26 thoughts on “Rants! and Raves! 2-3-18

  1. 🙂 I am almost finished with income tax

    I had an error a couple of days ago that took me about an hour to figure out.
    It told me that I got a refund of $13,592.
    I knew that wasn’t right. So I had to search for the problem.
    Never could find it. So I finally printed out a copy to compare with last year’s tax.
    Turns out, I told it that I had paid $86,703 in state tax. I don’t know where that number came from It isn’t a typo of something.
    Anyhow, I fixed it.
    Now, since I printed it, TurboTax think’s I’m finished and keeps wanting me to review.
    But I’m not ready yet.
    But almost.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elvera’s face looks terrible.
    Two black eyes.
    But she doesn’t hurt anywhere.
    We are very blessed.

    The official response to the question is:
    “She burned the toast.’


    Liked by 6 people

  3. There is a radio commercial on a local station which says “If you have $100,000 or more, we want to see you.” It takes more than a minute and they aren’t that blunt. But that’s what they’re saying.


  4. I hope people who know you and have a sense of humor are the only ones who hear that response, Chas.

    😒. People with no sense of humor who insist on injecting politics into every single conversation.

    🙁. One of my uncles died from complications from the flu. He was not young, but it was unexpected.

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  5. Chas, I had an elderly client who took a nasty fall (not on my watch, thankfully). Her black eyes got worse before they got better, and they took weeks to fade away.

    😦 A stressful semester – I feel taut inside from trying to keep up with everything I need to do.
    🙂 Sixth nephew – he looks small and wrinkly now, but if his length at birth and the size of his hands is any indication, he is going to be tall like his parents.
    🙂 Friends who pray – my mother said some old and very dear friends stopped by yesterday, and they asked after me specifically because they pray for me every day.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. 😦 It’s beyond stressful at work. This is hard, physically I feel like I’m tied up in a big knot. I’m ready for a stress leave!

    🙂 Former co-worker (in her 50s) now in a crash-course at UCLA for paralegal work is off and running, she finished her first week and it looks like it will be a new open door for her when she finishes in June.

    🙂 Another current co-worker has landed a job with a Tennessee newspaper so she gets to leave to another job, thankfully.

    🙂 People usually land on their feet after going through these layoffs and cutbacks (which we’ve experienced so often in the past, but this is one of the most drastic).

    🙂 More work scheduled in the driveway today (so that should be finished at long last), but I still need to figure out hiring a painter, although finances are a concern now with so much uncertainty going forward.

    🙂 God is over it all.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. 🙂 Husband returned safely from a good business trip to China.

    🙂 Back is nearly normal.

    🙂 Gym on Monday.

    🙂 Taxes done at work.

    🙂 Beautiful weather.

    🙂 Much to be thankful for.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. 🙂 I woke up pain free this morning. I lay in bed for an hour just enjoying it and marvelling that I didn’t hurt. I didn’t realize how many ‘little’ aches and pains I have every day (plus a few that are not so little). I am so thankful for that time this morning.

    😦 My hands have started hurting again (not too badly) but the rest of me is still good!! 🙂

    😦 DJ’s and Roscuro’s situations.

    🙂 I’m so glad God knows and is over it all

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Nice having husband back, he’s wondering what happened to the new washing machine he ordered (as in, why wasn’t it delivered?) and I’m about to point out a problem with the . . . dishwasher!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. 🙂 Had my consult with the eye surgeon Wednesday to get the cataract removed from my left eye (had the right one done in 2016), and they had just had a cancellation so I’m scheduled for surgery this coming Wednesday.
    😦 Wednesday evening I started to feel symptoms of a cold coming on. The first instruction for Wednesday is to call before going to the hospital if I have a cold. I don’t know how bad it has to be for them to decide not to do it. My husband thinks it’s just a matter of whether I can breathe more or less normally. The stuffiness comes and goes. I hope it’s gone by Wednesday.
    I wonder whether part of the issue is that a sneeze in the middle of surgery would probably be a bad thing.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Pauline, two reasons for needing to inform the hospital in one has a cold before cataract surgery are: 1) infection control; 2) avoiding anything that might increase the pressure inside the eye, such as coughing, sneezing, or blowing one’s nose.

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  12. 🙂 My husband and I just got to see a picture of a little tiny baby. It was quite a fuzzy photo too, or rather a fuzzy strip of photos, but that did not keep us from thinking it quite worth seeing.

    🙂 It is said to be a healthy little baby with a good strong heartbeat.

    😦 We don’t have a copy to put up on our fridge.

    Liked by 7 people

  13. Pauline, that I don’t know, as every hospital policy, and every surgeon’s preference, is different.

    Cheryl, so you are saying that the designation of grandmother is in your future?

