80 thoughts on “Our Daily Thread 3-30-19

  1. Peter @ 10:24 yesterday.
    I always figured that God didn’t care. If he didn’t want men in space, he could prevent it.
    People used to say, “If God meant for people to fly, he would have given them wings”
    But, in a practical sense, men are bound to earth. I can’t think of a practical reason that mankind cans escape the physical constraints earth imposes.

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  2. In the mornings, I dress, check my mail, check the blog, sign in, and t urn on the TV to see if anything important is happening.
    FoxNews headline “Founding fathers under attack”
    That tells me all I need to know.
    There is no news,

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  3. Morning! Anyone want to make a snowman?! ⛄️ it is still falling and it is cold! Yesterday we had rain then snow. The Springs got 3 inches of hail and east of the Springs in Falcon they had a tornado….we get all kinds of crazy weather this Spring! I am staying in today…..

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  4. Good morning, All! Foggy here and around thirty five. I don’t plan to hatch out any chicks until mid May. Planning to attend a grandson’s first birthday early May and won’t be here to tend the flock. Everybody needs to be stable.

    What kind of chicks, rKessler?


  5. Free ones. You get 6 free chicks for each bag of feed. We have americanas, buff orpingtons. Barred rocks. And Rhode island reds. April picked me up 30 of them. This way I can share with grands latet.

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  6. We are mostly Rhode Island and Aracauna with whatever local 4H people drop off after the show. And, at the behest of one of the growns, giant chickens. Jersey Giants. We have had lots of good layers, now working on sizing them up a bit. The Giants are as gentle as they say. Just picked up a rooster a couple of days ago, when I was feeding the goats, and put him in with the hens. Picked up another this morning from the turkey pen, no idea how he got in there, and put him in with the hens. Now we will wait a couple of weeks to start gathering eggs for hatching and see what we come up with.

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  7. I have various breeds in my laying flock. I order a bargain package from murray mcmurray. I like diversity in my hens as well as my friends.

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  8. We got a bit of snow, but no nearly enough to build a snowman. The robins have returned and are busy looking for nest material and things to eat.

    We have seen a skunk under the feeder, which needs to go.

    My grandson may get some skiing in, after all, as late in the season as it is.

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  9. Today is the day our grandbaby comes, bringing her parents with her! The parents are going to an adults-only wedding (I personally disagree with such a concept on principle–a wedding is a community celebration, and children should grow up attending weddings and funerals–though I can understand why parents wouldn’t want to take a seven-month-old infant to a wedding). We’ll have her for about seven hours, and I know already I’ll have diaper duty and probably most of her care. We won’t have much time today to visit with her parents, but they’ll attend church with us tomorrow and then eat lunch with us and go home. ❤

    I have had very little infant experience in recent years–I'm not nervous about it, as I'm good with babies, but realistically I haven't had much, and was hoping she wouldn't yet be crawling and for the last week she has been starting to army crawl, though she wasn't (as of the report) very fast yet.

    Between the electrician last week and our work this week to prepare for them, we have done much to get the house in order, and it already looks much different than when our younger daughter surprised my husband a few weeks ago.

    I'm also continuing to get back to back editing projects, with the publisher for the one I'm working on now already tapping me for another one immediately after I finish it. So far no gap to take a few days to strip wallpaper–but the income is more important, and my husband is in agreement on that. Next up in terms of purchases for the house is closet organizers, for our bedroom and his closet–and that will really help us to get more stuff organized and "away."

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  10. We’re at D1’s today. The grandchildren are excited because a friend is giving them some fertilized eggs to hatch. They have an incubator ready, as well as a small cage. They’ll keep the chicks until they’re too big to stay indoors.

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  11. Nice photo!

    I slept for 9-10 hours last night, I was in bed by 9 and probably asleep before 10 after reading for a while. I was really tired — and how wonderful to realize “It’s Saturday, it really is this time” (I thought Wednesday was Saturday briefly after just waking up earlier this week).

