Kizzie I am praying for Chcikadee and her move…and the fact she responded to you is encouraging I think…

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  45. I have yet to hear how we are meeting for our team meeting tomorrow night. Last time it was decided late that it would be hybrid because of not having a quorom otherwise. It is tricky for me with not driving at night if it is only in person.

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  46. For the record…I put sweet pickle relish and chopped celery in tuna salad.
    Mayo goes on meatloaf sandwiches…with onions…and if one has french fries they should be dipped in mayo….not ketchup! 🙃

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  47. For a long time — until July — we had two in-person services (along w/livestream), one with masks and other protocols required, the other without. For a long time, one had to make email reservations to attend the mask-required service so they could provide for social distancing. I think I reserved only once, but before long we went back to our single service w/an added outdoor space w/a screen (most don’t wear masks there now, either).

    I will say being vaccinated helps free one up to some degree these days (speaking of just feeling protected, at least somewhat). I’m guessing many in our congregation have chosen not to be vaccinated.

    On it goes.

    Our numbers in LA are (again) going down and/or stabilizing. I’m hoping this delta variant has sucked all the air out of the variant room and it will be out final surge in these parts. But time will tell.

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  48. I will be able to go to bed at a decent time after all. Nightingale and Boy discovered that although they don’t have cable upstairs, their Roku TV has a way to watch some channels. So they are enjoying the football game upstairs. 🙂

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  49. No. No. No. If you are ever forced to eat potatoes in French fry form, use mustard. And lots of salt.

    Mayo should never have been invented. When mixing up tuna, simply add mustard. And pickles. No mayo. Ever. It does not belong on this planet. But if you must have it, do not let it touch the bread. Ever. At all. I can not help my response if you do. But it has been the same response for sixty four years. And it should never be allowed in the same room as meatloaf, which requires mustard.

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  50. Well, Mumsee, then it is a good thing that you and I live so far apart, because mayo is my favorite condiment. 🙂

    The only sandwich I don’t put it on is peanut-butter-and-jelly. 🙂

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  51. I was taught to make homemade mayonnaise in Home Ec classes in the 10th grade! What they taught in high school was scandalous!! (Of course I was thinking the entire time “why don’t we just go over to the grocery and buy some?!””

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  52. Art and I have been watching the game, too. He is for New England. In truth, he has been watching it, and I have been and out of the room seeing maybe a quarter of the game. I know I could say, seeing the quarterback, but I won’t. I cooked some beets which were taking forever to get done so I was up and down checking on those. And I kept wondering what Kizzie had for snacks. The beets were good but not a typical game snack. Art had some Honey Bunches of Oats for his game time snack.


  53. I use a lot of mayo in foods because it was what Art’s mom used a lot. My mother did not use much mayo. I use to love to dip fries in ketchup. Fried chicken is good with honey drizzled over it. Popcorn shrimp need red sauce for dipping. Lobster needs dipping clarified butter. The hummus dip with baby carrots is good, too. No to mayo with french fries.


  54. Nancyjill, exactly.

    We were a Miracle Whip household.

    I had to duck out to the grocery store so missed a big chunk of “the game.” I have no loyalty ties to New England, Tom Brady or Florida, so I’m not all that engaged in this one.

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  55. ~ Miracle Whip was originally developed as a cheaper alternative to mayo. It contains the same ingredients, but less oil.

    In addition, Miracle Whip contains water, sugar, and a unique blend of spices. It comes in a few different varieties, including original, light, and fat-free versions.

    Both are commonly used as condiments for sandwiches, bases for dips and salad dressings, and in recipes, such as tuna, egg, and chicken salads. ~


  56. Well, mustard can be acceptable in tuna, in some cases. It’s a decent calorie saver.

    Hey, I got 100 a couple posts back.

    Is that still “a thing”?


  57. Nobody cares. That is so yesterday.

    We also were only Miracle Whip. I used to eat it on lettuce and tomato salad. More Miracle Whip than lettuce or tomato. Perhaps that is where I went wrong.

    And long ago, I used to mix it with tuna. But never ever on bread. Ever. Ewwwww.


  58. We were a Miracle Whip family too. Then I met Paul…his family served real mayonnaise!! I married up… 😊
    Mom had us make our own salad dressing as well. Miracle whip, sweet pickle juice and sugar…yep…that is what we had on our tossed salad and our Cole slaw….


  59. Well, turns out that Goroka is a hot spot for covid. I am ready to say no, but three others are going so I feel that I need to.

    Please pray for protection tomorrow.

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  60. Morning! I’ve been up since 3…husband and dog are heading to Tarryall for an all day hike. I will be meeting with girlfriends this afternoon for coffee and fellowship.
    Chas you mentioned breakfast and I realized I am out of Cheerios for breakfast! I am on my second cup of coffee though ☕️

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