    Liked by 4 people

  14. When we were courting, before we met in person and even before we knew this was “going anywhere,” my husband told me the story of his “real grandma.” His father’s mother died when his father was a young boy, and his father remarried a year or two later. So the step-grandmother is the only grandmother (on that side of the family) that my husband knew, and the one he knew best of all his grandparents. Like me, she married somewhat late in life and never bore her own children. My husband’s father was the youngest of the siblings and the only one who really accepted his stepmother. When she was old, my father-in-law asked her to come live with them, giving her the downstairs while he and his wife (my husband’s parents) moved upstairs so that she wouldn’t have to deal with the stairs. (The master bedroom is downstairs.) During that time, my husband lost his job and his home, and he and his wife and the girls moved in with his parents, so four generations lived under one roof for a few months, in one four-bedroom house.

    My husband said that one year he visited his grandmother for Mother’s Day, took her flowers I think, and she told him, “I know I’m not your real grandmother . . .” and he grabbed her by the shoulders, looked her in the eyes, and told her that absolutely she was his “real” grandmother!

    After telling me that story (which I have heard many times since, and the girls have also heard many times), my long-distance suitor told me that the girls were nearly grown and that whoever married him wouldn’t be “their mother” but would someday be grandmother to his children, and that having heard that story all their lives, and knowing how much he loved that grandmother, the girls would accept that role readily from his wife.

    It sent chills down me, because I knew by then that I would never bear my own children–but the thought of grandchildren had not even occurred to me. With the inability to have children usually comes the inability to have grandchildren, but as my peers were moving past the active child-rearing years and into grandparenting, I just might be able to step into that role myself!

    The reality is, the girls have accepted me as “mom” far more than I would have begun to imagine. A year and a half ago the mother of this babe walked down the aisle in a white dress, and she had her father say “Her mother and I do.” It’s all a little different than it would be if I had given birth to her. I myself have never been pregnant, for instance, and so what I know about that is all second-hand. (Though I have always been fascinated by pregnancy and birth and have read several books on the subject, and I live in a very large family and have been able to watch pregnancy up close and personal multiple times. So I’m not completely ignorant on the subject. I’ve also been on hand to see one birth and acted as “grandmother” in being present for the new mom and babe with all five of my sister’s babies, so I’m experienced in that role already.)

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Cheryl – Your husband’s story about his “real grandmother” is beautiful, and I am so happy for you that you will be a “real grandmother”, too. You will love it!

    I have a story that is similar to your husband’s, but from the “real grandfather’s” viewpoint.

    My mom had my brother when she was only 16, and his birth father denied that he was the father, although he was the only Mom had been with. When Brother was 7 1/2, Mom married Dad. Brother began calling him Dad as soon as the wedding was over, and Dad treated him, and thought of him, as his own son, and legally adopted him. (I have never thought of him as a “half brother”. Of course, the adoption does indeed make him my full brother.)

    Fast forward 30 some years. Mom and Dad are then grandparents to their “Three Beautiful Granddaughters” – my two daughters and Brother’s one. (I use capitalization because it was sort of implied in how they said it, like it was a title for them collectively. 🙂 ) At some time, Brother and SIL told Niece about her dad being adopted by her Papa. I can’t remember how old she was, but I think she was somewhere in the older elementary to early middle school age.

    Niece was hit hard, feeling like she wasn’t her beloved Papa’s “real” granddaughter. Dad sat her down and had a heart to heart talk with her, assuring her that she was every bit a real granddaughter as Nightingale and Chickadee were. She was very touched, and relieved, by Dad’s words.

    The funny and sweet thing is that my dad was blond-haired and blue-eyed, but the rest of us had brown hair and brown or hazel eyes. Except for Niece, who is blonde and blue-eyed. 🙂

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  16. Kizzie, I know someone (not someone close) who married a man who had a couple of children. About two years after they married, she was excited because she was going to have children “of her own.” At that moment, I was happy I will never bear “my own” children and my girls will never come in second to me (and never wonder if they do).

    Liked by 1 person

  17. 🙂 Congrats to Cheryl’s family. A new baby for Christmas. 🙂

    🙂 It feels & smells and looks like spring here this weekend. I prefer spring to come after a lot of rain and cooler weather which we didn’t (so far) get this year, but I’ll take it anyway. It is like a breath of fresh air when those days arrive.

    😦 We’ll likely skip the dog park later today. No one will be there due to the Super Bowl.


  18. DJ – I’m guessing that your Southern California winters are like our early springs in New England. 🙂

    My mom visited my cousins in the Napa area a little over a year after my dad died. It was January. She was amazed at the flowers and foliage she saw. As they would be walking outside, my cousin Artie would declare, “Hark! Bloomage!” 🙂


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