    I talked to Carol last night, we’re trying to figure out how to get the money she owes me into my hands. Seems it’ll only happen if I can drive up and use her ATM card to get the money out myself. But this month is out already, she “miscalculated” and bought some things for herself after getting paid 2 days ago so now it’ll be next month. She also had to postpone a party she was going to give her boyfriend as the money for the cake she was going to order flew out the window as part of the same shopping miscalculation. I know she also owes money to a couple people at the residence but she usually manages to get them paid up front. And at east she’s been getting her phone bill paid each month along with the rent.

    Just as well, I wasn’t up to a long drive today. I’m going to putter, water the plants, pay some bills, read — and probably not do a whole lot more.

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  12. It’s lunch or dinner, or brunch time wherever you are in the states. I hope it’s tasty! I had eggs and coffee with a snack later of Cheetos. My brother took me to the library to drop off videos, to Kroger pharmacy for Art’s meds, to the bank, and to Sam’s for gas, to pay my bill, and to buy a few food products. I saw the Cheetos and got them because my brother likes them so I could give him part of the big bag. I always want to give him something when he is here. We saw the geese at Sam’s. I would have tried for a photo, but we were in a hurry since he needed to get to the office to help Art.

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  13. My brother was commenting as we were driving home about seeing a school bus at a Dairy Queen and how he thinks the school Kids get such treats while on field trips or going out to eat (after a game) paid for by our tax dollars. I told him I did not think it works that way. I said the schools have fundraisers or parents pay for the expense or the children do not get to participate. We were borderline in an argument. I told him how teachers sometimes cover expenses for children when their parents can’t. I said how at the preschool I had covered an expense for a child so he would not be the only one left behind for a field trip. I also explained how money and school supplies are donated to help our local schools so the teachers don’t have to foot the bill for supplies. It was like he had never heard of any of that. Are there school systems that use tax money for special meals or activities for their students? I was shocked to think my brother was under that impression. He was saying we never got such treats on the taxpayer’s money back in the day.


  14. I remember when I was young that we would go to a feed store and get baby chicks. I liked the smell of the chicks or was it the feed that I smelled. I think we brought them home in a big cardboard box and my Father kept them in a little pen he’d made in our basement until they were large enough to stay out in the chicken house and fenced in area by that. I remember all those peeping sounds from the basement. They were so cute. We were the only family around with chickens in our backyard. Don’t you know the neighbors loved hearing our roosters crowing?

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  15. Since God is sovereign, space travel was/is certainly no mistake or surprise to God, though its results can be either beneficial to us or not, a blessing or a curse over time, probably a mix of both. So far it seems to have been a positive step but not a major life-changing one (yet?).

    Creativity I believe is one of God’s communicable attributes he shares with us. Humans are always pushing forward to create the next thing. We won’t ever stop doing that, we’re hard-wired that way. Sometimes God causes it all to backfire on us lest we get too full of ourselves. But most advances are a mixed bag in terms of making life better or worse for people. Using these advancements wisely and for good — and not recklessly to cause harm — is always the bigger challenge for mankind.

    Medical science seems to be on the brink of some significant new abilities that could identify and control genetic predispositions toward diseases in the future. Life spans could be extended and some illnesses possibly eliminated. But then others may crop up.

    Ultimately, God is sovereign, we’re not — and that’s not one of his attributes he shares with us. 🙂 In all things, he has a purpose, we just can’t fully see the outcome on this side of eternity.

    In my lifetime, I’m thinking computer technology and how that’s changed so much in way we access information, do our jobs, bank and shop — just about everything — will be the sea-change development.

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  16. I think of breakfast as anywhere between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. From 9 a.m. to11 a.m. is brunch. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is lunch, and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. is dinner. Am I off track with my thinking? This does not apply to shift workers.

