Prayer Requests 8-14-19

It’s Wednesday, so don’t forget Ajissun and the folks in The Gambia.

Anyone else?

Psalm 11

In the Lord I take refuge.
    How then can you say to me:
    “Flee like a bird to your mountain.
For look, the wicked bend their bows;
    they set their arrows against the strings
   to shoot from the shadows
    at the upright in heart.
When the foundations are being destroyed,
    what can the righteous do?”

The Lord is in his holy temple;
    the Lord is on his heavenly throne.
   He observes everyone on earth;
    his eyes examine them.
The Lord examines the righteous,
    but the wicked, those who love violence,
    he hates with a passion.
On the wicked he will rain
    fiery coals and burning sulfur;
    a scorching wind will be their lot.

For the Lord is righteous,
    he loves justice;
    the upright will see his face.

6 thoughts on “Prayer Requests 8-14-19

  1. Please pray for my work situation and for BG. It seems my world is imploding right now and I feel that most things are out of my control. All I think I can do is hang on for the ride and see how everything settles.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. The grandfather of one of my students received a devastating diagnosis yesterday — a brain tumor, and 3 months to live if it can’t safely be removed. Please join me in praying for successful surgery, and for the whole family during this difficult time. Thanks.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Thanks, Mumsee.

    Follow up to these requests from the August 9 prayer thread:

    My husband and I had a good late-night talk (after midnight, I think!) about situations in his and my extended families (parents and siblings). I need to have another talk with my siblings about certain matters related to what hubby and I discussed. Pray for wisdom in my words. He gave me a lot of good insights, and I hope to apply them well in my conversation with my sibs and their spouses. Thanks. … Email typed, proofed, and sent. We’ll see how it’s received. Thank you for your prayers.

    Update: My mom and three of my four siblings received my words well. The other sibling & spouse did not respond. (Not surprising.)

    I’m at peace. My husband and I largely share the same opinion about the extended-family situation, and he let me decide how to ultimately handle it. It doesn’t matter that some of my extended family may not like my decision. They’re entitled to their opinion while we do what we feel is in the best needs of our immediate family.

    Thank you, all.

    Liked by 4 people

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