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  17. I’d extend breakfast out to 9 am during the week and 11 am on Saturday, and don’t usually think about brunch separately, but otherwise I’m with you, Janice. My stomach is telling me it’s mealtime, and my clock tells me it’s lunch!

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  18. My grandfather was a chicken rancher and my mother detested chickens. I often think I’ll get some, but then, who would take care of them, etc.

    At this point, too, I’m sure my cat would want to get involved . . . all the mice appear to be gone from the yard (though, who knew there were any back there?) Sigh.

    I’m like DJ. Happy to hang around the house and do nothing. But–all that weeding that needs to be done, books to the library, etc. Who knows what will happen next?

    I’m glad there’s nothing pressing.

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  19. Feeding on field trips: different parents seem to cover the costs for extras but the students get a sack lunch from the cafeteria if they are in that program if the event is during the day. We tried to get our children to eat partially healthily on those trips but too many other parents felt sorry for them and bought them pop etc. We don’t send anything now and our children have never starved.

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  20. In our little town, the booster club and PTO raise money and sponsor the driver, the bus, and the meal excursion. If it is during the day, the school will send a sack lunch.

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  21. Did any of you get in much trouble in school (or at home) when you were children and/or teens?

    I was a good kid mostly, but skipped school a couple times with friends in high school. Didn’t get caught, though. In my freshman year of high school, I smoked a bit with my best friend, and later in high school I did a little bit of drinking, but never got drunk. (To this day, I have been tipsy once, but never actually drunk. Never had a hangover.) Never got caught doing those things, either.

    As a younger child, maybe around fifth grade, I was once grounded for two or three weeks from a new tire swing my dad had put up for me. Knowing I wasn’t allowed to wear sandals to school, I sneaked them with me one day to change into. Stupidly, I left the note I wrote to myself to do so on my dresser, and my mom saw it while I was in school.

    The funny part about it all? It rained that day, so I never even changed into those sandals. 😀

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  22. Grandma Cheryl got an angry young lady to sleep. She’s at the “strangers are yucky” stage, and she was not at all happy when that long car ride didn’t end up at home, nor when she was left with two people who weren’t Mommy and Daddy. But the pauses between crying jags got gradually longer, and eventually a crying jag wasn’t angry any more, and she went to sleep. But it was about an hour before she did. Here’s hoping she wakes up cheerful and ready to play!

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  23. My garage — I had to go in there to pull a few things out and search for something I never found but It’s certainly not as neat as it once was. The painters were in and out, things got shifted, they decided to “re-organize” it for me at some point but they truly didn’t have the knack that the other guy had back when we were preparing for the new garage door and we spent a week hauling all of mom’s storage boxes out and going through everything. He put everything back so neatly. It’s not as crazy as it was but it’s a bit of a hodgepodge again. Most of the containers are clear plastic so at least I can kind of see what’s in most of them.

    I found a broken vase on the floor in there, I don’t think it was valuable but if it was an antique it could have been my kitchen remodel. Oh well. Into the trash.

    Painters left behind an empty paper coffee cup and empty water bottle.

    On the plus side I did find a new box of pens and pencils in the container where a lot of the office-y desk stuff went. Can always use those!

    Meanwhile, I have all those cute yellow blossoms coming up which no doubt are weeds (or wildflowers as I prefer to call them), but I think they’re pushing out my Mexican sage. I checked on PlantSnap and they’re “Oca” plants.

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  24. Not sure how much I slept last night. Felt like I was awake all night.
    I will go to church this morning to put out the offering baskets and then tell someone how to collect them. After that I will come home and go back to bed.

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  25. Ok so mr P and I are taking melatonin chewable and putting lavender on our big toes. I am also drinking yogi bedtime tea. Something is working. Next up is culinary lavender.

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  26. Remembering what I got in trouble for in school takes me back to the day I got caught letting a friend see my answers on a test. I wanted to be popular, and that sort of thing was big at my school. A friend and I left campus to get hamburgers for lunch when we were seniors. We got detention hall. During the Vietnam war there was a letter writing campaign to soldiers. I got in trouble for doing that during class time. I accidentally knocked an ornament off of our class Christmas tree. That was big trouble. I laughed at a class clowns actions and got in trouble instead of him getting in trouble. Those last three were all from a teacher who seemed to hate me. I got a D in study hall because all the students in there were rowdy. I usually got A’s in conduct. I did not ever do drugs or alcohol like many in my high school did. I had a friend ask when I was fourteen if I had ever been kissed, and I was embarrassed to say no. Overall I had a good group of second tier friends. Most were not in the most popular group except that one I told about that I watched the walk on the moon with. She was the one who asked about the kiss. She always had boyfriends, but I did not until a bit later, and it never lasted long. I am sure I got into trouble for some other things, but mostly school and child sitting jobs or other jobs as I got older took up time when others may have been getting into trouble.

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  27. I was a pretty compliant boy who valued my reputation as well-behaved, so I didn’t get into trouble much. The glaring exception was the time when my school friend Paul and I decided to “beat up” Gary. We were all about 10. Gary had been my next door neighbor and on-and-off friend since we were 4. I don’t think we injured Gary or drew blood, just knocked him down on the grass in my front yard and pummeled him a bit, but he cried and went home.

    Later Gary and his mother came to our door and told my mother what had happened. She was horrified and of course made me apologize. After they left she asked me why I did it, and all I could come up with was “because he’s dumb”. “That’s no reason!” she said, of course. I think Paul had gone home by that time and I don’t know that his parents ever heard about it.

    That was completely out of character for both Paul and me. We were the bullied, never the bullies. I really don’t know what got into us.

    Gary and I remained on-and-off friends through junior high, and didn’t see much of each other in high school. If I ever see him again I’d like to give him a more sincere apology than the one I probably gave him that day.

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  28. “oxalis tuberosa? An edible? in your backyard?”

    Um, Mumsee? These days, using “edible” as a noun usually (or at least often) refers to goodies with marijuana in them. 😀


  29. Hello all, I have been at the hospital, doing stuff, these past three days. I have a couple more days left. Keep praying. The situation is interesting, and I am learning some things about myself along the way. I am beginning to see there is a larger purpose at work in God allowing this to happen than I understand. I just want to do the right thing, and what that is in this situation is not always apparent. The future still seems uncertain to me, so I can only live from day to day.

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  30. I went “steady” with two different fellows for two short stints. One went to a different high school, and I wore his class ring for a short time. After I went away to college, my best friend in the class after my class dated him some. The other guy probably let me wear his ID bracelet or jacket for about a week before he broke up with me. Then he and that same best friend had a more serious relationship where marriage was discussed. The friend and I are still friends, and I have no idea whatever happened to the fellows. I had a few other dates in high school but those were most memorable for the “going steady.” Back then going steady basically meant kissing and holding hands to us.

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  31. I was pretty good, though I slugged my boy cousin and knocked him flat on our uncle’s farm in Iowa.

    I had cause. And that’s all I’ll say.

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  32. On Kizzie’s QOD: My school was my home. Was I a troublemaker? No. I was the model child in Sunday School and AWANA, always learning my memory verses and having answers to the questions. A few yeas ago, my family and I encountered one of my former Sunday School teachers from when I was about six or seven, who admitted to my mother that I had intimidated her with my Bible knowledge. Outside of academics (because, to me, Sunday School was an exercise in academics), I was awkward and shy, and tried not to do anything to attract undue attention. When I did come out with something in social situations, I think it surprised people so much that I had spoken that they would just stare at me. I would then conclude that whatever I had said had been all wrong, which drove me further into my shell. My elder siblings did much to encourage this perception, as Second was, at the behest of Eldest (who was like me, quiet and shy), a veritable drill sergeant of seemly deportment. We sometimes laugh over her strictures on our (Youngest sibling and I) behaviour now, but then it was all important to me. Youngest was irrepressible, and committed such grave faux pas as quarreling with a playmate over who was the taller one right in the middle of Sunday School with cheerful unconcern.

    In our teens, we were under the thrall of ATI, and were model teens who did nothing wrong. It would have been better if we had made mistakes then, because part of my learning right now is learning to make mistakes while being a student (I was still under the influence of ATI’s teaching when I went to college in my early twenties, and making mistakes was unthinkable for me then). It is a much harder lesson to learn in one’s thirties.

    As for boyfriends, that would have been unthinkable. ATI encouraged 14 and 15 year old girls to make a commitment to not date boys for seven years in their youth conferences. We were to save ourselves for the courtship of whomever our parents approved. Eldest actually attempted to follow that pattern with her future husband, who had caught us all off guard by writing a letter (this was just before email caught on) asking, after one meeting, to correspond with Eldest. Eldest had my father go through all the ATI rigmarole, which, Eldest In-law later admitted, caught Eldest In-law off guard (he had not, needless to say, been raised in ATI and was a relatively new Christian). To Eldest In-law’s credit, he did not flinch, and they have been happily married nearly two decades now. Youngest also never quite moved away from the ATI model, although she modified it by going out on a few preliminary dates with one young man who got intimidated by the parental talk – we did not mourn his loss. Her future spouse seemed ideal when he voluntarily took the ATI approach of speaking to the father. The result, I have spoken about on here. Second waited until her early thirties to throw over convention entirely, and was the first to express interest to her future husband, nearly two years before he reciprocated. It was a hard two years, but the end result has been worth it.

    I do not know what I would do. I really have not encountered anyone who was eligible, and that is not due to unreasonable expectations. I really do mean I have not encountered anyone close enough in age and maturity that was not already spoken for. I had to laugh at a recent article shared on FB for singles that recommended looking for one’s spouse on the mission field – the writer must have been writing for men. Mission fields are dominated by single women and the ratio in West Africa was 9-0 for single women to single men. Oh, I had proposals of marriage, but I had no desire to be wife number three or four. Men tended to propose upon first meeting – I recall walking through the clinic one day and a man standing at one of the national nurse’s desk stopped me and asked my name. I told him my West African name, and then he tried to grasp my hand (a cultural signal of a closer relationship) and said he wanted to marry me (I only understood single words of the language then, but I recognized the word for marriage). I did not know the proper way of refusing, so I could only evade his hand, mutter the language’s word for no, and continue on my way. All of the single women had experienced similar proposals over the years, so there was nothing special about me.

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  33. I was not a good teenager. I ran around with my friends, skipped school, smoked pot, had a boyfriend. I think my parents let me get married at 17 because they couldn’t stand me any more, as I was not pregnant.

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  34. Oh, you are counting beating people up. A boy asked me to marry him in first grade but I knocked him down. And a girl taunted me for months until I slapped her. She was the Methodist minister’s daughter. She never taunted me again. I think that was in eighth grade. I was not sorry.

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  35. I forgot a detail in that proposal story – after learning my name, the man asked how my husband was (a common enough greeting question, but one that gained a special significance for we single women, since we got to know what was coming next when a man who had never met us before asked it). It was when I answered I did not have a husband that he tried to propose. Later on, I learned to say, when the proposal came, that my parents would be angry if I married there, as I figured, in a culture that practiced arranged marriages, they would understand that as being a significant obstacle – although one man announced his intention of calling on my compound (a term that not only referred to an actual compound, but also indicated the household or family living there) after I used that excuse. He never came to my knowledge, although I would not be surprised if our guards did not have to send a few would-be suitors away, which they would have done willingly, as even if our guards did not understand us, they did evidently consider themselves our protectors.

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  36. Kizzie, thank you for suggesting I check Facebook. I have done so several times. There are dozens of people with Gary’s name, none referencing our home town or school or with a profile picture that looked like my Gary.

    However prompted by your reminder, I looked again this evening. I still couldn’t identify Gary directly, but I found him by finding his sister first. I’ve sent him a friend request – stay tuned.

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  37. Baby S crying and refusing sleep, but for the last half hour she has been someone else’s problem. I sent my husband to bed before they came home, since he was tired and I was afraid if he was still up when they came home, it might end up being a late night, which he didn’t need. (And they probably don’t, either.) Since it was after 10 when they got home, going off to bed seemed the better option for this evening.

    It was mostly a sweet afternoon with her. After I was the one who handled her for that angry hour before she went to sleep, she awoke happy–but didn’t want me to leave the room. She was OK with my husband, but didn’t really want him holding her and didn’t want to be left alone with him–I was her “safe” person then. But now she is telling her parents all about it, and it doesn’t sound like she is saying good things.

    We read books, I set her on the piano stool and let her “play” a bit, we played with her, and we cared for her in all the ways a baby needs care, including helping her go to sleep. I hope she won’t be awake too much longer now!

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  38. I sort of had a girlfriend. Starting in our junior year we had almost identical class schedules, so we ended up hanging out together most of the day and by senior year everyone considered us a couple.

    We were both in third and fourth year German, so we knew enough of it to speak it as much as possible. That was challenging when we were on the phone after school working on Chemistry homework together.

    It wasn’t really a dating relationship. Neither of us went out evenings. We occasionally bicycled over to Dairy Queen after school. Our only serious date was the night we graduated. They used to open up Disneyland for “Grad Night” something like 10 pm to 4 am. The schools would bus graduates to the park. Tickets were $20 apiece, and I paid for both of us. Our only kiss was when she gave me one on the cheek when I took her home at 6 am.

    We kept in touch through college and for a couple years after, and I attended her wedding, but lost track of them soon after.

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  39. Oh, DJ!

    My siblings seemed to agree that 75% male was a good proportion for my parents’ grandchildren. Each of my married siblings who has had children had one girl; two of them had two boys and two of them had four boys, bringing the average to three. (Then one adopted a boy and a girl and one remarried after his wife died and brought in two stepsons–so that was still the 75% number, until I married!) Anyway, my brother with four sons saw his oldest son marry first, then two or three years later his other three sons married. (One hadn’t been planning to marry that year, but his future wife was in the military for another country and he had a chance to “buy her out”–pay a fee to release her from the rest of her contract–and she wanted out, and so he did.)

    That year they sent out a letter at Christmas (in addition to their customary photo card) explaining who had married whom. All the sons were well into their twenties, even the youngest being maybe 23 or 24 at the time. The note explained this son married the military girl he had met overseas; this son married his high school girlfriend; and this youngest son married his kindergarten girlfriend. Nothing like living in the same area all of your life, huh? (Our daughter who is visiting us married a man she had a crush on in high school, but hadn’t dated. A few months after she graduated from college, and was living back at home, he showed up at our church one day. His best friend and wife were attending, and had encouraged him to come too, and he did. And one day that best friend’s wife encouraged him to ask out our daughter, and he did. And the rest is history!)

    My husband went to bed about 9:30, using the bathroom fan for white noise to cover the crying, and slept till after 8:00! I went to bed about 11:00, taking a melatonin to help make sure that crying wouldn’t bother me, and I too slept till just about 8:00. Hopefully the young family slept well too. I can hear fussing now.

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  40. Well, son’s broken arm must not hurt too badly as he rode off to town on his bike this morning, declining an offer of a ride to church. The first hill is probably the biggest and he made it up that without slowing down.

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  41. I have some kind of issue with the washer & kitchen sink, I wound up with a bit of a flood last night, water all over half of the kitchen floor when kitchen sink took on washer water and overflowed (it normally takes on water from the washer, previous owner told me it was set up to do that and I shouldn’t be alarmed, but it has never overflowed until now).

    I cleaned up most of it before going to bed and got up early to finish as some of the water also had gotten onto the counter space.

    Basically, the plumbing set up in there is wacky, I was told, with washer & kitchen sink & dishwasher all sharing one drain. But re-plumbing it all to be more sensible and efficient would cost more than I have right now.

    Real Estate Guy thinks getting a plumber to clear the line will fix it but I’m not sure. The kitchen sink runs fine. Maybe I can just have a plumber come over to take a look and then give me his assessment & estimate.

    And this is not a good time for yet another big expense. 😦 Between the car and the house, I’ve been bleeding money ever since the year started.

    Shoulda married a plumber. But that’s water under the bridge — and all over the kitchen floor.

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  42. Plumbers are difficult to find these days. 😦

    I was considered the ‘good one’ in my family, but I was, by no means, perfect. I skipped school one day with some others. I was the only one who went back after lunch, because it bothered me so much. I just wrote my own note. I always wrote my own notes for school and my mom just signed them anyway. This time I just signed for her. The school accepted that from me, but never would have from one of my brothers.

    I was kicked out of a Spanish class (sorry our resident Spanish teacher) because I couldn’t stop laughing. A few years earlier, when I attended Catholic school, a nun slapped me for the same reason. I did not tell anyone at home about either of these instances, of course.

    Remembering your own immaturity or stupidity gives one hope for the young people you love. If course, it can scare you to death too. I can come up with a lot of immaturity and stupidity.

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  43. I contacted a local plumber who is highly rated on NextDoor — just to see what he’d charge to come out and assess what the problem might be.

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  44. Well, our kids are on their way back home after a good visit. Other than our hours of caregiving, I didn’t really get to hold Baby S, since she wanted only her parents and would cry if one of us picked her up. We plan to go up for Mother’s Day, and hopefully she will be past that stage by then!!

    They enjoyed attending church with us, and people from church besieged them to meet them, many of them remembering the baby’s name as they met her. They got to be the first guests in our new dining room, at our new dining room table, using our repurposed chairs (the ones we bought from a restaurant the girls grew up visiting on spring break trips). My husband and I worked together to fix lunch (he cooked the burgers and sliced the onion, and I prepared everything else); I love working together as a team with him. And afterward the men talked and the women talked for a couple of hours, and then all four of us talked together for maybe another hour. It was a blessed time.

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  45. Our washing machines just drain out into a ditch next to the street. Actually so does the shower, I believe. We do have a septic tank for that other waste. But I don’t walk in the ditches.

    Feeling much better on this Monday morning. Our one day getaway flight to Goroka is tomorrow. We will even get to eat out and bring home some pizza.

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  46. I’ll need to dig a ditch.

    All the potted flowers and plants, front and back, got soaked. The potted impatiens are doing well, I try to water them a lot and keep them out of the sun. They’re so pretty. And the geraniums are getting huge. The hanging planters on the front porch are also doing well with their pretty trailing purple, pink and white tiny flowers on vines. I can’t remember what kind they are off hand, but they do like lots of water so I’m trying to oblige.

    Liked by 2 people

  47. I got that request from Kim also. Someone hacked my facebook page, so anyone who is friends beware any messages from me or new friend requests.


  48. This morning I had a Facebook Messenger message from Gary: “Dude! My Oldest Friend, My First Friend”. I’ve never thought about it that way, but he’s probably my first friend too. My family moved in next to his in August 1961, just before we both turned 4. I have no memory of playing with other children before that. I’m glad he remembers me that way.

    Liked by 8 people

  49. What a sweet blessing Kevin!
    Dj reading your post about your flowers gives me hope that perhaps one day this snow and cold will be gone and we will have a glorious green season with wildflowers strewn about the land. 💐 I am ready for the change!

    Liked by 2 people

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